




和訳:【素人っぽい, 素人くさい】


Discretion implies that trustees have considerable expertise, whereas the reality is, at best, a world characterized by trustee competence and, at worst, amateurish confusion.
Are they expert or are they, as many of us suspect, somewhat amateurish ?
By the 1960s, the for-the-record aesthetic was the taken-for-granted standard of professional performance and audience expectation; anything other than that sounded distinctly amateurish , home-made, of lower quality.
1960 年代までに、レコードの美学は、プロのパフォーマンスと聴衆の期待の当然の基準でした。それ以外のものは、明らかにアマチュア的で、自家製で、低品質に聞こえました。
【英単語】amateurishを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文1
And, of course, the articles will all be amateurish nonsense.
True, the quality does not always match the quantity; you can easily find articles that are thin or amateurish or that contain significant omissions and errors.
We cannot really afford to continue in this amateurish way.
【英単語】amateurishを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 ・例文2
My computer system must sound ‘as if’ it has high-level musicianship, so that my performance does not come across as sounding amateurish .
Her organization appeared amateurish , the parties supporting her failed to mobilize their activists, and her campaign failed to promote her as a credible president.






  • incompetent
  • inept
  • bush-league
  • inexperienced
  • inexpert
  • insipid
  • unskilled
  • untrained


  • able
  • competent
  • dexterous
  • skillful


英語 意味(和訳) 詳しく解説!
amateurish 素人くさい、アマチュアっぽい pejorative, informal (not professional)
Overall the play was amateurish, though the actor in the lead role was good.


Their security practices, however, were amateurish.
It would seem, can go either, but it is – an amateurish approach.
どちらかに行くことができる、と思われるが、それはある - 素人アプローチ。
Despite this amateurish structure, the organization has already achieved several shots.
The photographs were snapshot size, with an amateurish quality that intrigued his contemporaries.
Which is, i believe, despite the amateurish in a commercial game, a success!
何が, 私の信仰, 商業ゲームで素人にもかかわらず, 成功!
I would think that our filming must have looked amateurish and quite comical to onlooking outsiders.
This makes the product look amateurish, and it would surely turn off a true sushi lover.
Users must ensure not amateurish hold a microphone in front of the boxes, but specialized audio can instead use recorder.
Faking it could really hurt a studio reputation.There are 12 actors in here, numbers speak, and I’m sure they are not used to f*ck Arina, so the amateurish factor remains.
日本は狂っていることです, 彼らは真剣prankingのこの種を取ります.ファンは良い言葉を広めます. それを偽造することは、実際にスタジオの評判を傷つける可能性があり.がある 12 ここで俳優, 数字は話します, そして私は彼らが、F ckのアリーナに使用されていないと確信しています, そう素人要因が残っています. ちょっと待って見て 4 このビデオで, あわや.そして、私の最大の理由: ファンは自由のために行動するために雇わすることができます. 🙂彼らは本当のファンですが、, 私は、彼らが前にここに演技へのSTDのためにテストをかなり確信しています.
Of course the conspiracy theory is always the most difficult to prove, but it is clear that the attempt of the coup, was being carried out in too amateurish to have even the slightest success rate.
Even professional ballet dancers there are rather amateurish compared to their overseas counterparts.Very few can make a living as a ballet dancer in Japan.If you say, I am a professional ballet dancer, someone will likely ask you, That’s your hobby, right?
The Autostart command will play the file automatically when the page is loaded.PROS; Very small file size, easy to implementCONS: Unpredictable results, amateurish sounds2) WAV FilesUsing the WAV file format allows you to add professional sounding recordings to your site but the problem is that even if you use a low quality setting like 11k/8bit, the file sizes are still very large and it will take a long time for your music to load.
賛成論; 実行すること容易な非常に小さいファイルサイズ反対論: 予測不可能な結果、素人らしな音2) WAV はファイルするWAV を使用してファイル形式はあなたの場所に専門の録音を加えることを可能にするが、11k/8bit のような低質の設定を使用しても問題はこと、ファイルサイズまだ非常に大きいであり、負荷にあなたの音楽のための長い時間をかける。
Among the less favorable reviews, Steve Biodrowski of Cinefantastique felt the film was “hampered by an obviously low budget and some poorly recorded post-production dubbing that creates an amateurish feel, undermining the power of its story”, while Jonathan Rosenbaum of the Chicago Reader remarked, “Some would consider this version better than the 1971 remake with Charlton Heston, The Omega Man, but that isn’t much of an achievement.”
If this is your first baby, you probably feel totally amateurish.
Using MIDI for background music is very likely to make your site seem amateurish.
Patrick Frater of Variety said that the film had “strong production values, driving music and somewhat more amateurish acting performances.”
Although some of these pictures may be considered somewhat amateurish, I hope that they can at least provide you with a glimpse of the beauty and magnificence of Japanese castles.
No matter the level of expertise, years of experience in the field, or quality of content available on your site, if you still have an outdated or amateurish website, visitors are less likely to trust your company, services, and you’ll see fewer conversions.
どんなに専門知識のレベル、の年 フィールドでの経験、またはサイト上で利用できるコンテンツの質、あなたはまだ古いまたは素人らしウェブサイトを持っている場合、訪問者は、サービスあなたの会社を信頼する可能性が低い、とあなたがより少ないわかります 変換。
In this “Heisa-rakugan-zu” there is an amateurish part that shows the artist could not fully master the brushwork of Suiboku-ga, and it also suffers from perspective problems.
By which I don’t mean amateurish culture, I mean culture where people produce for the love of what they’re doing and not for the money.
素人っぽい文化のことを言っているのではありません 私が言っているのは、人々がお金のためでなく 自分のしていることを楽しむために作り出す文化のことです

