

「definite article」の意味(noun)




参考:「definite article」の例文一覧

The subjects in their two experiments were asked to classify and locate, among other uses of the definite article , direct anaphoric and associative anaphoric uses.
2 つの実験の対象者は、定冠詞の他の用途の中、直接照応と連想照応の使用を分類し、特定するよう求められました。
The use of the definite article in her data was primarily textual.
This may well be connected to definite article phonology.
【英単語】definite-articleを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1
Since out (without of) is more frequent with the definite article than with other determiners, figurative constructions also have a high frequency of out.
他の限定詞よりも定冠詞の方が out (〜のない) が多いので、比喩的な構文でも out の頻度が高くなります。
The definite article is sometimes omitted where it redundantly appears in “fixed phrases” and prepositional phrases acting as “complex prepositions”.
In the other case, a definite article was used, rather than indefinite but this could be argued to be a unique mention (the freezer).
もう一方のケースでは、不定冠詞ではなく定冠詞が使用されましたが、これは独自の言及であると主張できます (フリーザー)。
【英単語】definite-articleを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文2
However, it is not obligatory for this process to be encoded by the incorporation of the definite article .
The function of the definite article does not always boil down to marking a common goal.


読み方は【ˌdef·ɪ·nət ˈɑː·tɪ·kl】です。下記動画を聞きながらˌdef·ɪ·nət ˈɑː·tɪ·klを大声で発音しましょう


definite articleの実際の意味・ニュアンス(定冠詞?を理解して、正しく使いましょう!

Apostrophe with la The vowel “a” in the definite article la can be left out and replaced by an apostrophe. l’.
laの代用としてのアポストロフィー 定冠詞 la の母音 ”a” は省略され、アポストロフィーで代用されることがあります l`。
One of the most important isoglosses retained in all four languages is the suffixed definite article – (h)n.
4つの言語すべてに保持されている特徴でもっとも重要なもののひとつは接尾定冠詞 -(h)n である。
In some cases, the definite article (the) is used, but the principle of using capital E can’t be broken (for it is treated as a proper noun).
Jude 1:9 uses the definite article the when referring to the archangel Michael, which could indicate that Michael is the only archangel.
Case distinctions, at least in the masculine gender, were marked on both the definite article and the noun itself.
Which is the objective center (with a definite article) and which is a subjective center (with an indefinite article) that might belong to the periphery depends on the amount of capital.
In cases where two nouns appear, and both take the same case ending, the author will often add the definite article to the word that is the subject in order to avoid confusion.
As with Irish and Scottish, the form with the definite article is frequently used in Manx, e.g. y Ghaelg or y Ghailck (Irish an Ghaeilge, Scottish a’ Ghàidhlig).
アイルランド語やスコットランド・ゲール語と同様、マン島語でも定冠詞を伴った形 y Ghaelg ないし y Ghailck がしばしば用いられる (アイルランド語では an Ghaeilge, スコットランド・ゲール語では a` Ghàidhlig である)。
There is a good reason why theos has no definite article in John 1:1 and why the New World Translation rendering is in error.
“Ye” is also sometimes used to represent an Early Modern English form of the definite article “the” (pronounced/iː/), such as in “Ye Olde Shoppe”.
Yeは単語the(伝統に/iː/と発音された)の初期近代英語形を表わすために使われることもある(例: Ye Olde Shoppe)。
Compare also definite article reduction.
In English and some other languages, the use of such a word implies the definite article.
It seems when the definite article “the” is used, it is specifying a unique being, separate from the other angels.
For example, the possessive adjectives ei “his, her”, eu “their” and the preposition i “to” are very commonly spelled y in Middle Welsh, and are thus spelt the same as the definite article y and the indirect relative particle y.
例えば、所有代名詞 ei彼の、彼女のおよび前置詞 i……へは、中期ウェールズ語ではかなり広く y と綴られ、それゆえ定冠詞 y や間接関係小辞 y と同じ綴りになっている。
What is the Essence of Individuals | English Edition The predicates prefixed with the definite article that refer to one and only one individual are definite descriptions, while those prefixed with the indefinite article, some, all and so on that can refer to more than one individuals are indefinite descriptions.
個体の本質は何か | 永井俊哉ドットコム日本語版 不定冠詞やすべて allやいくつかの someなどがついた、複数の個体を指示することができる述語を不確定記述というのに対して、固有名詞によって指示されるような、世界に一つしかない個体を指示する、定冠詞のついた述語を確定記述という。

