- commemorate
- get
- learn
- look back
- recall
- recognize
- remind
- bethink
- cite
- educe
- elicit
- enshrine
- extract
- memorialize
- memorize
- mind
- recollect
- reminisce
- retain
- retrospect
- revive
- revoke
- treasure
- bear in mind
- brood over
- call to mind
- call up
- conjure up
- dig into the past
- dwell upon
- fix in the mind
- flash on
- go back
- have memories
- hold dear
- keep forever
- know by heart
- nail down
- refresh memory
- ring a bell
- strike a note
- summon up
- think back
英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
relive | ~を思い出す | (remember) |
relive | ~を追体験する 、 ~をもう一度繰り返す | (experience again) ( 想像によって ) |
We could relive my parents’ divorce.
私たちは 私の両親の離婚を追体験してもかまいません。
It’s almost like she wanted to relive it.
彼女が追体験したかったのは そう言う事だと思います
Defeat ultimate bosses and relive arcade glories.
With dishes like Japanese skewers and deep-fried food, you can relive the atmosphere of the Showa period.
In addition to showing appreciation engraved wedding favors will also help guests remember and relive the wedding experience for years to come.
Help the reader relive the memory with you..
読者があなたとの記憶を再び体験するのを助けなさい。 9 。
First, they can be used to relive memories and capture important moments.
Alternative nights with cabaret programs and music bar to relive the 60’s and 70’s.
キャバレー プログラムと 60 年代および 70 を追体験する音楽バー代替夜 ` s。
With therapy can relive the trauma and re-shape in a positive way to the path of healing.
For adults, it’s another way to relive one’s childhood.
Try very high values if you would like to relive your experiences from junior high school orchestra.
All we will do is reminisce and relive again the happiest moments of our lives.
The evening is a chance for the adults to reminisce and relive the nostalgia of this beloved holiday classic.
Journaling about one positive experience you’ve had over the past 24 hours allows your brain to relive it.
過去24時間のポジティブな体験を日記に書けば 脳がそれを追体験することになります
A Dr. Seuss Library Scavenger Hunt One of the perks that go along with becoming a parent is the opportunity to relive a piece of our childhood – through books.
Dr.Seuss図書館スカベンジャー・ハント 親になる特権の1つは、書籍を通じて、私たちの子供時代の一部を再現する機会です。
You know, we have more important things to do than to baby-sit some loser who just wants to relive his glory days.
重要なやるべき事がある 1部の敗者の子守より - その人は 栄光時代の追体験を望んでる
Recreate a party filled with memories and relive the elation of that once-in-a-life (?) day again.
A series of truly unforgettable moments that you can now relive through these exclusive images.
Through Brewster Lake Louise Stables, today’s visitors can relive the experience of the original visitors to Lake Louise.
ブリュースター・レイク・ルイーズ・スタブルズ(Brewster Lake Louise Stables)を通じ、今日の訪問者はレイクルイーズの元の訪問者の体験を再現することができます。
In the following, we call “relive” to act by using the experience record, the processed experience record used for it call “relive content”.
以下では、体験記録を利用して行動することを追体験と呼び、 そのために利用する、加工された体験記録を追体験コンテンツと呼ぶことにする。