





His angled shot beat the goalkeeper from 20 metres.
彼の斜めのショットは、ゴールキーパーを 20 メートルから打ち負かしました。
An angled mirror at the end of the drive allows you to see any oncoming cars.
【英単語】angledを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1






  • bent
  • crooked
  • hooked


  • straight


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
angle 角度 、 角 、 頂点の内角 (corner, intersection of two lines) ( 2辺の間の部分 )
The lines meet at a sharp angle.
angle 観点 、 見方 、 視点 figurative (viewpoint)
考え方 、 見識 、 立脚点
From John’s angle, the plan did not seem like a good idea.
angle ~を曲げる 、 ~に角度をつける (bend [sth] )
~を折る 、 ~に角度をつけて折り目をつける
angle for [sth] 画策する figurative (try to obtain indirectly)
Angling for a raise, Darren worked overtime for several weeks in a row.
angle 傾く (slant, be at an angle)
The dancer’s torso angled forwards as her left leg angled up behind her.
angle 着手する角度 、 取り掛かる地点 figurative (attempted approach)
攻め方 、 取り掛かる方法 、 企画の立脚点
Justin decided to approach the problem from a different angle.
angle 興味深い着手方法 、 面白い立脚点 figurative (approach, focus)
The actor liked the director’s unique angle.


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
acute angle 鋭角 geometry (angle measuring up to 90 degrees)
A right triangle has one right angle and two acute angles.
直角三角形には、1 つの直角と 2 つの鋭角があります。
angle bracket 山括弧 (symbol: chevron)
Angle brackets are also used as greater-than and less-than symbols.
angle of attack 迎え角 (plane: wing angle)
Changing the angle of attack of a wing changes the lift it generates.
at an angle 斜めに (diagonally, obliquely)
He hung the picture up without a spirit level so it was at an angle.
camera angle カメラアングル (position: filming, photographing) ( カメラ )
That photographer uses awkward camera angles, taking pictures from the ground.
その写真家は、ぎこちないカメラ アングルを使って、地面から写真を撮っています。
caster angle,
castor angle
キャスター角 (steering axis slope) ( 自動車 )
oblique angle 斜角、斜めの角度 (slant)
oblique angle 鈍角、鋭角 (geometry: acute or obtuse angle) ( 幾何学 )
obtuse angle 鈍角 (geometry: angle between 90 and 180 degrees) ( 図形 )
perpendicular angle 直角 (right angle, 90-degree angle) ( 図形 )
A rectangle has four perpendicular angles.
長方形には 4 つの垂直な角度があります。
right angle 直角 (angle of 90 degrees) ( 角度 )
The floor slopes – it doesn’t form a right angle with the wall!
床が傾いている – 壁と直角にならない!
right-angled 直角の (at 90 degrees)
vertical angle 対頂角 (angle on either side of an intersection) ( 幾何学 )


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
angle 角度 、 角 、 頂点の内角 (corner, intersection of two lines) ( 2辺の間の部分 )
The lines meet at a sharp angle.
angle 観点 、 見方 、 視点 figurative (viewpoint)
考え方 、 見識 、 立脚点
From John’s angle, the plan did not seem like a good idea.
angle ~を曲げる 、 ~に角度をつける (bend [sth] )
~を折る 、 ~に角度をつけて折り目をつける
angle for [sth] 画策する figurative (try to obtain indirectly)
Angling for a raise, Darren worked overtime for several weeks in a row.
angle 傾く (slant, be at an angle)
The dancer’s torso angled forwards as her left leg angled up behind her.
angle 着手する角度 、 取り掛かる地点 figurative (attempted approach)
攻め方 、 取り掛かる方法 、 企画の立脚点
Justin decided to approach the problem from a different angle.
angle 興味深い着手方法 、 面白い立脚点 figurative (approach, focus)
The actor liked the director’s unique angle.


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
acute angle 鋭角 geometry (angle measuring up to 90 degrees)
A right triangle has one right angle and two acute angles.
直角三角形には、1 つの直角と 2 つの鋭角があります。
angle bracket 山括弧 (symbol: chevron)
Angle brackets are also used as greater-than and less-than symbols.
angle of attack 迎え角 (plane: wing angle)
Changing the angle of attack of a wing changes the lift it generates.
at an angle 斜めに (diagonally, obliquely)
He hung the picture up without a spirit level so it was at an angle.
camera angle カメラアングル (position: filming, photographing) ( カメラ )
That photographer uses awkward camera angles, taking pictures from the ground.
その写真家は、ぎこちないカメラ アングルを使って、地面から写真を撮っています。
caster angle,
castor angle
キャスター角 (steering axis slope) ( 自動車 )
oblique angle 斜角、斜めの角度 (slant)
oblique angle 鈍角、鋭角 (geometry: acute or obtuse angle) ( 幾何学 )
obtuse angle 鈍角 (geometry: angle between 90 and 180 degrees) ( 図形 )
perpendicular angle 直角 (right angle, 90-degree angle) ( 図形 )
A rectangle has four perpendicular angles.
長方形には 4 つの垂直な角度があります。
right angle 直角 (angle of 90 degrees) ( 角度 )
The floor slopes – it doesn’t form a right angle with the wall!
床が傾いている – 壁と直角にならない!
right-angled 直角の (at 90 degrees)
vertical angle 対頂角 (angle on either side of an intersection) ( 幾何学 )


