[ T ]
英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
dabble in [sth] | かじる、ちょっと手を出す、ちょっとした活動を行う | informal (do [sth] occasionally) ( 趣味など ) |
Although on occasion she would dabble in poetry, her literary reputation is based entirely on her work as a novelist. | ||
詩の分野でも時たまちょっとした活動を行ってはいたものの、彼女の文学的な評判は、小説家として発表した彼女の作品のみから得られている。 | ||
dabble | かじる、ちょっと手を出す、ちょっとした活動を行う | informal (do [sth] occasionally) ( 趣味など ) |
“Are you a painter?” “I’ve been known to dabble.” | ||
「あなたは画家なのですか?」「昔にちょっとかじった程度です。」 | ||
dabble | (水中の餌を)食べる | (duck: feed in water) |
These ducks often feed by dabbling in shallow water. | ||
これらのカモは、しばしば浅瀬に手を出して餌を与えます。 |
If they perhaps really ever wanted to go to the field, let them prefer realize to whom they would like dabble in the craft.
Shixiang Hu, Chaoyang Lake attractions of these systems in the Longmen Shan, the future will not just see the flowers, dabble in the sightseeing, the more they will have high-end theme park, upscale clubs such as diversification of tourism projects in Chengdu High end quality of destination tourism resort.
Otherwise…:) Suitable preparations for the sunscreen, hand cream (in Yangshuo, you have to always dabble, but also very easy chap’s hand-cycling, especially in winter) Flashlights, headlights, life-saving post Biexian troubles onto it, read my travel notes you will know that it is important.
不可欠な製品:製品の洗浄(通常のホテル、しかし、品質が低下する、特にタオルやもたらす準備されますが良い)自分の Bashansheshui晩まで、日中はもっと準備、これらの洗浄服朔(で、最高の服を着て秋のバーインチそれ以外の場合… :)に浴びて、 日焼け止め、ハンドクリーム陽朔(のに適しての準備、いつでも手を出すが、ある冬の特にも非常に簡単なやつの手で、自転車) 懐中電灯、ヘッドライト、生命をその上からBiexianトラブルポスト省エネ、私の旅することが重要です知っているノートをお読みください。
The right foot (important for the stability) is crumpled half an inch to facilitate the first step. The carved wooden heads of beech or cypress because it is more flexible, are painted in the next step by starting eyed puppeteer, until a few years ago, they were specialist craftsmen to dabble in this arduous task, today are the same puppeteers carving and paint the heads according to the needs of the script, They convey the expressive vitality in.
右足 (安定性にとって重要な) 最初のステップを容易にするために、半インチのしわのよった. ブナやヒノキの木彫りの頭には、より柔軟であるため、, 目の人形を開始することで、次のステップで描かれている, 数年前まで、彼らはこの骨の折れる作業に手を出すために専門の職人であった, 今日は、同じ人形の彫刻であり、スクリプトのニーズに応じてヘッドをペイント, 彼らは、表現力豊かな活力をに伝える.
Well, I dabble in it.
ええ まあ… たしなむ程度には
I often dabble in a cup with a spontaneous laugh that makes my lips spasm.
Admittedly, I like to dabble in campfire cuisine as well.
There are also daily set meals for visitors to dabble in the simple but memorable culinary culture.
And I won’t forget about my family just because I dabble in politics.
政治に手を出したからって 仲間は忘れない
The entire scenic area is large, that is, to swim and also dabble mountains, geological structure and unique attractions.
However, Shun’s dreams of becoming a pianist were broken, and he has started to dabble in crime.
You might be surprised at the endless options! Whether your child wants to dabble in a variety of activities or pursue a passion, Trico Centre can help them develop a healthy, active lifestyle.
あなたは無限のオプションに驚くかもしれません! お子様がさまざまな活動に手を出したい、または情熱を追求したい場合、Trico Centerは健康でアクティブなライフスタイルの開発を支援できます。
But when you’re multipassionate, you want to dip and dabble in those different things.
でも いろんなことに 興味があれば そういったことに ちょっと 手を出してみたくなるものです
However, those that dabble in the stock market will likely say that these patterns are everything when it comes to deciding when to invest and when to cash out.
Because I’m more comfortable I’ve started to dabble with no-limit games in the last week and there is something I can’t get my head around, why the pathetic raises?
Mental Health Benefits Discover a new passion Volunteering allows you to dabble in an activity or role that may have always sparked your interest, but you never got around to trying.
心理的なメリット 情熱を注げる新しい発見ボランティア活動は、気になっていたけれど今までやってこられなかった活動や役割を体験できます。
This mode of thinking isn’t just something to dabble in when you’re thinking about minimizing the damage if the next attack.
I love to teach, and it was mentioned by the previous speaker that I enjoy poetry, and I dabble in it a bit, and love it.
さっきの人も言っていたが 私はには詩の趣味がある
Characteristics of Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of catering is based on meat and dairy products mainly in restaurant near Xiahe can eat authentic Tibetan meal, you can dabble, if not used, then there are a lot of Sichuan restaurants in Xiahe, that satisfy the tastes of most people.
Large valley in the town square accompanied by beer, the river Po river moist air beer and enjoy the food Pujiang country; to dabble Heshan Town, Ryukoku hydrophilic, enjoy river fish river ducks, green Pujiang provided for the public good casual summer place, for a summer cool feeling, and quickly get going!