【劇場。これは現在、劇場の名前でのみ使用されています 】意味として使われています。
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英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
playhouse | 劇場 | (theatre) |
We went to the playhouse to see the current theater performance. | ||
現在の劇場公演を見にプレイハウスに行きました。 | ||
playhouse | 子供の家、おもちゃの家 | (children’s wendy house) ( 遊具 ) |
He built a playhouse for our daughter.
娘にはプレイハウスを 作ったりしたのです
Explore the school house, vet clinic, restaurant, grocery store and more in this unique playhouse world!
Still there are old merchants’ houses and a playhouse, and the old-fashioned atmosphere remains in the stone pavement.
So you see this is a highly functional playhouse with various intricate mechanisms throughout the theater.
And big things will be happening at a playhouse near you soon.
In 1999, CAPAB underwent a complete metamorphosis from a production house to a playhouse.
Earthquake, this playhouse complete collapse, Menbian fracture repair by skilled staff, and now re-towering stand.
They hired Peter Street, who had just finished building the Globe, to make them a playhouse.
彼らはグローブ座を完成させたばかりのピーター・ストリート (英語版) を雇用し、劇場を建設させた。
But I don’t think that losing the Kabukiza means we have lost one of the representative examples of the Japanese style playhouse.
Each masuseki in the playhouse at that time had a seating capacity of seven, which cost 25 monme (old denomination).
What is this playhouse that is worth seeing as a historical building but also lets you see kabuki theater inside?
Back on the main floor, in the Building Zone, kids ages 2 to 6 can dress up like Bob the Builder with a hard hat, safety vest and toolbox and get hands-on in a “working” playhouse.
メインフロアに戻って、ビルゾーンでは、2 to 6の子供たちは、ハード帽子、安全ベストとツールボックスを備えたボブ・ザ・ビルダのようにドレスアップし、働く劇場でハンズオンをすることができます。
The playhouse is one of the few youth theaters in the state of Connecticut.
Indulge yourself on a refreshing Italian shaved ice on this 21-acre 1950’s-themed oasis which also offers a 4-story interactive water playhouse, cabana rentals, tasty eats, and a wave pool.
この21-acre 1950のテーマ・オアシスでは、爽やかなイタリアの削り氷に身を任せ、4ストーリーのインタラクティブなウォータープレイハウス、カバナのレンタル、おいしい食事、波のプールを提供しています。
It became a topic with the actors as well as the realistic depiction of the whole interior of the playhouse.
They knew that without a doubt it was the only existing playhouse built in the Edo Period.
The stage continues to be used for folk art performances.This is a precious structure that allows present-day audiences to experience the pulsating energy of an Edo period playhouse.
The playhouse was a timber building with a tile roof; other materials used to construct the Theatre were brick, sand, lime, lead, and iron.
Shukunegi Community Hall, with its eye-catching color and retro-feel, used to be a playhouse.
The roar of laughter can be heard coming from the old playhouse, Shurakukan, even from a few hundred meters away.