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feudalism | 封建制度 | (system of landowners and serfs) ( 歴史 ) |
Feudalism was prevalent throughout Europe during the Middle Ages. | ||
封建制は、中世のヨーロッパ全体で流行していました。 |
The Third Stage: may be called feudalism; it appears after slave society collapses.
This is feudalism: one owner, many workers.
封建制です 1人の所有者に 多数の労働者
I walk in groups with peers to see the total with a little question: Does feudalism and private capital to impede the natural development?
私は仲間とのグループに少し質問を合計してください。 徒歩:自然な発達を阻害する封建制度と民間資本のか?
In the worst case scenario, corporations and government agencies could degenerate into warring factions, a new form of feudalism in which invisible forces use their control of information to wage murky wars for global domination.
Zheng and his advisers also introduced new laws and practices that ended feudalism in China, replacing it with a centralized, bureaucratic government.
It was agrarian, and the means of production and political system was called feudalism, and knowledge was concentrated in the church and the nobility.
農耕社会であり 生産や政治システムは封建主義と呼ばれ 知識は教会や貴族に独占されていました
On the other hand, another opinion has been proposed that the master-servant relationship is specific to Japan, being fundamentally different from that found in European feudalism.
Before feudalism was firmly established in Japan, Buddhism occupied the mainstream of Japanese thought.
In the late Middle Ages, man’s original mind was repressed, its free development blocked by the social environment of feudalism and the secularization and corruption of the Roman church.
The return to systemic agriculture coincided with the introduction of a new social system called feudalism.
The status of lords of shoen was guaranteed by undertaking the demand of the superior lords (see the details in the feudalism).
As mentioned above, he hated feudalism in which only the social standing of a family talks, as ‘the enemy of my father.’
Nationalism, capitalism, patriarchy, feudalism etcetera-all of these structures are placed so well in tandem that even if you dismantle one, the others will only unite to become stronger.
ナショナリズム、資本主義、家父長制、封建制など - これらのすべてが非常に巧みに相互補完的な構造を作っているため、もしその一つを取り除いたとしても、その他の要素が補完しあい、強度は増すばかり。
In the Mars trilogy, it is argued that capitalism is an outgrowth of feudalism, which could be replaced in the future by a more democratic economic system.
The Mirelli family was the last family who ruled over Teora until the abolition of feudalism in 1806.
In many cases, divisions of land such as cities and prefectures that remain in various regions today, are the vestiges of feudal territories in such areas, and even after feudalism shifted to other political systems, these were still used for regional division in each successive political system.
The introduction of feudalism from the 12th century and the expansion of the Kingdom of Scotland established the modern roots of Scots law, which was gradually influenced by other, especially Anglo-Norman and continental legal traditions.
The common feature is that these countries historically experienced feudalism which made these societies de-centralized or diffused, having weak states’ integration and stronger horizontal connections.
In many parts of Europe, with the Gregorian Reforms of the 11th century and the rise in feudalism, women faced many strictures that they did not face in the Early Medieval period.
In addition, since accomplishing Haihan-chiken and land-tax reform meant to destroy hundreds-year-long feudalism and the way the lands should be ruled, there was a high possibility in pursuing those reforms that samurai and peasants might have rebelled against the government.