





chengyuzheng / iStock /ゲッティイメージズプラス/ゲッティイメージズ





ここで Y と答えると、DAMA サーバ として動作します。
If you say Y here, your Linux box will act as a DAMA server.
Around 2010, professional teams were born in USA and the event called “DAMA festival” was held.
よく知られた CSMA や DAMA といったチャンネルアクセス方法と 全く違う方法を実験してみたりするなんていうことも可能になります。
It would even be possible to experiment with something completely different from the known CSMA and DAMA channel access methods.
広州(中国) WeWork Dama Station Business Center にあるこのシンプルな階段を飾る壁のアート作品は、明るく陽気で芸術的な雰囲気を醸し出しています。
Guangzhou, China The wall art that accompanies this simple staircase at WeWork Dama Station Business Centre adds a bright and cheery artistic flair.
(AX. DAMA スレーブのサポート)
AX. DAMA Slave support
(AX. DAMA マスターのサポート)
AX. DAMA Master support
展示室には古代エジプトの品々、ギリシャ磁器、古代ローマ彫刻、エルチェの貴婦人(Dama de Elche)を含むイベリア彫刻芸術の豊富なコレクションを鑑賞することができます。
Its halls display pieces from Ancient Egypt, Greek ceramics or Roman sculptures along with a rich collection of Iberian sculptural art, including the main feature of the museum: the Lady of Elche.
これは透過すること、すなわち DAMA に対して特別な設定をしてはならないことを意味します(まだ DAMA サーバのようには動作しません)。
Linux cannot yet act as a DAMA server.
If mirror matter does exist in large abundances in the universe and if it interacts with ordinary matter via photon-mirror photon mixing, then this could be detected in dark matter direct detection experiments such as DAMA/NaI and its successor DAMA/LIBRA.
We also hope that the low-mass dark matter, which the DAMA/LIBRA group suggested, can be investigated.
In fact, it is one of the few dark matter candidates which can explain the positive DAMA/NaI dark matter signal whilst still being consistent with the null results of other dark matter experiments.
XMASS produced many papers and also specifically addressed the DAMA/LIBRA annual modulation claim, which is not supported by XMASS data.

