





The defeat was the nadir of her career.


At its nadir in the mid-1980s, the pound was almost at parity with the dollar.
1980 年代半ば底値では、ポンドはドルとほぼ同等でした。
物理 特化した

【特定の場所の真下の点、または天体 (= 宇宙に存在するすべての物体、特に惑星または太陽) が周回する、または周回するように見える別の物体が到達する最低点】の意味として使われています。

The sun, or any celestial body, is said to be at its nadir when at its lowest point. The opposite, highest point is said to be its zenith.
【英単語】nadirを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1


However, tomato plants had highly elongated and complex canopies that could not be easily measured from either a nadir or horizontal orientation.
In the run up to the first presidential election under the new constitution in 1965, relations between farmers and the government reached their nadir .
1965 年の新憲法下での最初の大統領選挙に向けて、農民と政府の関係はどん底に達しました。
The incidence then falls, reaching a nadir around 45 years, and then increases steadily with age.
その後、発生率は低下し、45 歳前後で最下点に達し、その後、年齢とともに着実に増加します。
【英単語】nadirを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文2
Immediately after birth, pulmonary resistance lowers progressively, reaching its nadir at 3 months.
Each begins its trajectory headed in a conservative direction, and hits a conservative nadir near the end of the 1970s.
それぞれが保守的な方向に向かう軌道を開始し、1970 年代の終わり近くに保守的などん底に達します。
The decline reached its nadir with the cohort of 1911-16.
減少は 1911 年から 1916 年のコホートで最低に達しました。
【英単語】nadirを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文3
Of the three plants tested, pepper canopies were the easiest to image from the nadir position, and tomatoes were the most problematic.
テストした 3 つの植物の中で、トウガラシのキャノピーが天底の位置からの画像を作成するのが最も簡単で、トマトが最も問題がありました。
We will soon examine the implications of this extraordinary binary as the nadir of a clinical gaze built upon a principle of exclusions.
The pharmacokinetic studies reveal, nonetheless, that supplementation with triiodothyronine results in serum levels which have a nadir at 24 hours.
【英単語】nadirを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文4
The fireplace is pivotal to the design, under the butterfly roof’s nadir and the switchback ramp landing.
暖炉は、バタフライ ルーフの天底とスイッチバック ランプの踊り場の下で、デザインにとって極めて重要です。





  • rock bottom
  • base
  • bottom
  • floor
  • all-time low
  • low point
  • record low
  • zero level


  • top


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
nadir 天底 (astronomy: point directly below) ( 天文 )
The Sun is at its nadir at midnight.
nadir 底、一番下 figurative (lowest point)
The loss of his job and his wife marked the nadir of his life.


One of the notable feature of the JEM-GLIMS mission is to carry out nadir observation of lightning and TLEs from the ISS orbital altitude (~400 km).
JEM-GLIMSの大きな特徴は,高度400 kmの軌道上から高高度放電発光現象を天底観測することにあり,このため,地上観測からは困難であったスプライトの水平方向の空間的発生分布を詳細にとらえることができる点にあります。
Starting from the position wu chi we connect with the earth imagining that the soles of our feet send roots, feeling trees, that penetrate the earth to its deepest core, Nadir, from which we receive energy and stability.
位置から開始 wu chi 私たちは、私たちの足の裏には根を送ることを想像し、地球との接続, 気持ちの木, その深いコアに地球を貫通する, 天底, 我々は、エネルギーおよび安定性を受け取り、そこから.
For example, with drug A, you will experience the nadir between 7 and 14 days after administration.
After the nadir, your blood cell counts will gradually return to their normal values.
Because the position of the nadir differs by treatment and timeline, be sure to confirm on when this point is with your doctor or nurses.
この最下点は治療の内容、スケジュールによって異なります。 医師または看護師に確認して知っておくことが大切です。
The end of 1941 saw the nadir of British naval fortunes in the Mediterranean.
Although mandatory busing ended in the 1990s, Cleveland continued to slide into poverty, reaching a nadir in 2004 when it was named the poorest major city in the United States.
The HTV2 will be returned to the nadir port of Harmony after Discovery undocks from the ISS.
Those who remained experienced continuing deterioration of conditions, which reached their nadir during the drought that began in the late 1920s and created the infamous Dust Bowl.
The largest echo peak (red point) is from the nadir surface of the Moon.
KOUNOTORI3 will soon be berthed to the nadir port of Harmony (node 2).
From the RI point, the nadir side of the ISS, the HTV-1 will slowly move upward to the ISS.
If you look down from the satellite side, we had a difficult problem in eliminating the influence of the ground.When you look only nadir direction from the satellite, there might be small problems.
When the weight reaches the vicinity of its apex, the weight is moved in the direction away from the rotational shaft, and when it reaches the vicinity of its nadir, the weight is moved in the direction toward the rotational shaft, whereby continuous rotational torque is generated by the overall center of gravity of the rotational body being shifted away from the rotational shaft.
The KOUNOTORI2 will be moved from the Common Berthing Mechanism (CBM) at the nadir port of Harmony to the zenith port of Harmony with the SSRMS manipulated by the ISS crew.
長期滞在クルーが操作するSSRMSにより、こうのとり2号機は、現在結合しているハーモニー(第2結合部)の下側(地球側)の共通結合機構(Common Berthing Mechanism: CBM)から上側(天頂側)のCBMに移動されます。
During the cancellation period, it was proposed that a Multi Purpose Module (MPM) called Enterprise should be docked to Zarya, and later the Multipurpose Laboratory Module (MLM) was proposed to be located there as well, but the Enterprise module has since been cancelled and the MLM will be docked to Zvezda’s nadir port instead.
キャンセルされていた間に、同じ場所にはエンタープライズと呼ばれる多目的モジュール(Multi Purpose Module, MPM)を結合すべきだとの提案や、多目的実験モジュール(Multipurpose Laboratory Module, MLM)の結合が提案されたが、エンタープライズは承認されず、MLMもズヴェズダ区画の下部ドッキングポートに取りつけられる事になった。
PRISM (Panchromatic Remote-sensing Instrument for Stereo Mapping) | Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan “PRISM” has three independent optical systems for viewing nadir, forward and backward producing a stereoscopic image along the satellite’s track.
PRISM | 一般財団法人リモート・センシング技術センター ALOSに搭載された光学センサ(パンクロ)。3組の光学系を持ち、前方、直下、後方の3方向画像を同時に取得できる。
On the curved line, if an angle formed by a tangent line (LM) of an intermediate point (M) between the vertex (T) of one protrusion and the nadir (B) of one recess adjacent to the protrusion, and a tangent line (LT) of the vertex (T), is designated as Өa, which is an angle that grows larger the farther intermediate point (M) is from the vertex (T), the curved line has a portion that satisfies the condition Өa>=60º.
In telling the negative history of ‘Ichinomiya the Textile Town,’ this incident represents the absolute nadir, a fact that led the Board of Education for the city of Ichinomiya to publish a supplementary reader for Middle School-level Social Studies entitled “Nobiyuku Ichinomiya” (Ichinomiya: the growing city).
Nadir and Leila disappeared into the light.

