






Subjects were instructed to insert 25 grooved metal pegs into a metal template as quickly as possible.
被験者は、金属製のテンプレートに 25 個の 溝付き 金属ペグをできるだけ早く挿入するように指示されました。
Two continuous, stainless-steel drive wires, running in a system of grooved , free-running pulleys, supported a heavy wire frame, on which the sphere was mounted.
溝付き のフリーランニングプーリーのシステム内を走る2本の連続したステンレス鋼の駆動ワイヤーが、球体が取り付けられた重いワイヤーフレームを支えていました。
The filament was coiled on a grooved ceramic tube support to maintain its shape when heated.
フィラメントは、加熱されたときにその形状を維持するために、 溝付き のセラミックチューブサポートにコイル状に巻かれていました。
【英単語】groovedを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1
The wooden skin is itself layered, with horizontal slats partly masking the vertical tongued and grooved rainscreen cladding.
木製の外板自体が層状になっており、水平方向のスラットが縦方向の さね はぎのあるレインスクリーンのクラッディングを部分的に覆っています。
In these ctenochasmatid genera, the crest is low and only weakly grooved , and in addition, none of these genera has dentaries bearing expanded alveoli.
これらのクテノカスマ科の属では、頂上は低く、 が弱いだけであり、さらに、これらの属のいずれも歯槽が拡張した歯を持っていません。
Many of these fracture surfaces are grooved on a centimetre scale, and preserve a weak quartz mineral lineation.
これらの破断面の多くは、センチメートル スケールの があり、弱い石英鉱物の系統が保存されています。
【英単語】groovedを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文2
Type of teeth: 0, teeth of cidaroid type; 1, grooved teeth; 2, keeled teeth; 3, teeth diamond-shaped in cross-section. 37.
歯の種類: 0、シダロイド型の歯。 1、 溝付き の歯; 2、キールの歯; 3、断面が菱形の歯。 37.
It is also quite certain that the fricative output of the lenition of /t/ was not, in fact, a canonical grooved alveolar fricative.
また、/t/ のレニションの摩擦音出力が、実際には標準的な のある歯槽摩擦音ではなかったことも非常に確かです。
These variables included grooved pegboard drops, letter cancellation errors of omission and commission, and verbal fluency perseverative responses, rule-breaking errors, and ‘ inappropriate ‘ responses.
これらの変数には、 溝付き ペグボード ドロップ、省略と手数料の文字キャンセル エラー、言葉の流暢さの固執的な応答、規則違反のエラー、および「不適切な」応答が含まれます。
【英単語】groovedを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文3
The seed is deeply grooved and has only one embryo.
種子には深い があり、胚は 1 つしかありません。





  • addicted
  • acclimatized
  • acquainted
  • adapted
  • confirmed
  • disciplined
  • familiarized
  • habituated
  • inured
  • seasoned
  • trained
  • familiar
  • given to
  • habituated in
  • in the habit
  • settled in


  • abnormal
  • unaccustomed
  • unusual


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
grooved 有溝 (with thin lines cut into it) ( 医学 )
The grooved surface helps to drain water away from the center.


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
groove グルーブ音楽 slang (music) ( ビートの効いた音楽 )
名演奏 ( ジャズの )
リズム ( ポピュラー音楽の )
The band had a good groove going and the audience started dancing.
groove 踊る slang (dance)
groove to [sth] ,
groove on [sth]
楽しむ 、 面白がる figurative, dated, slang (enjoy: music, etc.)
The teenager walked down the street, grooving to the beat of whatever was playing on his mp3 player.
10 代の若者は、MP3 プレーヤーで再生されているビートに合わせて、通りを歩いていました。
groove ~に溝を彫る (make a groove)


