和訳:【爆破犯人, 爆撃手】
英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
bomber | 爆撃機 | (military aircraft) ( 軍事 ) |
Everyone ran for cover when the bombers were spotted flying overhead. | ||
爆撃機が頭上を飛んでいるのが発見されたとき、誰もが避難しました。 | ||
bomber | 爆弾兵 | (military pilot) ( 軍事 ) |
My grandfather was a bomber during WWII. | ||
私の祖父は第二次世界大戦中に爆撃機でした。 | ||
bomber | 爆破犯人、爆撃犯 | (person who plants bombs) |
The bomber was caught after a police officer saw him fleeing the scene of the explosion. | ||
爆発現場から逃げる彼を警察官が目撃した後、爆撃機は逮捕された。 |
英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
bomber jacket | ボマージャケット、ボンバージャケット | (leather jacket with elasticated waist) |
Errol looks dashing in his new bomber jacket. | ||
エロールは新しいボンバー ジャケットを着て威勢のいいように見えます。 | ||
bomber pilot | 爆撃機の操縦士 | (pilot: drops bombs) |
Norman was a bomber pilot during the Vietnam war. | ||
ノーマンはベトナム戦争中の爆撃機のパイロットでした。 |
Jacket realized in three-layer nylon with a classical bomber cut.
Sometimes enemy bomber will drop bombs.
Hundreds of dead worldwide, 17 here, including the bomber, who’s an unknown male.
世界各地で犠牲者多数 ここでは17名 身元不明の男性の犯人を入れてね
So Lestrade’s boss isn’t a bomber?
じゃ レストレードのボスは 犯人じゃないのね?
This designation was designed to classify the missile as a pilotless bomber.
The Me 264 was an all-metal, high-wing, four-engine heavy bomber of classic construction.
Further development of the Hs 130 led to bomber variants.
更なるHs 130の開発は爆撃機型へと繋がった。
One German bomber was also damaged.
The only remaining flyable B-29 bomber “FiFi” was visiting Allegheny County airport this weekend.
この週末、現在世界で唯一飛行可能なB-29爆撃機 ”FiFi”が、今シーズンのツアーでアレゲニー・カウンティ空港に飛来した。
Lightly armed fighters often expended their ammunition without bringing down the enemy bomber.
August 5, 1939, the first Caproni Ca. bomber landed here.
同年8月5日には最初のカプロニ Ca.爆撃機が着陸した。
The Me 410 night bomber proved to be an elusive target for the RAF night fighters.
Me 410夜間爆撃機はイギリス空軍夜間戦闘機にとり捕捉しがたい目標となっていることが確かめられた。
Both aircraft were forced into emergency landings, and Mitralexis threatened the bomber‘s four-man crew into surrender using his pistol.
The Luftwaffe had a shortcoming in the lack of an efficient heavy bomber fleet.
Choosing the mounted light machine guns Specialization will turn this deadly pinpoint bomber into an equally effective fighter.
The B 18A entered service in June 1944, and quickly became Sweden’s standard medium bomber aircraft.
B 18Aは1944年に就役し、その後急速にスウェーデン空軍の標準中型爆撃機となっていった。
Prior to Pence’s visit, a B2 stealth bomber capable of carrying nuclear weapons had come to Iceland.
A Wellington bomber crashed on the south coast of Soay in 1942 or 1943.
ビッカース ウェリントン爆撃機が1942年か1943年に、ソアイ島南岸で墜落している。
Comes with two bomber marking options and one for a reconnaissance aircraft.
Apparently the bomber would not have acted alone and in the center you continue to look for a second suspect.