

「en rule」の意味(noun)

 パブリッシング 英国専門

【短いダッシュ (= 記号 – )、特にコンピューターで入力するとき、または数字を区切って印刷するときに使用される】意味として使われています。


Use the en rule closed up in elements that form a range, for example, 2011-2015, Monday-Saturday, or 9.30-5.30.
2011-2015、Monday-Saturday、または 9.30-5.30 など、範囲を形成する要素で閉じられた en ルールを使用します。
En rules cause most difficulty for copy-editors.
en ルールは、コピー編集者にとって最も困難な原因です。


読み方は【ˈen ˌruːl】です。下記動画を聞きながらˈen ˌruːlを大声で発音しましょう


en ruleの実際の意味・ニュアンスを理解して、正しく使いましょう!

Suizenji Joju-en Suizenji Joju-en was home to a tea ceremony room constructed during the 3 generations of Hosokawa family rule.
細川家の宝物などが常設展示されている。 水前寺成就園 細川3代にわたって造られた茶屋跡。
Because of the rule that the Minister of Army must be served by military men on active duty, the SAIONJI Cabinet, unable to appoint an eligible successor, had no choice but to resign en block.
DIN EN ISO 14644-3 lays down rules on how measurement can be carried out in turbulent as well as in low-turbulence flows.Adherence to the guidelines and stipulations on indoor air quality by measurement of the flow velocity and the volume flow in cleanroomsDetermination of the air exchange rate in a plant with turbulent mixed air via the total volume flow rateMeasurement technology according to DIN EN ISO 14644:2005 Part 3
DIN EN ISO 14644-3では、乱流および低乱流の測定を行うためのルールが定められています。クリーンルームの風速と風量を測定することで、室内空気品質に関するガイドラインと規約を遵守総風量を基に混合空気の乱流があるプラントの換気回数を判断DIN EN ISO 14644:2005 Part 3に準拠した測定技術
However, the Cabinet was forced to resign en masse because Yusaku UEHARA, the Minister of Army, submitted his resignation and the military refused to nominate an incoming Minister of Army by hiding behind a rule that only an active military officer could serve as Army or Navy Minister (the issue of building additional two divisions).
As with preventing the Pole Shift itself, or saving the inhabitants of Earth en mass from trauma, this is forbidden by the rules as Earth is man’s 3rd density schoolhouse by which mankind is to have the opportunity to grow into the Service-to-Other orientation, helping their fellow man, rather than pleading for rescue.
The oldest of these “manuals” are the rules for monastic living by Pai-chang, but they are lost now and the oldest existing manual for life in the Sangha is the Zen-en Shingi, from which the “120 Questions” on this web site are taken from.In Japan, there are Dogen Zenji’s “Eihei Shingi” (“The Pure Standards of Eihei”), which are still studied and held in deep respect in our school.
禅では百丈清規から始まるのですが、現在 残っている中では禅苑清規が一番古いものにあたります。このホームページでは禅苑 清規からの一百二十問が御覧になれます。日本では永平清規があり、曹洞宗では 今でもよく参究されていま す。
When I asked novelist ABE Kazushige he explained that the problem is a kind of “density” which ANNO’s mise-en-scene and editing possessed during feeling of anxiety that is brought about neccesarily owing to that level of condensation, certainly turns him toward the direction of GODARD.The rules of the narrative genre of anime are rapidly spun and twisted to the point of their collapse and whether this is done consciously or not ANNO temporarily achieved a miraculous success.
As conscious encounters with aliens will occur only as the general populace in an area is ready for this, en mass, giving someone the Lift is not to give them a solid clue that aliens exist! the rules that an Element of Doubt must exist, until the person and his associates are ready for full conscious encounters, must be adhered to. the rule of Non Interference, beyond simply saving the Service-to-Other person from destruction so they can continue their incarnation, must be adhered to.
領域の一般大衆が、この用意ができているので、エイリアンとの表面意識での遭遇が起こるので、全員が、誰かに、携挙を与えることは、彼らに、エイリアンが存在する確かな手掛かりを与える必要がない! 人および彼の仲間が、完全な意識を持っての遭遇の用意ができるまで、疑いの要素が存在しなければならない規則は、実行されるにちがいありません。
After the Kamakura bakufu was destroyed, the Emperor Godaigo’s Kemmu Restoration began, but when Takauji ASHIKAGA, who had become disillusioned with Godaigo’s direct imperial rule, tried to take refuge in Kyushu, Yorinao marched out to Akamaseki barrier to meet him; while en route, however, Dazaifu (the modern-day Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture) was attacked by Taketoshi KIKUCHI and Korenao ASO, both supporters of the Emperor, and his father Sadatsune was killed in the ensuing battle.

