











  • bacchanal
  • festival
  • orgy
  • party
  • revelry
  • spree


Each city is overrun with masks and confetti, lights and colors that create an atmosphere of celebration unique. The origins of Carnival are very old and date back to the Roman Saturnalia which were celebrated in honor of the new year, but also to Lupercalia and Dionysiaca. However, the etymology of the term “Carnival” drift, in all likelihood, remove from the Latin carnem, In fact, once the expression pointed to the banquet that was held just before the last day of the period of abstinence from meat and fasting of Lent.
各都市は、マスクと紙吹雪でオーバーランされて, ユニークなお祝いの雰囲気を演出して点灯し、色. カーニバルの起源は非常に古いものと新しい年を記念して祝われていたローマのらんちき騒ぎにさかのぼる, もLupercaliaとDionysiacaへ. しかし、この用語の語源 ”カーニバル” ドリフト, 十中八九, ラテンcarnemから削除, 実際には、一度の式はただ肉と四旬節の断食から禁欲期間の最終日の前に開催された宴会を指摘.
Each faction will have their own unique version of the Cap, and the Cap will be made unavailable once the event has finished.A predecessor to Christmas in many ways, Saturnalia was also a time of gift-giving.
各部族ごとに異なるヴァージョンの帽子があります。 帽子はイベント期間中のみ使用可能です。
Pilot Officer Juutilainen (voice: Ohashi Ayuru) and Flying Officer Litvyak (voice: Kadowaki Mai) arrive to deliver supplies to the 502nd Joint Fighter Wing the day after the Saturnalia.
The winter holiday became known as Saturnalia and began the week prior to December 25th.
Went heavy on the Saturnalia, a place where that Santeria and Voudon all mash together.
マルディグラの風習があった 動物のマスクを被って…
The legs were covered with bands of wool which were removed only on December 17, the day of the Saturnalia.
Others think that its origin is placed far back in time: the scholars trace the birth of the Carnival to the pagan celebration of Saturnalia.
Most visibly, all citizens, whatever their rank, would wear the Pileus: a conical felt cap usually worn only by freed slaves.In celebration of this ancient tradition, for the duration of Saturnalia, all players will be able to equip their troops with the Saturnalia Cap, available for free on the in-game cosmetics page!
Aulus Gellius mentions how the discussion of such paradoxes was considered (for him) after-dinner entertainment at the Saturnalia, but Seneca, on the other hand, considered them a waste of time: “Not to know them does no harm, and mastering them does no good.”

