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biographer | 伝記作家 | (writer of [sb] ‘s life story) |
According to biographer Donald Spoto, she was “arguably the most international star in the history of entertainment”.
バーグマンの伝記作家ドナルド・スポート (en:Donald Spoto) はバーグマンのことをエンターテインメント史上、もっとも国際的なスターであることは間違いないとしている。
Bevin’s biographer Alan Bullock rejected suggestions that Bevin was motivated by personal anti-Semitism.
This, according to biographer and historian Roland Huntford, amounted to a revolution in polar travel methods.
The construction was directed by Giorgio Vasari (known more as a biographer than as an artist) between 1562 and 1564.
Another biographer, William Innes Homer (b. 1929), was more reserved and described the poses of the figures as rigidly academic.
べつの伝記作者ウィリアムズ・インズ・ホーマー(William Innes Homer)(1929年 - )は、より遠慮がちで、そして諸人物のポーズを厳格に学究的であると評した。
According to his biographer Pekka Hako, he died on October 2, in the early hours of the day.
彼の伝記作家のペッカ・ハコ(Pekka Hako)は、彼は10月2日の早朝に息を引き取ったとしている。
As biographer Thomas N. Baker wrote, Willis is today only referred to as a footnote in relation to other authors.
De Peyster’s biographer devotes six chapters to his benefactions, but does not mention his ethnological collections.
Scott’s biographer David Crane describes Cherry-Garrard as “the future interpreter, historian and conscience of the expedition.”
According to Wild, the expedition ended “quietly”, although his biographer Leif Mills writes of enthusiastic crowds in Plymouth Sound.
According to Grimaldi’s biographer Andrew McConnell Stott, it was one of the most important theatrical designs of the 1800s.
He enjoyed parties, and according to his biographer Linda Wilson, he often drank substantial quantities of alcohol.
パーティーを楽しみ、そしてビコの伝記作家リンダ・ウィルソン(Linda Wilson)によれば、彼はしょっちゅう大量の酒を飲んだ。
A later biographer wrote of the painting that the men “performing their required tasks, immediately engage our confidence in their competence to deal effectively with any situation the treachery or violence of the sea may produce.”
According to Rodgers biographer Meryle Secrest, Holtzmann was worried that Lawrence’s career was fading.
This, says Amundsen’s biographer Roland Huntford, was “enough to generate suspicion and low spirits”.
According to biographer Julie Phillips, the suicide note Sheldon left was written years earlier and saved until needed.
伝記作家 Julie Phillips によれば、シェルドンが残した遺書は数年前から用意されていたものだったという。
Napoleon’s biographer, Felix Markham, wrote “the partition of Venice was not only a moral blot on the peace settlement but left Austria a foothold in Italy, which could only lead to further war.”
ナポレオンの伝記作家、フェリックス・マーカム(Felix Markham)は、ヴェネツィアの分割は和平調停の道徳的な欠陥であっただけでなく、オーストリアにイタリアへの足場を残していた。
Robert E. Lee’s biographer, Douglas S. Freeman, asserts that the army received its final name from Lee when he issued orders assuming command on June 1, 1862.
ロバート・E・リーの伝記作家であるダグラス・フリーマン(Douglas S. Freeman)によると、北バージニア軍の名称が正式なものとなったのは、リーが軍司令官に就任した1862年6月1日のことであった。
According to Lincoln biographer Carl Sandburg, Stevens stood at a railroad bridge and lifted his hat.
His cousin and biographer later wrote that the expedition was “the creation of his brain, the product of his persistent energy”.