

「big wheel」の意味(noun)




参考:「big wheel」の例文一覧

They will see that the big wheel in the soya bean business must be a great character, because he said that “the cure for high prices is higher prices”.
Above the big wheel , the count wheel is mounted on the front of the clock outside the clock frame.
In 1875, he began making special pairs of extra large wagon wheels that were 10 ft in diameter called “logging wheels” or “big wheels”.
1875 年に、彼は「丸太車輪」または「ビッグ ホイール」と呼ばれる、直径 10 フィートの特別な一対の特別な荷馬車車輪の製造を開始しました。
【英単語】big-wheelを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1
That is why we have the big wheels from the private sector.
Rather than a budgetary cycle, ladies and gentlemen, it appears that we have a budgetary big wheel .
This means that the theoretical maximum a player could win on the big wheel was 510,000.
これは、プレーヤーがビッグホイールで獲得できる理論上の最大額が 510,000 であることを意味します。
【英単語】big-wheelを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文2
We have all seen them sitting high up in their seats, holding a big wheel and hitting the accelerator, confident that the bull bar will protect them from everything.
It is put on a heavy vehicle with chains and big wheels and goes to the most remote farms.


読み方は【ˌbɪɡ ˈwiːl】です。下記動画を聞きながらˌbɪɡ ˈwiːlを大声で発音しましょう


「big wheel」の類語一覧です。順番に覚えましょう!

  • VIP
  • big cat
  • big cheese
  • big fish
  • big gun
  • big man on campus
  • big shot
  • bigwig
  • dignitary
  • fat cat
  • head honcho
  • heavy-hitter
  • high-muck-a-muck
  • important person
  • influential person
  • mogul
  • nabob
  • notable
  • somebody

big wheelの実際の意味・ニュアンス(大きな観覧車?大観覧車?実力者?大きなタイヤ?)を理解して、正しく使いましょう!

Partially hidden behind trees in a shallow valley beside the main complex is a tacky amusement park, replete with a big wheel and roller-coaster, no doubt licensed in some way to the shrine.
That is when the big hotels and sanatoria are closed and cows graze in-between the empty funfair stalls on the beach under the big wheel which can be seen from far and wide.
You can go to a shopping mall and Yokohama Chinatown and see a night view from a big wheel… the location of Yokohama Minato Mirai hall can be regarded as the best.
ショッピングモール、横浜中華街、大観覧車の夜景… これ以上ないロケーションも魅力のみなとみらいホール。
And then he saw a big wheel in midair.
The big wheel should be placed at a height where the wire is fully released from the spiral before being straightened by the two smaller wheels.
Various places in the city even propose thematic events and constructions.For example, the Place de la République is usually welcoming the Christmas market and a big wheel.
Has my lucky big wheel.
The big wheel probably will be drawn
The Big Wheel no one has used for seven years?
ビッグ ホイールは、誰も7年間使用していない?
In such cases the Big Wheel is an ideal antenna which should be used together with a directional antenna.
Now, you said your parents purchased Ted… as one might purchase a baseball glove or a Big Wheel.
今 両親が買ったと 言いましたね 野球グローブや 観覧車を買うように
Big Wheel antennas by WiMo are made of stainless aluminum, all other hardware is made of stainless steel.
The sign is caricatured in Neal Stephenson’s 1984 book The Big U as “the Big Wheel sign,” which is worshipped by members of a fictional American Megaversity fraternity.
1984年、ニール・スティーヴンスンの書籍『The Big U 』においてアメリカの架空の巨大フラタニティのメンバーによって崇拝される巨大な車輪の看板として風刺されている。
Tai Shing Road blocks free with phone features During the festival, Tai-sheng Road, the communications business, business offices, etc. have to create an atmosphere within the layout and theme, the introduction of special machine sales; phone buy one get five; “0” per share effort, g3 mobile phone; phone trade-in; lucky Big wheel; manufacturers offer Gifts and other promotional activities for free to get in the pop displays, hanging flags, outdoor booths will all aspects of field activities and contests, and jointly create a fun festive atmosphere.
タイシンロードブロック電話機能を備えた無料 携帯電話は、1つは、5を取得購入; 0 1株当たりの努力、g3は、携帯電話、携帯電話の下取り;幸運祭りの期間中、タイ盛ロード、通信事業、事業所等は、レイアウトやテーマ、特別なマシン販売の導入内の雰囲気を作成する必要がありますビッグホイール;ベンダーはフラグをぶら下げ、ポップ表示では、無料ギフトおよびその他のプロモーション活動を取るの提供、屋外ブースには、フィールド活動やコンテストのすべての側面と、共同でお祭りの雰囲気を楽しんで作成されます。
Various vegetables are sold with many baskets and pails on the daihachi guruma (big wheel cart).
INFORMATION The Best Casino Destination in Jeju: Ramada Plaza Jeju Casino Jeju Ramada Casino has many different types of games including blackjack, baccarat, roulette, tai sai, big wheel, and slot machines. Open for 24 hours, the casino brings you one great casino experience.
情報 済州島内の最高の施設を完備したラマダプラザ済州ホテルカジノ 済州ラマダカジノはブラックジャックをはじめ、バカラ、ルーレット、ダイサイ、ビックホイール、スロットマシンなど様々なゲームを楽しむことができ、常に皆様に幸運をもたらす場所で、24時間年中無休で運営されています。
This is a place worth visiting, no matter if you are going with a date or just visiting with family and friends.If you happen to visit Rinku-pleasure town, please try the Big Wheel! Different events are held in Rinku-pleasure town throughout the year.Seasonal events, performances, experiences – a lot of different events are held, so it is always fun whichever time of year you visit.

