





He enjoyed watching the sinuous bodies of the dancers.
The hikers followed the sinuous path through the trees.
【英単語】sinuousを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1


In the upper part of the section (from sample 9) micrornatus and sinuous re-occur, although these varieties previously disappeared in the lower part.
セクションの上部 (サンプル 9 から) では、micrornatus と sinous が再発生しますが、これらの変種は以前は下部で消えていました。
In this harmonically very unpretentious movement the composer achieves genuine poetry through understatement and delicate sculpting, especially of the sinuous line for solo alto.
この和声的に非常に控えめな楽章で、作曲家は控えめな表現と繊細な彫刻、特にソロ アルトの 曲がりくねっ たラインによって、本物の詩を実現します。
Also, several bright sinuous features, grading into fans, may be interpreted as gulleys or canyons.
また、いくつかの明るい 曲がりくねっ た特徴は、扇状に傾斜しており、峡谷または峡谷として解釈される場合があります。
【英単語】sinuousを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文2
Physically equation (51)simply states that the larger the amplitude of free bars the more sinuous the channel should be in order to suppress them.
物理的な式 (51) は、フリー バーの振幅が大きくなればなるほど、フリー バーを抑制するためにはチャネルがより 曲がりくねっ ていなければならないことを単純に示しています。
The route was very sinuous , and numerous streams were crossed.
ルートは非常に 曲がりくねって おり、多くの小川が交差していました。
The parallelism of the margins is maintained even when the fissure itself has a sinuous profile.
裂け目自体が 曲がりくねっ たプロファイルを持っている場合でも、マージンの平行度は維持されます。
【英単語】sinuousを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文3
Thus, it was clear that the blood flowed in sinuous vessels and did not spread over spaces, but was always contained within tubules.
したがって、血液が 曲がりくねっ た血管を流れ、空間に広がるのではなく、常に細管内に含まれていることは明らかでした。
Surfaces with sinuous wave-ripples indicate a position in a shoreface environment.
波状の 波紋 のある表面は、海岸環境内の位置を示しています。
Each quartier is separated from another by narrow, sinuous paths that also facilitate defense.
各区画は、防御を容易にする狭く 曲がりくねっ た小道によって別の区画から分離されています。
【英単語】sinuousを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文4
The road is very sinuous , following the inequalities of the uncertain ridge.
不確かな尾根の不平等に続いて、道は非常に 曲がりくねって います。






  • crooked
  • curved
  • meandering
  • serpentine
  • undulating
  • anfractuous
  • circuitous
  • coiling
  • convoluted
  • curvy
  • deviative
  • devious
  • flexuous
  • indirect
  • meandrous
  • snaky
  • supple
  • tortuous
  • twisting and turning
  • vagrant


  • straight
  • unwinding


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
sinuous 曲がりくねった (twisting and turning)