Hitting in the edges allows for more angled shots.
Weasel Wire is hydrophilic guide wire with steerable, angled tip.
Weasel Wireは、舵がきく、先端に角度のついた親水性のガイドワイヤーです。
The bellows section is angled downwards away from the engine.
Additionally, optional angled racks can be used to turn the wine cellar into a display case.
A standard compensation method is the angled miter, as illustrated below.
Chisel style is like the angled flat surface of some pens and markers.
Can pinpoint target with angled nozzle head.
The presence of a contralateral ppv (cPPV) or hernia can be identified by the passage of a 70-degree angled telescope through the hernia sac prior to ligation.
対PPVの存在 (cPPV) またはヘルニアは、ライゲーション前にヘルニア嚢を通じ70度の角度の望遠鏡の通過によって識別することができます.
The value entered here defines the degree at which the gradient is angled.
The shelf is angled in a nice manner and will not move from its support, so enjoy his film with no concern.
These lenses features focus, zoom, and iris markings engraved on angled surfaces for improved readability from behind the camera.
The only exception to this rule is use cases, which sometimes use angled lines to represent relations.
Next, you need to disengage socks in part to legs were angled towards each other, and forward.
If the control point has an angled branch, the offset is a center axis of the angle.
To ensure an effective use of floor space, a sharp shade has been applied at the large angled window within the guest room.
Between and, the Ball logo was relatively straight rather than angled toward the upper right side of the jar.
間と , ボールのロゴは、比較的まっすぐではなく、瓶の右上側に向かって角度が付けられました.
A projected view that is created from a Sheet Metal part in order to include in a section certain angled elements.
特定角度のエレメントを断面に組み込むために、シート メタル パーツから作成される投影図です。
In order to include in a section certain angled elements, the cutting plane may be bent so as to pass through those features.
This tank features thick, angled, triple-layer spaced armor, making it one of the toughest tanks in the game.
The best time to see the bent is before noon, with nicely angled light from the sun.





His angled shot beat the goalkeeper from 20 metres.
彼の斜めのショットは、ゴールキーパーを 20 メートルから打ち負かしました。
An angled mirror at the end of the drive allows you to see any oncoming cars.
【英単語】angledを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1






  • bent
  • crooked
  • hooked


  • straight


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
angle 角度 、 角 、 頂点の内角 (corner, intersection of two lines) ( 2辺の間の部分 )
The lines meet at a sharp angle.
angle 観点 、 見方 、 視点 figurative (viewpoint)
考え方 、 見識 、 立脚点
From John’s angle, the plan did not seem like a good idea.
angle ~を曲げる 、 ~に角度をつける (bend [sth] )
~を折る 、 ~に角度をつけて折り目をつける
angle for [sth] 画策する figurative (try to obtain indirectly)
Angling for a raise, Darren worked overtime for several weeks in a row.
angle 傾く (slant, be at an angle)
The dancer’s torso angled forwards as her left leg angled up behind her.
angle 着手する角度 、 取り掛かる地点 figurative (attempted approach)
攻め方 、 取り掛かる方法 、 企画の立脚点
Justin decided to approach the problem from a different angle.
angle 興味深い着手方法 、 面白い立脚点 figurative (approach, focus)
The actor liked the director’s unique angle.


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
acute angle 鋭角 geometry (angle measuring up to 90 degrees)
A right triangle has one right angle and two acute angles.
直角三角形には、1 つの直角と 2 つの鋭角があります。
angle bracket 山括弧 (symbol: chevron)
Angle brackets are also used as greater-than and less-than symbols.
angle of attack 迎え角 (plane: wing angle)
Changing the angle of attack of a wing changes the lift it generates.
at an angle 斜めに (diagonally, obliquely)
He hung the picture up without a spirit level so it was at an angle.
camera angle カメラアングル (position: filming, photographing) ( カメラ )
That photographer uses awkward camera angles, taking pictures from the ground.
その写真家は、ぎこちないカメラ アングルを使って、地面から写真を撮っています。
caster angle,
castor angle
キャスター角 (steering axis slope) ( 自動車 )
oblique angle 斜角、斜めの角度 (slant)
oblique angle 鈍角、鋭角 (geometry: acute or obtuse angle) ( 幾何学 )
obtuse angle 鈍角 (geometry: angle between 90 and 180 degrees) ( 図形 )
perpendicular angle 直角 (right angle, 90-degree angle) ( 図形 )
A rectangle has four perpendicular angles.
長方形には 4 つの垂直な角度があります。
right angle 直角 (angle of 90 degrees) ( 角度 )
The floor slopes – it doesn’t form a right angle with the wall!
床が傾いている – 壁と直角にならない!
right-angled 直角の (at 90 degrees)
vertical angle 対頂角 (angle on either side of an intersection) ( 幾何学 )


