英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
makeshift | 一時的な 、 暫定的な 、 当座の | (temporary, improvised) |
間に合わせの 、 仮の | ||
The student used his kitchen table as a makeshift desk. | ||
その学生は台所のテーブルをその場しのぎの机として使った. | ||
makeshift | 一時しのぎの物 、 間に合わせ | (improvised substitute) |
Ryan used a crate as a makeshift before his new desk was delivered. | ||
ライアンは、新しい机が届く前に木枠をその場しのぎとして使用しました。 |
英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
makeshift camp | 簡易宿泊所、一時的な宿泊所 | (temporary settlement or shanty) |
When the plane crashed on the island, they made a makeshift camp for the first few nights. | ||
飛行機が島に墜落したとき、彼らは最初の数晩の間、その場しのぎのキャンプを作りました。 |
He arranged for us to meet other couples in their makeshift photo studio.
彼は仮設スタジオで カップルに会えるように手配してくれました
The employer shall not use makeshift wiring or movable electric cables on the sides of passages.
Volunteers take the children into a makeshift store and let them pick their favorite gift.
Is not far to run out, sideways in front of a street, a lot of makeshift stalls.
Ewing confined those arrested in a series of makeshift prisons in Kansas City.
Hit jump after the end of the bar side of the river we went to a small makeshift dinner.
Most houses are made from branches and makeshift construction materials such as plastic canisters, bottles and iron sheeting.
The reception of the Hotel Ukraine became a makeshift morgue.
ホテルウクライナのフロントは 仮設の遺体安置所と化しました
For years, the Zabbaleen would live in makeshift villages
長年の間 ザバリーンの人々は 仮設の村に住み
Such makeshift settlements are considered illegal, and therefore those living in them don’t have a chance of making their voices heard.
そんな仮設住宅地は違法とされていて そこに住む人々には 自分の声を届ける機会は ありません
Cabin environment really is general, but can also live in makeshift housing on the boss talked about the price: 70 yuan a feel okay.
Look for period images on newspapers stuffed into the walls as makeshift insulation.
The fate of people living in the makeshift settlements on the outskirts of Paris is hidden and faded from view.
パリ郊外にある 仮設住宅で暮らす 人々の運命は 隠蔽され 見えにくくなっています
Alexander’s army built a makeshift pathway over seawater just to effectively siege the island-city of Tyre in 332 BC!
5) アレキサンダー大王の軍隊は効果的にタイヤの島都市を包囲するだけの海水をその場しのぎの経路を構築 332 紀元前!
With great difficulty to find a small hotel, a Tibetan, 150 a night, pretty makeshift bar.
I shuttle in makeshift stalls selling everything from next to the East to see the West look at.
A mosque in northern Bosnia was destroyed by Serbian artillery and was used as a makeshift morgue.
北ボスニアのモスクはセルビアの砲兵隊に破壊され 仮設の死体安置所として使われました
Still not a string company, he ordered separate strings in various sizes and displayed them in a makeshift case allowing musicians to experiment in creating their own sets.
Now only buy the next morning’s first class hard seat, 6 hours, makeshift bar.
Hospitality involves schools and government, but most of the population is housed in makeshift refugee camps and therefore unfit for monitoring the health situation.