英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
fiend | 鬼のような人 、 鬼畜 、 悪魔 | (person) ( 残忍な人/比喩 ) |
中毒者 、 凝りや 、 ~の鬼 、 ~狂 、 ~の達人 | ( マニア ) | |
Ben was a fiend who took advantage of his friends. | ||
ベンは友達を利用する悪鬼だった。 | ||
fiend | 大ファン 、 熱狂した人 | informal (fanatic) ( 口語 ) |
Laura was a music fiend. | ||
ローラは音楽マニアでした。 |
英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
fiend | 悪魔 、 悪霊 、 鬼 、 悪鬼 | (evil spirit) |
The priest tried to banish the fiend back to hell. | ||
司祭は悪魔を地獄に追い払おうとしました。 | ||
fiend for | ~に飢える、~が猛烈に欲しい | slang (crave, desire) |
…に飢え渇く、…を渇仰する、…を乞い求める | ( 比喩 ) | |
After a long night out, Peter started to fiend for some pizza. | ||
長い夜の外出の後、ピーターはピザを食べ始めました。 |
英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
arch-fiend |
大悪魔、サタン、魔王 | (devil, supreme villain) |
Throughout this ordeal, the reader sees flashbacks of Riley’s early life, from his childhood and how he had to endure an abusive fiend of a father, to his early years in the SAS and how he-after coming back from his first tour of duty in Afghanistan in January 2003-takes care of his abused mother and helps clean up his drug-addicted younger brother named Tommy.
The “Fiend‘s Cauldron” difficulty adjustment system is a system that allows players to bet on their own ability and equipment.
難易度調整システム ”悪魔の釜”は、プレイヤーが自らの腕と装備に”賭け”をするシステム。
The New York Times vilified Blackburn as “The Yellow Fever Fiend” and “a hideous devil”.
Don’t listen to that foul fiend!
My father was a drinker and a fiend.
Strategy This furry fiend combines the best Zombie Pets in the game.
ストラテジー この毛むくじゃらの悪魔は、ゲームで最高のゾンビペットを組み合わせる。
His father of fiend for work of the education was severity, he was sent off from house many times.
As he stood there he might have been a fiend.
I have already lost an old and dear friend to that fiend‘s blade… must you let him destroy you as well?
私はすでにその凝り性の刃… あなたが彼に上手にあなたを破壊させた.must に年がいった、そして親しい友人を失ったか?
Whenever I go to a buffet, I have more dessert plates than regular ones, that’s how much of a sweets fiend I am.
According to journalist T.J. Stiles, Anderson was not necessarily a “sadistic fiend“, but illustrated how young men became part of a “culture of atrocity” during the war.
It may seem a bit outrageous, but there are times you have to be a fiend to get a certain book.
The pit fiend Gazra, commander of the hamatulas, dwells here in a palace of crystal.
This feathery fiend will do anything in its priestly power to assist the League of E.V.I.L. and regain its place in the sky.
Zariel once ruled Avernus, the first layer of the Nine Hells of Baator, until she was deposed by her chief warlord, a pit fiend called Bel, thousands of years in the past.
Will Kobayashi’s intrepid band of little detectives be able to outwit the nefarious fiend, or will Tokyo be forever at the mercy of the face-swapping phantom?
小林率いる少年探偵団は、悪辣な怪盗の裏をかけるのだろうか? それとも、東京の街は顔を変え続ける怪盗の意のままになるのだろうか?
Shakespeare said, Ingratitude, thou marble-hearted fiend, More hideous, when thou show’st thee in a child, Than the sea-monster! When was the last time you told your mother that you love her?
シェイクスピアは言いました、 忘恩よ、汝は頑強なこころを根ざした魔神 汝を子に見るとき、 海の化け物より、忌まわしい! あなた方は、母親に愛していますと最後に言ったのはいつか覚えていますか? あなた方は、父親に育ててくれたことを感謝したのはいつか覚えていますか?
Her first book was Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, which she kept well into adulthood until “some fiend in human form must have borrowed it and not brought it back”.
Tantlin, the City of Ice, is built on a huge ice floe with a large harbor to the river Styx, and is ruled over by a huge pit fiend.
氷の街タントリン は、ステュクス河上の流氷に築かれており、大きな港を備え、巨大なピット・フィーンドに支配されている。
The foul fiend!