




crooked teeth
【英単語】crookedを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1





  • curved
  • curving
  • devious
  • errant
  • gnarled
  • meandering
  • serpentine
  • sinuous
  • twisted
  • twisting
  • winding
  • bowed
  • contorted
  • crippled
  • deformed
  • deviating
  • disfigured
  • distorted
  • hooked
  • rambling
  • skewed
  • slanted
  • spiral
  • tilted
  • warped
  • zigzag
  • agee
  • anfractuous
  • angular
  • asymmetric
  • awry
  • catawampus
  • circuitous
  • cockeyed
  • incurving
  • indirect
  • irregular
  • kinky
  • knurly
  • lopsided
  • misshapen
  • not straight
  • oblique
  • out of shape
  • roundabout
  • screwy
  • snaky
  • topsy-turvy
  • tortile
  • tortuous
  • uneven


  • straight
  • unbent
  • good
  • honest
  • law-abiding
  • lawful
  • moral


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
crooked 曲がった 、 湾曲した 、 屈曲した 、 ねじれた (not straight)
奇形の 、 不具の ( 体の一部などが )
Every line I draw is crooked.
crooked 不正な 、 詐欺の 、 悪徳の figurative, informal ( [sth] : corrupt)
The deal was crooked; the mayor made sure that the contract went to his friends.
crooked ひねくれた 、 不正直な figurative, informal (person: corrupt) ( 心の曲がった )
Crooked inspectors had been taking bribes to approve unsafe buildings.


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
crook [sb] out of [sth] 〜から〜をだまし取る、〜から〜を巻き上げる slang (obtain from [sb] by swindling)
The conman who knocked on my grandad’s door managed to crook him out of his life savings.
crook ~を曲げる 、 湾曲させる (bend)
crook ~をだます 、 欺く 、 ~にいかさまをする slang (swindle)


If today was not a crooked highway
Leaning corners, crooked walls, even sheets can therefore be easily coated by the layman.
傾いコーナー, 曲がった壁, でもシートは、したがって簡単に素人で塗布できます.
Check out the crooked, bone-like handle of Voldemort’s.
The tree with its crooked branches was just fine.
曲がった枝の木でも 全然いいんです
I saw the stone door and the crooked windows.
私は 石の扉と 曲がった窓を見ました
The hotel’s garden again mess, trees, flowers have been blown down east west crooked.
Abandoned boat landing, crooked stone paths loyalty extends to the next church.
Obviously, letters from Nigeria, fake paypal emails, and the host of other either crooked or just plain annoying emails can clearly be defined as spam.
She had a rosy face, dark, small lips, crooked Xiumei.
Shilin Stone crooked drunk the group effort, but has fallen, as hundreds of soldiers kick down the victory carnival feast, drunkenness Keju.
Thorns and snares are in the way of the crooked; whoever guards his soul will keep far from them.
曲がった 者の 道にはいばらとわながある. たましいを 守る 者はこれらから 遠ざかる.
As things pick up late the night before last, a serious shortage of sleep, I sat crooked chair, a bit listless.
However, his heart is very genuine, and simple and he hates crooked and wicked things.
We are made from crooked timber, vulnerable to illusions, self-centeredness and at times astounding stupidity.
曲がった木から作られ 幻想や利己主義という 弱さを持ち 時に驚くような 愚かさを見せる
He had a starring role in the 2002 return of Auf Wiedersehen, Pet, portraying crooked politician Jeffrey Grainger.
彼はで主演の役割を持っていた、 2002 さよならのリターン, ペット, 曲がった政治家ジェフリー・グレインジャーを描い.
Crevasse danger for them is simply pediatrics! And here are carrying slider, tourists carefully crooked path for them to wear Jiefang Xie Rulvpingdi!
彼らのためにクレバスの危険だけで小児科です! とここに彼らのために解放謝Rulvpingdiを着て、観光客を慎重に曲がったパススライダを運んでいる!
▒ SHIMMIAN Clinic ▒ There are no clinics that can beat us in revising the hump or crooked nose by touching the nasal bones.
▒ SHIMMIAN Clinic ▒ 曲がった鼻の矯正の際はしゃしんの右側のようにまっ直ぐな軟骨などを入れることができます。
Those are the obvious ones, but names such as Cameron mean “crooked nose”, as this comes from the Gaelic cam “crooked” and sròn “nose”.
これらは明白なものですが、キャメロンのような名前は曲がった鼻を意味します。これはゲール語 カム ”曲がった“と sròn ”鼻”。
If tonight was not a crooked trail
Siberian rivers can be very crooked.




