- acknowledge
- assert
- blurt out
- concede
- confide
- declare
- disclose
- divulge
- profess
- prove
- recognize
- relate
- reveal
- affirm
- allow
- attest
- aver
- avow
- blow
- chirp
- evince
- finger
- fink
- grant
- leak
- manifest
- narrate
- own
- post
- sing
- snitch
- squeal
- unload
- vent
- clue in
- come clean
- come out
- dump on
- humble oneself
- let on
- level with
- make clean breast of
- open one’s heart
- own up
- rat on
- sound off
- spill the beans
- spit out
- tip hand
- weasel
英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
confess | 白状する | (admit sin) |
告解する、ざんげする | ( 宗教 ) | |
If you don’t confess, your conscience will torture you. | ||
自白しなければ、良心があなたを苦しめるでしょう。 | ||
confess | (罪を)認める | (admit a crime) ( 犯罪 ) |
Police are hoping she’ll confess to avoid a trial. | ||
警察は、彼女が裁判を避けるために自白することを望んでいる. | ||
confess to [sth] | 認める、告白する | (admit [sth] ) |
A woman came to the police station and confessed to the murder. | ||
警察署に女性が来て、殺人を自白した。 | ||
confess | ~を自白する、白状する、告白する | (admit: crime, sin) ( 罪など ) |
(罪)をざんげする | ( 宗教 ) | |
confess to doing [sth] | ~したと認める、告白する | (admit doing [sth] ) |
Jim confessed to making a mess in the office kitchen. | ||
ジムはオフィスのキッチンを汚したことを告白した. | ||
confess [sth] to [sb] | ~に…したと自白する、告白する、白状する、認める | (admit guilt to [sb] ) ( 罪 ) |
Dwight confessed his guilt to his pastor. | ||
ドワイトは自分の罪を牧師に告白した。 | ||
confess [sth] | ~したと懺悔する | (admit: sins to a priest) ( 宗教 ) |
Mary suddenly felt that she needed to confess her sins. | ||
メアリーは突然、自分の罪を告白する必要があると感じました。 | ||
confess [sth] to [sb] | ~に…を懺悔する | (admit: sins to a priest) ( 宗教 ) |
Sophia confesses her sins to her priest frequently. | ||
ソフィアは頻繁に司祭に罪を告白します。 |
Although I confess I always considered something short of aggressiveness.
Do you hit me with phone books until I confess?
僕が告白するまで 電話帳で殴るとか?
He didn’t confess this time.
イラクでは罪を認めたのに 今度は そうせずに・・・
I confess I had dark moments.
私に暗黒の時があった事を 認めます
She wrote to her husband from jail worrying that she would confess under torture, even though she was innocent.
彼女は牢獄から夫に手紙を送り 無罪にもかかわらず拷問にかけられ 自白してしまいそうだと 不安を述べました
I confess my translation is not perfect.
Tears flow as people confess their sins.
I thought I should confess my sins.
But I confess that my family is broadminded.
I’ll confess that the opus of summer is less good than winters.
Yes, people openly confess their sins in public in some revivals.
Even those who are already saved will confess their sins – often openly before everyone.
And I would confess and ask them to forgive me.
He may as well confess his crimes.
I’ll confess, I find this rather annoying game.
私は告白します, 私はこのゲームをむしろ迷惑を見つける.
Will you confess your sins tonight? Or will you go home tonight without joy?
今晩、あなた方の罪を告白しませんか? それとも、今晩、喜びの無いまま家へ帰って行きますか?
“Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess“.
“あらゆる膝曲がり、あらゆる舌は” は告白する。
Why did he confess these sins first?
The murderer will soon confess his crime.
He then confess that he loves her.