A pink-bellied snake slithers through the undergrowth, its sinuous form reflecting the curves of the woman’s hips and leg.
The true subject of the photograph is the sinuous, vermicular, richly subtle line that describes the silhouetted shape.
Pristine landscapes, immersed in the green of the valleys are sinuous and ancient villages of Umbria region.
What is surprising, however, is that the towering yet shy Jeremy has been fostering a hobby for ceramics since he was a child, crafting wafer-thin pottery out of natural clay to form sinuous shapes in beautiful earthy tones.
Bernard Villemot and Bally Chris Madigan explores the company’s enduring relationship with one of the most esteemed poster artists of the 20th century The phrase ‘classic French advertising’ usually conjures up thoughts of richly coloured lithographs with sinuous lines, capturing the aesthetics and sophisticated lifestyle of 1950s Europe.
Bernard Villemot and Bally 通常、フランス広告の古典といえば、1950年代ヨーロッパの美学や洗練されたライフスタイルを、しなやかな線と豊かな色合いで表現したリトグラフを思いおこすでしょう。
She is already typical of Ingres’s style, with its sumptuous textures (for example, the turban), sinuous harmony of line, and depiction of the serene attitude and chaste sensuality of the woman’s body-all enlisted in the quest for absolute perfection.
What has been seen in the Hall of Dubai 2013 it is an advanced prototype of the final production version, which could be ready in about 14 months, ie for the first or second quarter of 2015. In addition to its sinuous shapes and special tires created specifically for this alien, the highlight of devel Sixteen is his motor.
それはの第一又は第二四半期のすなわち、約14ヶ月で準備ができている可能性があり、最終的な製品版の高度なプロトタイプ、ドバイ2013のホールでは何を見てきました 2015. このために特別に作成されたそのしなやかな形状や特殊なタイヤに加え、 地球外, のハイライト develのシックスティーン あなたのです モーター. ラシッド・アル・アッタリアカウントによると、このhiperdeportivoが持っています V16エンジン ターボは大きな4を過給しました。
Whether in the form of a painting or an animation, figures are rendered in the same simplified manner, and yet somehow convey a real sense of a dancer’s lively movements or a model’s sinuous progress down the attention has focused on the dynamic creativity of this series.
2017 Nissan Juke: bet designA major and risky bets first Nissan Juke It was its revolutionary design. In this second generation, Japanese firm wants to “causing” drivers with Sinuous, futuristic, angular lines hardly go unnoticed to the human eye.
2017日産ジューク:ベットデザイン最初の主要なと危険な賭け 日産ジューク それでした その革新的なデザイン. この中 第2世代, 日本企業が望んでいるに ”原因” とドライバ しなやかな、未来的な、角度の線 ほとんど人間の目には見過ごしません。
Enamels played a large role in technique, while sinuous organic lines are the most recognisable design feature.
As rivers evolve, their meanders migrate outwards and the rivers become more sinuous.
On the façade there was the olive leaf, repeated by Tellas with sinuous rhythm and theatrical mimicry, so similar to an ivy that embraces the building and insinuates itself between the rigorous geometries of the windows.
Starting here, after testing the Diesel top end version, both urban roads and other somewhat sinuous, the XV It defends with ease.
テストした後、ここに始まります ディーゼル上端バージョン, 都市部の道路や他のややしなやか、XV両方 これは、簡単に守ります.
When you look closer at this region, you start to see things like sinuous channels – we didn’t know. You see a few round things.
この地域をよく見てみると 何かが見えてきます 波状の水路のようですが よくは分かりません 丸い物がものが見えます
Bouchardon’s figure has the same grace, but its sinuous movement surpasses that of its Italian model: the adolescent’s pivoting body forms a long spiral.
Inspired by the natural phenomenon of light rays streaming through openings in the clouds, called “Crepuscular rays”, microscopic pearls are used in the make-up in a gentle and sinuous array of colours.
Formerly a fish shop but now a trendy accessories store, Haarlemmerdijk 39 still bears its original decorative tiles featuring illustrations of sea creatures, plus sinuous window frames and a whimsical turret.
The Penguin Guide to Jazz described the original recording as a glorious 24-bar theme as sinuous and stinging as the beast of the title.
『The Penguin Guide to Jazz』は、オリジナルの録音について、栄光に輝く24小節のテーマは、タイトル通り、しなやかでありながら刺すようだ。
When I was watching Asai sensei performing an embu one day, I noticed that his power was filled with more surprises, his techniques more sinuous, beautiful, graceful and refined.
In the newly restored Maki-Kaede-zu, the green leaves of the pines on their gold ground contrast with the red autumn leaves of the maples, while the strong perpendicular lines of the straight trunks contrast with the sinuous lines of the curved trunks.





He enjoyed watching the sinuous bodies of the dancers.
The hikers followed the sinuous path through the trees.
【英単語】sinuousを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1


In the upper part of the section (from sample 9) micrornatus and sinuous re-occur, although these varieties previously disappeared in the lower part.
セクションの上部 (サンプル 9 から) では、micrornatus と sinous が再発生しますが、これらの変種は以前は下部で消えていました。
In this harmonically very unpretentious movement the composer achieves genuine poetry through understatement and delicate sculpting, especially of the sinuous line for solo alto.
この和声的に非常に控えめな楽章で、作曲家は控えめな表現と繊細な彫刻、特にソロ アルトの 曲がりくねっ たラインによって、本物の詩を実現します。
Also, several bright sinuous features, grading into fans, may be interpreted as gulleys or canyons.
また、いくつかの明るい 曲がりくねっ た特徴は、扇状に傾斜しており、峡谷または峡谷として解釈される場合があります。
【英単語】sinuousを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文2
Physically equation (51)simply states that the larger the amplitude of free bars the more sinuous the channel should be in order to suppress them.
物理的な式 (51) は、フリー バーの振幅が大きくなればなるほど、フリー バーを抑制するためにはチャネルがより 曲がりくねっ ていなければならないことを単純に示しています。
The route was very sinuous , and numerous streams were crossed.
ルートは非常に 曲がりくねって おり、多くの小川が交差していました。
The parallelism of the margins is maintained even when the fissure itself has a sinuous profile.
裂け目自体が 曲がりくねっ たプロファイルを持っている場合でも、マージンの平行度は維持されます。
【英単語】sinuousを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文3
Thus, it was clear that the blood flowed in sinuous vessels and did not spread over spaces, but was always contained within tubules.
したがって、血液が 曲がりくねっ た血管を流れ、空間に広がるのではなく、常に細管内に含まれていることは明らかでした。
Surfaces with sinuous wave-ripples indicate a position in a shoreface environment.
波状の 波紋 のある表面は、海岸環境内の位置を示しています。
Each quartier is separated from another by narrow, sinuous paths that also facilitate defense.
各区画は、防御を容易にする狭く 曲がりくねっ た小道によって別の区画から分離されています。
【英単語】sinuousを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文4
The road is very sinuous , following the inequalities of the uncertain ridge.
不確かな尾根の不平等に続いて、道は非常に 曲がりくねって います。