crooked teeth
【英単語】crookedを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1





  • curved
  • curving
  • devious
  • errant
  • gnarled
  • meandering
  • serpentine
  • sinuous
  • twisted
  • twisting
  • winding
  • bowed
  • contorted
  • crippled
  • deformed
  • deviating
  • disfigured
  • distorted
  • hooked
  • rambling
  • skewed
  • slanted
  • spiral
  • tilted
  • warped
  • zigzag
  • agee
  • anfractuous
  • angular
  • asymmetric
  • awry
  • catawampus
  • circuitous
  • cockeyed
  • incurving
  • indirect
  • irregular
  • kinky
  • knurly
  • lopsided
  • misshapen
  • not straight
  • oblique
  • out of shape
  • roundabout
  • screwy
  • snaky
  • topsy-turvy
  • tortile
  • tortuous
  • uneven


  • straight
  • unbent
  • good
  • honest
  • law-abiding
  • lawful
  • moral


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
crooked 曲がった 、 湾曲した 、 屈曲した 、 ねじれた (not straight)
奇形の 、 不具の ( 体の一部などが )
Every line I draw is crooked.
crooked 不正な 、 詐欺の 、 悪徳の figurative, informal ( [sth] : corrupt)
The deal was crooked; the mayor made sure that the contract went to his friends.
crooked ひねくれた 、 不正直な figurative, informal (person: corrupt) ( 心の曲がった )
Crooked inspectors had been taking bribes to approve unsafe buildings.


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
crook [sb] out of [sth] 〜から〜をだまし取る、〜から〜を巻き上げる slang (obtain from [sb] by swindling)
The conman who knocked on my grandad’s door managed to crook him out of his life savings.
crook ~を曲げる 、 湾曲させる (bend)
crook ~をだます 、 欺く 、 ~にいかさまをする slang (swindle)


If today was not a crooked highway
Leaning corners, crooked walls, even sheets can therefore be easily coated by the layman.
傾いコーナー, 曲がった壁, でもシートは、したがって簡単に素人で塗布できます.
Check out the crooked, bone-like handle of Voldemort’s.
The tree with its crooked branches was just fine.
曲がった枝の木でも 全然いいんです
I saw the stone door and the crooked windows.
私は 石の扉と 曲がった窓を見ました
The hotel’s garden again mess, trees, flowers have been blown down east west crooked.
Abandoned boat landing, crooked stone paths loyalty extends to the next church.
Obviously, letters from Nigeria, fake paypal emails, and the host of other either crooked or just plain annoying emails can clearly be defined as spam.
She had a rosy face, dark, small lips, crooked Xiumei.
Shilin Stone crooked drunk the group effort, but has fallen, as hundreds of soldiers kick down the victory carnival feast, drunkenness Keju.
Thorns and snares are in the way of the crooked; whoever guards his soul will keep far from them.
曲がった 者の 道にはいばらとわながある. たましいを 守る 者はこれらから 遠ざかる.
As things pick up late the night before last, a serious shortage of sleep, I sat crooked chair, a bit listless.
However, his heart is very genuine, and simple and he hates crooked and wicked things.
We are made from crooked timber, vulnerable to illusions, self-centeredness and at times astounding stupidity.
曲がった木から作られ 幻想や利己主義という 弱さを持ち 時に驚くような 愚かさを見せる
He had a starring role in the 2002 return of Auf Wiedersehen, Pet, portraying crooked politician Jeffrey Grainger.
彼はで主演の役割を持っていた、 2002 さよならのリターン, ペット, 曲がった政治家ジェフリー・グレインジャーを描い.
Crevasse danger for them is simply pediatrics! And here are carrying slider, tourists carefully crooked path for them to wear Jiefang Xie Rulvpingdi!
彼らのためにクレバスの危険だけで小児科です! とここに彼らのために解放謝Rulvpingdiを着て、観光客を慎重に曲がったパススライダを運んでいる!
▒ SHIMMIAN Clinic ▒ There are no clinics that can beat us in revising the hump or crooked nose by touching the nasal bones.
▒ SHIMMIAN Clinic ▒ 曲がった鼻の矯正の際はしゃしんの右側のようにまっ直ぐな軟骨などを入れることができます。
Those are the obvious ones, but names such as Cameron mean “crooked nose”, as this comes from the Gaelic cam “crooked” and sròn “nose”.
これらは明白なものですが、キャメロンのような名前は曲がった鼻を意味します。これはゲール語 カム ”曲がった“と sròn ”鼻”。
If tonight was not a crooked trail
Siberian rivers can be very crooked.