「big wheel」の意味(noun)




参考:「big wheel」の例文一覧

They will see that the big wheel in the soya bean business must be a great character, because he said that “the cure for high prices is higher prices”.
Above the big wheel , the count wheel is mounted on the front of the clock outside the clock frame.
In 1875, he began making special pairs of extra large wagon wheels that were 10 ft in diameter called “logging wheels” or “big wheels”.
1875 年に、彼は「丸太車輪」または「ビッグ ホイール」と呼ばれる、直径 10 フィートの特別な一対の特別な荷馬車車輪の製造を開始しました。
【英単語】big-wheelを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1
That is why we have the big wheels from the private sector.
Rather than a budgetary cycle, ladies and gentlemen, it appears that we have a budgetary big wheel .
This means that the theoretical maximum a player could win on the big wheel was 510,000.
これは、プレーヤーがビッグホイールで獲得できる理論上の最大額が 510,000 であることを意味します。
【英単語】big-wheelを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文2
We have all seen them sitting high up in their seats, holding a big wheel and hitting the accelerator, confident that the bull bar will protect them from everything.
It is put on a heavy vehicle with chains and big wheels and goes to the most remote farms.


読み方は【ˌbɪɡ ˈwiːl】です。下記動画を聞きながらˌbɪɡ ˈwiːlを大声で発音しましょう


「big wheel」の類語一覧です。順番に覚えましょう!

  • VIP
  • big cat
  • big cheese
  • big fish
  • big gun
  • big man on campus
  • big shot
  • bigwig
  • dignitary
  • fat cat
  • head honcho
  • heavy-hitter
  • high-muck-a-muck
  • important person
  • influential person
  • mogul
  • nabob
  • notable
  • somebody

big wheelの実際の意味・ニュアンス(大きな観覧車?大観覧車?実力者?大きなタイヤ?)を理解して、正しく使いましょう!

Partially hidden behind trees in a shallow valley beside the main complex is a tacky amusement park, replete with a big wheel and roller-coaster, no doubt licensed in some way to the shrine.
That is when the big hotels and sanatoria are closed and cows graze in-between the empty funfair stalls on the beach under the big wheel which can be seen from far and wide.
You can go to a shopping mall and Yokohama Chinatown and see a night view from a big wheel… the location of Yokohama Minato Mirai hall can be regarded as the best.
ショッピングモール、横浜中華街、大観覧車の夜景… これ以上ないロケーションも魅力のみなとみらいホール。
And then he saw a big wheel in midair.
The big wheel should be placed at a height where the wire is fully released from the spiral before being straightened by the two smaller wheels.
Various places in the city even propose thematic events and constructions.For example, the Place de la République is usually welcoming the Christmas market and a big wheel.
Has my lucky big wheel.
The big wheel probably will be drawn
The Big Wheel no one has used for seven years?
ビッグ ホイールは、誰も7年間使用していない?
In such cases the Big Wheel is an ideal antenna which should be used together with a directional antenna.
Now, you said your parents purchased Ted… as one might purchase a baseball glove or a Big Wheel.
今 両親が買ったと 言いましたね 野球グローブや 観覧車を買うように
Big Wheel antennas by WiMo are made of stainless aluminum, all other hardware is made of stainless steel.
The sign is caricatured in Neal Stephenson’s 1984 book The Big U as “the Big Wheel sign,” which is worshipped by members of a fictional American Megaversity fraternity.
1984年、ニール・スティーヴンスンの書籍『The Big U 』においてアメリカの架空の巨大フラタニティのメンバーによって崇拝される巨大な車輪の看板として風刺されている。
Tai Shing Road blocks free with phone features During the festival, Tai-sheng Road, the communications business, business offices, etc. have to create an atmosphere within the layout and theme, the introduction of special machine sales; phone buy one get five; “0” per share effort, g3 mobile phone; phone trade-in; lucky Big wheel; manufacturers offer Gifts and other promotional activities for free to get in the pop displays, hanging flags, outdoor booths will all aspects of field activities and contests, and jointly create a fun festive atmosphere.
タイシンロードブロック電話機能を備えた無料 携帯電話は、1つは、5を取得購入; 0 1株当たりの努力、g3は、携帯電話、携帯電話の下取り;幸運祭りの期間中、タイ盛ロード、通信事業、事業所等は、レイアウトやテーマ、特別なマシン販売の導入内の雰囲気を作成する必要がありますビッグホイール;ベンダーはフラグをぶら下げ、ポップ表示では、無料ギフトおよびその他のプロモーション活動を取るの提供、屋外ブースには、フィールド活動やコンテストのすべての側面と、共同でお祭りの雰囲気を楽しんで作成されます。
Various vegetables are sold with many baskets and pails on the daihachi guruma (big wheel cart).
INFORMATION The Best Casino Destination in Jeju: Ramada Plaza Jeju Casino Jeju Ramada Casino has many different types of games including blackjack, baccarat, roulette, tai sai, big wheel, and slot machines. Open for 24 hours, the casino brings you one great casino experience.
情報 済州島内の最高の施設を完備したラマダプラザ済州ホテルカジノ 済州ラマダカジノはブラックジャックをはじめ、バカラ、ルーレット、ダイサイ、ビックホイール、スロットマシンなど様々なゲームを楽しむことができ、常に皆様に幸運をもたらす場所で、24時間年中無休で運営されています。
This is a place worth visiting, no matter if you are going with a date or just visiting with family and friends.If you happen to visit Rinku-pleasure town, please try the Big Wheel! Different events are held in Rinku-pleasure town throughout the year.Seasonal events, performances, experiences – a lot of different events are held, so it is always fun whichever time of year you visit.

