英語 | 意味(和訳) | 詳しく解説! |
befuddled | ぼーっとした | (confused, perplexed) |
The patient woke up after the operation in a befuddled state of mind. | ||
患者は手術後、混乱した状態で目が覚めた。 |
I am befuddled as Your Lordship.
私も混乱しています 閣下。
But when away from home in the Middle East, he has been befuddled and caught at this.
Walking from this breadth in a westerly direction, one arrives at a arduous bluff over which disciplinarian accursed to afterlife were befuddled into the sea.The peninsula descends steeply into the sea in a westerly direction, in the anatomy of a ribbon, basic a baby peninsula, 4000 m long.
西の方向にこの広さからウォーキング, 1は風紀委員が海に混乱した来世する呪わその上に骨の折れるはったりに到着します. 半島は西の方向に海に急激に下降します, リボンの解剖学, 基本的な赤ちゃん半島, 4000 長いメートル. これは、cilvardaと主張しました。.
I recall neighbors asking me why I was “trick-or-treating” in March instead of October and their befuddled looks as I tried to explain Purim to them.
私は私がした理由私を求めて近所の人を思い出す ”治療トリックまたは” 3月ではなく10月とその混乱ルックス、私は彼らにプリムを説明しようとしたとして、.
A confusing situation, befuddled so far only by the differences between the Navy and media announced sunrise and sunset times as compared to the printed publications, the Almanacs, now deemed a terrorist tool, such is the establishments fear of facing a public armed with the truth.
紛らわしい状況は、プリントされた出版物、年鑑、そのようなもの〈現在テロリストツールを考えている〉と比較して日の出と日没を発表する 海軍とメディアの間での違いだけによって、これまでに混乱した、そのようなものは、真実によって武装した大衆に直面しているエスタブリッシュメントの恐怖である。
With financial losses that befuddled shareholders, production was terminated three years into the project.
Presently you may feel befuddled finding out about these typical data about NTAG203 Silicone Wristbands UK, Australia, or somewhere else.
現在NTAG203 シリコーン リストバンド英国についてのこれらの一般的なデータ、オーストラリア、またはどこか他を見つける混乱感じることがあります。
Kick it did not cause any harm, and the opponent gets for not vase ri in the fight full-contactowej! In boxing after a strong blow counts player – if you stumbled or fell – of 10 seconds, and if it is still befuddled, it announces a knockout or technical knockout.
最初のラウンドの後、裁判官は指摘しました 2-1 Takudyの賛成で, ヨーロッパからの裁判官マットは、その声をしました, 勝利に日本からの選手を与えました. すべてのためにそれは明らかでした, この決定の理由は、裁判官への願望であったこと, 日本を倒すための. すべてが激怒しました. この決定後、館長松井は不当な判決に無関心ではありません.
The first point of attack was the battery at Cachacrou, where the British garrison, befuddled by drink and with inoperative cannons, was overcome without significant resistance around dawn on 7 September.
The common man may believe that a computer system that had been in operation literally for decades would be befuddled by a high altitude plane but anyone familiar with how such systems are designed knows better.
The Earth itself bulges at the Equator, due to centrifugal force, and the fact of shallow depths at the Arctic and around the Antarctic Plate have confused poor befuddled man into thinking that the deep oceans in the Pacific are due to this Equatorial Bulge.
The executive members of the Seiyu-kai Party were befuddled by this logic of citing a ‘Violation of the Ordinance’ and they tried to dissuade Saionji, but Saionji’s determination never wavered.
I am befuddled as Your Lordship.
私も混乱しています 閣下。 たしかに 全滅させたのです!
But given my befuddled state of mind, I ended up in the self-help section very quickly.
だが、混乱した頭で気がつけば 自己啓発本のコーナーにいた。
Now, I’d like to say a few words before we all become too befuddled by our excellent feast.
皆に いくつかお知らせがある ご馳走でボーっとなる前に 片付けてしまう方がよかろうの
On my first read of this book, I was completely befuddled by its theoretic structure/style and my mind was merely filled with incomprehensible fragments.
Takumi is befuddled by all the attention from his friends, but gets set up to race against Takeshi (voice: Suwabe Junichi) of the Myogi Night Kids.
Where in stable times the strong and/or clever take from the weak and/or befuddled and nice guys seem to finish last, during turmoil the playing field is flattened.
Where in stable times the strong and/or clever take from the weak and/or befuddled and nice guys seem to finish last, during turmoil the playing field is flattened.
安定した時、 強く、又は利口者が、弱い人たちやまごついている人達から奪うところで、競技場の騒動の間に、最後に終わるように思われるナイスガイが、平らにされる。
I’m befuddled as to what is I’m inclined to think it’s the cold weather that is causing this weird problem.
問題はまだ残っていたので、問題があります。 それは非常に低かった!