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
angle 角度 、 角 、 頂点の内角 (corner, intersection of two lines) ( 2辺の間の部分 )
The lines meet at a sharp angle.
angle 観点 、 見方 、 視点 figurative (viewpoint)
考え方 、 見識 、 立脚点
From John’s angle, the plan did not seem like a good idea.
angle ~を曲げる 、 ~に角度をつける (bend [sth] )
~を折る 、 ~に角度をつけて折り目をつける
angle for [sth] 画策する figurative (try to obtain indirectly)
Angling for a raise, Darren worked overtime for several weeks in a row.
angle 傾く (slant, be at an angle)
The dancer’s torso angled forwards as her left leg angled up behind her.
angle 着手する角度 、 取り掛かる地点 figurative (attempted approach)
攻め方 、 取り掛かる方法 、 企画の立脚点
Justin decided to approach the problem from a different angle.
angle 興味深い着手方法 、 面白い立脚点 figurative (approach, focus)
The actor liked the director’s unique angle.


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
acute angle 鋭角 geometry (angle measuring up to 90 degrees)
A right triangle has one right angle and two acute angles.
直角三角形には、1 つの直角と 2 つの鋭角があります。
angle bracket 山括弧 (symbol: chevron)
Angle brackets are also used as greater-than and less-than symbols.
angle of attack 迎え角 (plane: wing angle)
Changing the angle of attack of a wing changes the lift it generates.
at an angle 斜めに (diagonally, obliquely)
He hung the picture up without a spirit level so it was at an angle.
camera angle カメラアングル (position: filming, photographing) ( カメラ )
That photographer uses awkward camera angles, taking pictures from the ground.
その写真家は、ぎこちないカメラ アングルを使って、地面から写真を撮っています。
caster angle,
castor angle
キャスター角 (steering axis slope) ( 自動車 )
oblique angle 斜角、斜めの角度 (slant)
oblique angle 鈍角、鋭角 (geometry: acute or obtuse angle) ( 幾何学 )
obtuse angle 鈍角 (geometry: angle between 90 and 180 degrees) ( 図形 )
perpendicular angle 直角 (right angle, 90-degree angle) ( 図形 )
A rectangle has four perpendicular angles.
長方形には 4 つの垂直な角度があります。
right angle 直角 (angle of 90 degrees) ( 角度 )
The floor slopes – it doesn’t form a right angle with the wall!
床が傾いている – 壁と直角にならない!
right-angled 直角の (at 90 degrees)
vertical angle 対頂角 (angle on either side of an intersection) ( 幾何学 )


Hitting in the edges allows for more angled shots.
Weasel Wire is hydrophilic guide wire with steerable, angled tip.
Weasel Wireは、舵がきく、先端に角度のついた親水性のガイドワイヤーです。
The bellows section is angled downwards away from the engine.
Additionally, optional angled racks can be used to turn the wine cellar into a display case.
A standard compensation method is the angled miter, as illustrated below.
Chisel style is like the angled flat surface of some pens and markers.
Can pinpoint target with angled nozzle head.
The presence of a contralateral ppv (cPPV) or hernia can be identified by the passage of a 70-degree angled telescope through the hernia sac prior to ligation.
対PPVの存在 (cPPV) またはヘルニアは、ライゲーション前にヘルニア嚢を通じ70度の角度の望遠鏡の通過によって識別することができます.
The value entered here defines the degree at which the gradient is angled.
The shelf is angled in a nice manner and will not move from its support, so enjoy his film with no concern.
These lenses features focus, zoom, and iris markings engraved on angled surfaces for improved readability from behind the camera.
The only exception to this rule is use cases, which sometimes use angled lines to represent relations.
Next, you need to disengage socks in part to legs were angled towards each other, and forward.
If the control point has an angled branch, the offset is a center axis of the angle.
To ensure an effective use of floor space, a sharp shade has been applied at the large angled window within the guest room.
Between and, the Ball logo was relatively straight rather than angled toward the upper right side of the jar.
間と , ボールのロゴは、比較的まっすぐではなく、瓶の右上側に向かって角度が付けられました.
A projected view that is created from a Sheet Metal part in order to include in a section certain angled elements.
特定角度のエレメントを断面に組み込むために、シート メタル パーツから作成される投影図です。
In order to include in a section certain angled elements, the cutting plane may be bent so as to pass through those features.
This tank features thick, angled, triple-layer spaced armor, making it one of the toughest tanks in the game.
The best time to see the bent is before noon, with nicely angled light from the sun.