  • crooked
  • curved
  • meandering
  • serpentine
  • undulating
  • anfractuous
  • circuitous
  • coiling
  • convoluted
  • curvy
  • deviative
  • devious
  • flexuous
  • indirect
  • meandrous
  • snaky
  • supple
  • tortuous
  • twisting and turning
  • vagrant


  • straight
  • unwinding


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
sinuous 曲がりくねった (twisting and turning)


A pink-bellied snake slithers through the undergrowth, its sinuous form reflecting the curves of the woman’s hips and leg.
The true subject of the photograph is the sinuous, vermicular, richly subtle line that describes the silhouetted shape.
Pristine landscapes, immersed in the green of the valleys are sinuous and ancient villages of Umbria region.
What is surprising, however, is that the towering yet shy Jeremy has been fostering a hobby for ceramics since he was a child, crafting wafer-thin pottery out of natural clay to form sinuous shapes in beautiful earthy tones.
Bernard Villemot and Bally Chris Madigan explores the company’s enduring relationship with one of the most esteemed poster artists of the 20th century The phrase ‘classic French advertising’ usually conjures up thoughts of richly coloured lithographs with sinuous lines, capturing the aesthetics and sophisticated lifestyle of 1950s Europe.
Bernard Villemot and Bally 通常、フランス広告の古典といえば、1950年代ヨーロッパの美学や洗練されたライフスタイルを、しなやかな線と豊かな色合いで表現したリトグラフを思いおこすでしょう。
She is already typical of Ingres’s style, with its sumptuous textures (for example, the turban), sinuous harmony of line, and depiction of the serene attitude and chaste sensuality of the woman’s body-all enlisted in the quest for absolute perfection.
What has been seen in the Hall of Dubai 2013 it is an advanced prototype of the final production version, which could be ready in about 14 months, ie for the first or second quarter of 2015. In addition to its sinuous shapes and special tires created specifically for this alien, the highlight of devel Sixteen is his motor.
それはの第一又は第二四半期のすなわち、約14ヶ月で準備ができている可能性があり、最終的な製品版の高度なプロトタイプ、ドバイ2013のホールでは何を見てきました 2015. このために特別に作成されたそのしなやかな形状や特殊なタイヤに加え、 地球外, のハイライト develのシックスティーン あなたのです モーター. ラシッド・アル・アッタリアカウントによると、このhiperdeportivoが持っています V16エンジン ターボは大きな4を過給しました。
Whether in the form of a painting or an animation, figures are rendered in the same simplified manner, and yet somehow convey a real sense of a dancer’s lively movements or a model’s sinuous progress down the attention has focused on the dynamic creativity of this series.
2017 Nissan Juke: bet designA major and risky bets first Nissan Juke It was its revolutionary design. In this second generation, Japanese firm wants to “causing” drivers with Sinuous, futuristic, angular lines hardly go unnoticed to the human eye.
2017日産ジューク:ベットデザイン最初の主要なと危険な賭け 日産ジューク それでした その革新的なデザイン. この中 第2世代, 日本企業が望んでいるに ”原因” とドライバ しなやかな、未来的な、角度の線 ほとんど人間の目には見過ごしません。
Enamels played a large role in technique, while sinuous organic lines are the most recognisable design feature.
As rivers evolve, their meanders migrate outwards and the rivers become more sinuous.
On the façade there was the olive leaf, repeated by Tellas with sinuous rhythm and theatrical mimicry, so similar to an ivy that embraces the building and insinuates itself between the rigorous geometries of the windows.
Starting here, after testing the Diesel top end version, both urban roads and other somewhat sinuous, the XV It defends with ease.
テストした後、ここに始まります ディーゼル上端バージョン, 都市部の道路や他のややしなやか、XV両方 これは、簡単に守ります.
When you look closer at this region, you start to see things like sinuous channels – we didn’t know. You see a few round things.
この地域をよく見てみると 何かが見えてきます 波状の水路のようですが よくは分かりません 丸い物がものが見えます
Bouchardon’s figure has the same grace, but its sinuous movement surpasses that of its Italian model: the adolescent’s pivoting body forms a long spiral.
Inspired by the natural phenomenon of light rays streaming through openings in the clouds, called “Crepuscular rays”, microscopic pearls are used in the make-up in a gentle and sinuous array of colours.
Formerly a fish shop but now a trendy accessories store, Haarlemmerdijk 39 still bears its original decorative tiles featuring illustrations of sea creatures, plus sinuous window frames and a whimsical turret.
The Penguin Guide to Jazz described the original recording as a glorious 24-bar theme as sinuous and stinging as the beast of the title.
『The Penguin Guide to Jazz』は、オリジナルの録音について、栄光に輝く24小節のテーマは、タイトル通り、しなやかでありながら刺すようだ。
When I was watching Asai sensei performing an embu one day, I noticed that his power was filled with more surprises, his techniques more sinuous, beautiful, graceful and refined.
In the newly restored Maki-Kaede-zu, the green leaves of the pines on their gold ground contrast with the red autumn leaves of the maples, while the strong perpendicular lines of the straight trunks contrast with the sinuous lines of the curved trunks.

