





Josh seemed unenthusiastic about the plan.
He was a talented but unenthusiastic student.
Her unenthusiastic attitude did not help.
【英単語】unenthusiasticを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1






  • indifferent
  • lackadaisical
  • tepid
  • blasé
  • cool
  • emotionless
  • half-hearted
  • passionless
  • unexcited
  • uninterested
  • unmoved


  • caring
  • animated
  • eager
  • enthusiastic
  • excited
  • keen
  • passionate
  • wholehearted


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
unenthusiastic 熱意のない、おざなりの、熱心でない、乗り気でない (not excited or keen)
Dora was unenthusiastic about going jogging on such a rainy day.


For example, if you live in a cold, damp, dark basement (Yin), this Chi will affect you and you will become cold, passive and unenthusiastic.
例えば、 寒い、湿った、暗い地下室(陰)に住んでいる場合、このチーはあなたに影響しますし、寒さ、受動的と無気力になります。
By the time she was in 8th grade, she was the best meter runner on the track team and the second best on the CC team.So for her the answer is a very unenthusiastic 8 years old.Figuring out the medium requires older women be honest with themselves and they aren’t.Elisabeth Morray It is fantastic that you are the kind of mother who is thinking about these issues as she supports her daughter through all these developmental changes! On average, most girls get their period for the first time between the ages of twelve and thirteen.
時間によって、彼女は中学2年生でした, 彼女は最高メートルのトラックチームのランナーとCCチームの次善の策でした.だから、彼女のための答えは非常に無気力です 8 歳.メディアを考え出すことは年配の女性が自分自身に正直に必要であり、そうではありません.エリザベートMorrayあなたが彼女がこれらすべての発達的変化を通じて、彼女の娘をサポートしていて、これらの問題を考えている母親のようなものであることを幻想的です!
Their colleagues were interested yet unenthusiastic about the project.
The film received polite but unenthusiastic notices.
Ando, who is unenthusiastic about the retrospective, asks her to search for a woman who once gave him a pocket watch on the train.
Selling the ZX81 over the counter was seen as something of a gamble and Rowland’s colleagues were initially unenthusiastic about the scheme.
The Obama administration seemed to think that Japan did not have to participate if Japan did not want to.I would say that they looked a little too unenthusiastic (Laughs).
All it takes is one unenthusiastic response, for a customer to quickly move on to the next Business that treats his/her queries as their own.Warm Greetings give an edge to your Brand and act as a differentiator amidst the competing business landscape.
暖かい挨拶は、あなたのブランドにエッジを与えると競合するビジネス環境に囲まれた差別化として機能します. それは笑顔と物理に甘いジェスチャーについてだけではありません, しかし、通信のすべての媒体を通じて暖かさと親しみやすさを誘発について.お客様はこんにちはちょうどカジュアルより以前よりもずっと探し, お元気ですか?これは間違いなく, あなたはダース他の人に言ってきました.
When it comes to brands, its a jungle out there. All it takes is one unenthusiastic response, for a customer to quickly move on to the next Business that treats his/her queries as their own. Warm Greetings give an edge to your Brand and act as a differentiator amidst the competing business landscape.
取引に偽造関係, 伝統的な方法は、厳密に専門的な方法で顧客と会話することです. しかし、我々はそれが思いやりを育むことがいかに重要な知っています, そして、友好的な顧客ブランドの関係今日, 長い付き合いのために. それがブランドになると, そこにそのジャングル. すべてがかかって1つの無気力応答であります, すぐに自分自身として彼/彼女のクエリを扱い、次のビジネスに移行する顧客のために.





Josh seemed unenthusiastic about the plan.
He was a talented but unenthusiastic student.
Her unenthusiastic attitude did not help.
【英単語】unenthusiasticを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1






  • indifferent
  • lackadaisical
  • tepid
  • blasé
  • cool
  • emotionless
  • half-hearted
  • passionless
  • unexcited
  • uninterested
  • unmoved


  • caring
  • animated
  • eager
  • enthusiastic
  • excited
  • keen
  • passionate
  • wholehearted


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
unenthusiastic 熱意のない、おざなりの、熱心でない、乗り気でない (not excited or keen)
Dora was unenthusiastic about going jogging on such a rainy day.


For example, if you live in a cold, damp, dark basement (Yin), this Chi will affect you and you will become cold, passive and unenthusiastic.
例えば、 寒い、湿った、暗い地下室(陰)に住んでいる場合、このチーはあなたに影響しますし、寒さ、受動的と無気力になります。
By the time she was in 8th grade, she was the best meter runner on the track team and the second best on the CC team.So for her the answer is a very unenthusiastic 8 years old.Figuring out the medium requires older women be honest with themselves and they aren’t.Elisabeth Morray It is fantastic that you are the kind of mother who is thinking about these issues as she supports her daughter through all these developmental changes! On average, most girls get their period for the first time between the ages of twelve and thirteen.
時間によって、彼女は中学2年生でした, 彼女は最高メートルのトラックチームのランナーとCCチームの次善の策でした.だから、彼女のための答えは非常に無気力です 8 歳.メディアを考え出すことは年配の女性が自分自身に正直に必要であり、そうではありません.エリザベートMorrayあなたが彼女がこれらすべての発達的変化を通じて、彼女の娘をサポートしていて、これらの問題を考えている母親のようなものであることを幻想的です!
Their colleagues were interested yet unenthusiastic about the project.
The film received polite but unenthusiastic notices.
Ando, who is unenthusiastic about the retrospective, asks her to search for a woman who once gave him a pocket watch on the train.
Selling the ZX81 over the counter was seen as something of a gamble and Rowland’s colleagues were initially unenthusiastic about the scheme.
The Obama administration seemed to think that Japan did not have to participate if Japan did not want to.I would say that they looked a little too unenthusiastic (Laughs).
All it takes is one unenthusiastic response, for a customer to quickly move on to the next Business that treats his/her queries as their own.Warm Greetings give an edge to your Brand and act as a differentiator amidst the competing business landscape.
暖かい挨拶は、あなたのブランドにエッジを与えると競合するビジネス環境に囲まれた差別化として機能します. それは笑顔と物理に甘いジェスチャーについてだけではありません, しかし、通信のすべての媒体を通じて暖かさと親しみやすさを誘発について.お客様はこんにちはちょうどカジュアルより以前よりもずっと探し, お元気ですか?これは間違いなく, あなたはダース他の人に言ってきました.
When it comes to brands, its a jungle out there. All it takes is one unenthusiastic response, for a customer to quickly move on to the next Business that treats his/her queries as their own. Warm Greetings give an edge to your Brand and act as a differentiator amidst the competing business landscape.
取引に偽造関係, 伝統的な方法は、厳密に専門的な方法で顧客と会話することです. しかし、我々はそれが思いやりを育むことがいかに重要な知っています, そして、友好的な顧客ブランドの関係今日, 長い付き合いのために. それがブランドになると, そこにそのジャングル. すべてがかかって1つの無気力応答であります, すぐに自分自身として彼/彼女のクエリを扱い、次のビジネスに移行する顧客のために.