Styles include items that are textured, round, flat or grooved.
Due to special grooved teeth, operations will speed up compared to previous products.
A drawing rolling method by a mandrel mill by which overfill and underfill can be prevented through combination of one kind of grooved rolling rolls.
Grooved profile of grooved rolling rolls provided, respectively, in first and second stands are set such that the grooved circumferential length dependent on a plurality of grooved rolling rolls provided in the first stand of the mandrel mill satisfies expression (1), the grooved circumferential length dependent on a plurality of grooved rolling rolls provided in the second stand satisfies expression (2), and the grooved circumferential lengths of the first and second stands satisfy expression (3).
Ribbed and grooved ceramic batts also tend to be pressed products.
We chose Valmet’s grooved shell solution based on it’s good experiences and performance with previous deliveries, Pekkala explains.
私たちは以前の納入での良い経験と性能に基づいてバルメットの溝付きシェルソリューションを選びました。と Pekkala氏は説明する。
Dial in sapphire with double-sided anti-reflective treatment protected with 8 silicon braces in grooved edges.
For capacity increase it was recommended that the steel presses should be covered by a grooved polyurethane cover.
We all know that the surface of the car is very easy to be scratched and grooved, especially in harsh environments such as snow or hail.
The grooved blue mosaics, original lighting, wooden partition and gilded stucco make the restaurant one of the most beautiful jewels among Prague restaurants.
The grooved resin molded part (10) is obtained by subjecting a resin molded part containing the inorganic filler (11) to laser irradiation, chemical treatment or the like to form multiple grooves in which the inorganic filler (11) is exposed.
The scooter has a stable 10kg body; two wheels with rotating platforms hinged at the center; grooved rubber pads to grip your feet on; and cool blue lights that spark up whenever you leap aboard.
回転プラットフォームを持つ2つの車輪を中心にヒンジ結合しました。 グリップにラバーパッドを溝付き足に。
A grooved tube (tube having grooves in the inner surface thereof) for a heat exchanger, wherein crushing of fins due to diameter expansion of the tube is suppressed.
Moreover, a recess for housing the end portions of the optical fibers altogether is formed in that face of the cover which confronts the grooved substrate, and its two ends are formed to expand gradually toward the grooved substrate.
Available finishes include matte, polished, grooved.
The tips are grooved for easy handling of thin wires.
We have supplied grooved outer diameter tubes, oval, square, rectangular and hexagonal shapes.
And the floor is solid, too, grooved.
Recognizing that conventional methods for fabricating fibers were inadequate for making the grooved structures needed to support complex cellular environments, Ostrovidov and his AIMR colleagues together with overseas collaborators turned to microfluidic spinning.
The 4 corners of the transparent reservoir are grooved, allowing any excess reagent to be easily reverted to the original container.






Subjects were instructed to insert 25 grooved metal pegs into a metal template as quickly as possible.
被験者は、金属製のテンプレートに 25 個の 溝付き 金属ペグをできるだけ早く挿入するように指示されました。
Two continuous, stainless-steel drive wires, running in a system of grooved , free-running pulleys, supported a heavy wire frame, on which the sphere was mounted.
溝付き のフリーランニングプーリーのシステム内を走る2本の連続したステンレス鋼の駆動ワイヤーが、球体が取り付けられた重いワイヤーフレームを支えていました。
The filament was coiled on a grooved ceramic tube support to maintain its shape when heated.
フィラメントは、加熱されたときにその形状を維持するために、 溝付き のセラミックチューブサポートにコイル状に巻かれていました。
【英単語】groovedを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1
The wooden skin is itself layered, with horizontal slats partly masking the vertical tongued and grooved rainscreen cladding.
木製の外板自体が層状になっており、水平方向のスラットが縦方向の さね はぎのあるレインスクリーンのクラッディングを部分的に覆っています。
In these ctenochasmatid genera, the crest is low and only weakly grooved , and in addition, none of these genera has dentaries bearing expanded alveoli.
これらのクテノカスマ科の属では、頂上は低く、 が弱いだけであり、さらに、これらの属のいずれも歯槽が拡張した歯を持っていません。
Many of these fracture surfaces are grooved on a centimetre scale, and preserve a weak quartz mineral lineation.
これらの破断面の多くは、センチメートル スケールの があり、弱い石英鉱物の系統が保存されています。
【英単語】groovedを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文2
Type of teeth: 0, teeth of cidaroid type; 1, grooved teeth; 2, keeled teeth; 3, teeth diamond-shaped in cross-section. 37.
歯の種類: 0、シダロイド型の歯。 1、 溝付き の歯; 2、キールの歯; 3、断面が菱形の歯。 37.
It is also quite certain that the fricative output of the lenition of /t/ was not, in fact, a canonical grooved alveolar fricative.
また、/t/ のレニションの摩擦音出力が、実際には標準的な のある歯槽摩擦音ではなかったことも非常に確かです。
These variables included grooved pegboard drops, letter cancellation errors of omission and commission, and verbal fluency perseverative responses, rule-breaking errors, and ‘ inappropriate ‘ responses.
これらの変数には、 溝付き ペグボード ドロップ、省略と手数料の文字キャンセル エラー、言葉の流暢さの固執的な応答、規則違反のエラー、および「不適切な」応答が含まれます。
【英単語】groovedを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文3
The seed is deeply grooved and has only one embryo.
種子には深い があり、胚は 1 つしかありません。





