英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
pulpy | パルプの、どろどろの | (soft, mushy) |
果肉の入った、果肉質の | ||
pulpy | 低俗な | figurative (reading matter: trashy) |
So smash your way through the pulpy undead bodies of your former friends and loved ones in order to upgrade your car! Arrow pad: move, crush
Hill Road, trampled by horses of the pulpy, every foot of soil to be able to diffuse over the foot.
Their delicious homemade apricot syrup for shaved ice, has fresh pulpy texture and good balance of bitterness and sweetness.
Cut one medium sized ripe strawberry into small pieces and take the pieces in a bowl. Then add half spoon of soda to the fruit and mash the mixture with a fork to blend it well until it gets a pulpy consistency.
小片に1中型熟したイチゴをカットしてボウルに駒を取ります. そして、それは果肉の一貫性を取得するまでそれをうまくブレンドする果実にソーダの半分のスプーンを追加し、フォークで混合物をマッシュ.
Edge of a cliff just another a few days ago turned down a flat-head Dongfeng truck, hanging Qinghai card, front pulpy, body bent, but the car including the wheels were dismantled things finished.
Along the Qingyi upstream, in the days of the county, three truck drivers on the road hit the floor, pulpy, 14:00 arrival points, 18 points before release, milling around, recognizing the Korean Xiao Xu and go off together to the Inagi.
Otsuchi bowl of steaming broth peas costumes, that is, we were young in the small township on the kind of restaurant eating, peas pulpy, broth slide fire Pakistan, one person can eat a few tablespoons in one breath.
Here ancient trees that crowded in upon, but also a time when the rainy season, no one on the ground is dry, and Ma has long been horses who have a pulpy tone, I gingerly picking up the edge of Horse Road, go downhill naturally thrilling encounter.
The spike-skinned fruit, adored across Asia and famed for its pungent-smelling pulpy flesh, originates in Balik Pulau, an area famous for its durian plantations.
The word “flesh,” according to The Free Dictionary, is used in botany to mean “the pulpy, usually edible part of a fruit or vegetable” and can also mean substance.”Milk” is a term used to describe the liquid expressed from seeds, nuts and grains as well as from non-human animals and human animals.
“単語”肉,無料の辞書によると, どろどろを意味するために植物学で使用されている, 果物や野菜の通常食用部分とも物質を意味することができます. ミルクは、種子から発現液体を記述するために使用される用語である, ナッツや穀物だけでなく、ヒト以外の動物と人間の動物から.
The most common finished products are purees, cloudy or pulpy juices and clear juices single strenght or concentrate.
Tebichi was well boiled, soft and pulpy and tasty.
Best Italian Restaurants In Japan – TRIPROUD A tomato risotto with pulpy wagu beef stewed for five.
香川県のグルメ・レストラン口コミランキング(7ページ目) - TRIPROUD 5時間煮込んでトロトロにしたという和牛すじ肉が入ったトマトリゾット。
It is intended to provide a beverage containing jelly with a texture similar to that of real fruit, particularly a beverage containing jelly to which a pulpy texture such as citrus fruit pulps is imparted.
The morning had been raining, the road was full of mud, horse taken the road more pulpy.
1 point for a long time we arrived at the station, and Xiao Cai Nagqu them round. station, there are more than 500 meters away from the racetrack about carrying a heavy backpack with the plateau pressure (elevation 4,500 meters), which is more than 500 meters of the road seem to have taken more than 5000 meters, stopping several times along the way, every step is seems to change, but angry. into the Tibetan tent road Henlan were found, probably because these days wet bar! to participate in horse racing festival a lot of people. that should have been a good road riding is not too pulpy.
最後の始まりと浄土1点私たちは駅に到着し、長い時間を刺激する、と小蔡ナクチュにラウンド。 駅以上ある500メートルの距離は、道路より500メートルですプラトー圧(標高4500メートル)、と重いリュックサックを担いについては、競馬場からさ5000メートル以上を撮って、各ステップでの方法に沿って、いくつかのアクセスを停止するようです、まれに表示を変更する、ようだが、怒っている。
So the Baobabs, as they get older, tend to get pulpy in their centers and hollow out.
バオバブは年を取ると 中心部がパルプ状になり空洞化します
This is the specialty store dedicated in warm and pulpy cheese (subject to the menu).
In those days, those days which exist for me only as the most elusive memory now, when often the first sound you’d hear in the morning would be a storm of birdsong, then the soft clop of the hooves of the horse hauling a milk wagon down your block, and the last sound at night as likely as not would be your father pulling up in his car, having worked late again, always late, and going heavily down to the cellar, to the furnace, to shake out the ashes and damp the draft before he came upstairs to fall into bed – in those long-ago days, women, my mother, my friends’ mothers, our neighbors, all the women I knew – wore, often much of the day, what were called housedresses, cheap, printed, pulpy, seemingly purposefully shapeless light cotton shifts that you wore over your nightgown and, when you had to go look for a child, hang wash on the line, or run down to the grocery store on the corner, under a coat, the twisted hem of the nightgown always lank and yellowed, dangling beneath.
その当時- 私にとって今や 最も捉えどころのない記憶となった時期に すぎないが 朝一番に よく耳に入ってきた音は けたたましい鳥のさえずりだった それから柔らかなひづめの音 馬が家々に牛乳を運んでいるんだ 夜の最後に よく聞いたのは おそらく父親が車を停める音だ また遅くまで働いていたんだな いつも遅いんだ そして ベッドに倒れこむ前に 重々しく地下室に降りて暖房炉に行き 灰をかき回して通気を弱める こんなはるか昔 女性たちは 私の母も 友人の母も 近所の人たちも 女性たちは皆 一日中 ハウスドレスと言うものを 着ていたのを知っている それは安くて プリント柄で 柔らかい どうやら 意図的に不格好に出来ていて ナイトガウンの上に羽織る シフトドレスだ そして 子どもを探しに いかなければいけない時着て 洗濯してひもにつるすだけ また 近くのお店に向かう時 コートの下にも着て行ける ナイトガウンのねじられたヘムは いつも細長くて黄色く 下にぶら下がっている
“Pulpy Strawberry Milk (Tsubutsubu Ichigo Milk),” one of the top recommendations here, can make a nice treat to enjoy during your short break.