「definite article」の意味(noun)




参考:「definite article」の例文一覧

The subjects in their two experiments were asked to classify and locate, among other uses of the definite article , direct anaphoric and associative anaphoric uses.
2 つの実験の対象者は、定冠詞の他の用途の中、直接照応と連想照応の使用を分類し、特定するよう求められました。
The use of the definite article in her data was primarily textual.
This may well be connected to definite article phonology.
【英単語】definite-articleを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1
Since out (without of) is more frequent with the definite article than with other determiners, figurative constructions also have a high frequency of out.
他の限定詞よりも定冠詞の方が out (〜のない) が多いので、比喩的な構文でも out の頻度が高くなります。
The definite article is sometimes omitted where it redundantly appears in “fixed phrases” and prepositional phrases acting as “complex prepositions”.
In the other case, a definite article was used, rather than indefinite but this could be argued to be a unique mention (the freezer).
もう一方のケースでは、不定冠詞ではなく定冠詞が使用されましたが、これは独自の言及であると主張できます (フリーザー)。
【英単語】definite-articleを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文2
However, it is not obligatory for this process to be encoded by the incorporation of the definite article .
The function of the definite article does not always boil down to marking a common goal.


読み方は【ˌdef·ɪ·nət ˈɑː·tɪ·kl】です。下記動画を聞きながらˌdef·ɪ·nət ˈɑː·tɪ·klを大声で発音しましょう


definite articleの実際の意味・ニュアンス(定冠詞?を理解して、正しく使いましょう!

Apostrophe with la The vowel “a” in the definite article la can be left out and replaced by an apostrophe. l’.
laの代用としてのアポストロフィー 定冠詞 la の母音 ”a” は省略され、アポストロフィーで代用されることがあります l`。
One of the most important isoglosses retained in all four languages is the suffixed definite article – (h)n.
4つの言語すべてに保持されている特徴でもっとも重要なもののひとつは接尾定冠詞 -(h)n である。
In some cases, the definite article (the) is used, but the principle of using capital E can’t be broken (for it is treated as a proper noun).
Jude 1:9 uses the definite article the when referring to the archangel Michael, which could indicate that Michael is the only archangel.
Case distinctions, at least in the masculine gender, were marked on both the definite article and the noun itself.
Which is the objective center (with a definite article) and which is a subjective center (with an indefinite article) that might belong to the periphery depends on the amount of capital.
In cases where two nouns appear, and both take the same case ending, the author will often add the definite article to the word that is the subject in order to avoid confusion.
As with Irish and Scottish, the form with the definite article is frequently used in Manx, e.g. y Ghaelg or y Ghailck (Irish an Ghaeilge, Scottish a’ Ghàidhlig).
アイルランド語やスコットランド・ゲール語と同様、マン島語でも定冠詞を伴った形 y Ghaelg ないし y Ghailck がしばしば用いられる (アイルランド語では an Ghaeilge, スコットランド・ゲール語では a` Ghàidhlig である)。
There is a good reason why theos has no definite article in John 1:1 and why the New World Translation rendering is in error.
“Ye” is also sometimes used to represent an Early Modern English form of the definite article “the” (pronounced/iː/), such as in “Ye Olde Shoppe”.
Yeは単語the(伝統に/iː/と発音された)の初期近代英語形を表わすために使われることもある(例: Ye Olde Shoppe)。
Compare also definite article reduction.
In English and some other languages, the use of such a word implies the definite article.
It seems when the definite article “the” is used, it is specifying a unique being, separate from the other angels.
For example, the possessive adjectives ei “his, her”, eu “their” and the preposition i “to” are very commonly spelled y in Middle Welsh, and are thus spelt the same as the definite article y and the indirect relative particle y.
例えば、所有代名詞 ei彼の、彼女のおよび前置詞 i……へは、中期ウェールズ語ではかなり広く y と綴られ、それゆえ定冠詞 y や間接関係小辞 y と同じ綴りになっている。
What is the Essence of Individuals | English Edition The predicates prefixed with the definite article that refer to one and only one individual are definite descriptions, while those prefixed with the indefinite article, some, all and so on that can refer to more than one individuals are indefinite descriptions.
個体の本質は何か | 永井俊哉ドットコム日本語版 不定冠詞やすべて allやいくつかの someなどがついた、複数の個体を指示することができる述語を不確定記述というのに対して、固有名詞によって指示されるような、世界に一つしかない個体を指示する、定冠詞のついた述語を確定記述という。