  • addicted
  • acclimatized
  • acquainted
  • adapted
  • confirmed
  • disciplined
  • familiarized
  • habituated
  • inured
  • seasoned
  • trained
  • familiar
  • given to
  • habituated in
  • in the habit
  • settled in


  • abnormal
  • unaccustomed
  • unusual


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
grooved 有溝 (with thin lines cut into it) ( 医学 )
The grooved surface helps to drain water away from the center.


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
groove グルーブ音楽 slang (music) ( ビートの効いた音楽 )
名演奏 ( ジャズの )
リズム ( ポピュラー音楽の )
The band had a good groove going and the audience started dancing.
groove 踊る slang (dance)
groove to [sth] ,
groove on [sth]
楽しむ 、 面白がる figurative, dated, slang (enjoy: music, etc.)
The teenager walked down the street, grooving to the beat of whatever was playing on his mp3 player.
10 代の若者は、MP3 プレーヤーで再生されているビートに合わせて、通りを歩いていました。
groove ~に溝を彫る (make a groove)


Styles include items that are textured, round, flat or grooved.
Due to special grooved teeth, operations will speed up compared to previous products.
A drawing rolling method by a mandrel mill by which overfill and underfill can be prevented through combination of one kind of grooved rolling rolls.
Grooved profile of grooved rolling rolls provided, respectively, in first and second stands are set such that the grooved circumferential length dependent on a plurality of grooved rolling rolls provided in the first stand of the mandrel mill satisfies expression (1), the grooved circumferential length dependent on a plurality of grooved rolling rolls provided in the second stand satisfies expression (2), and the grooved circumferential lengths of the first and second stands satisfy expression (3).
Ribbed and grooved ceramic batts also tend to be pressed products.
We chose Valmet’s grooved shell solution based on it’s good experiences and performance with previous deliveries, Pekkala explains.
私たちは以前の納入での良い経験と性能に基づいてバルメットの溝付きシェルソリューションを選びました。と Pekkala氏は説明する。
Dial in sapphire with double-sided anti-reflective treatment protected with 8 silicon braces in grooved edges.
For capacity increase it was recommended that the steel presses should be covered by a grooved polyurethane cover.
We all know that the surface of the car is very easy to be scratched and grooved, especially in harsh environments such as snow or hail.
The grooved blue mosaics, original lighting, wooden partition and gilded stucco make the restaurant one of the most beautiful jewels among Prague restaurants.
The grooved resin molded part (10) is obtained by subjecting a resin molded part containing the inorganic filler (11) to laser irradiation, chemical treatment or the like to form multiple grooves in which the inorganic filler (11) is exposed.
The scooter has a stable 10kg body; two wheels with rotating platforms hinged at the center; grooved rubber pads to grip your feet on; and cool blue lights that spark up whenever you leap aboard.
回転プラットフォームを持つ2つの車輪を中心にヒンジ結合しました。 グリップにラバーパッドを溝付き足に。
A grooved tube (tube having grooves in the inner surface thereof) for a heat exchanger, wherein crushing of fins due to diameter expansion of the tube is suppressed.
Moreover, a recess for housing the end portions of the optical fibers altogether is formed in that face of the cover which confronts the grooved substrate, and its two ends are formed to expand gradually toward the grooved substrate.
Available finishes include matte, polished, grooved.
The tips are grooved for easy handling of thin wires.
We have supplied grooved outer diameter tubes, oval, square, rectangular and hexagonal shapes.
And the floor is solid, too, grooved.
Recognizing that conventional methods for fabricating fibers were inadequate for making the grooved structures needed to support complex cellular environments, Ostrovidov and his AIMR colleagues together with overseas collaborators turned to microfluidic spinning.
The 4 corners of the transparent reservoir are grooved, allowing any excess reagent to be easily reverted to the original container.

