【英语单词】彻底解释“starvation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“starvation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

「“starvation”」的含义 (noun)




20 million people face starvation unless a vast emergency aid programme is launched.
除非启动大规模紧急援助计划,否则 2000 万人 将面临 饥饿。
The animals had died of starvation.
比喻 They pay starvation wages (= not enough money to live on) .
他们支付饥饿 工资 (=他们没有足够的钱维持生计)
【英语单词】彻底解释“starvation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆


The presumption is, of course, that the fly, deprived of its means of subsistence, died of starvation .
当然,有一种假设是,苍蝇被剥夺了生存手段,死于 饥饿
Such features were rapidly disrupted, however, once starvation began.
然而,随着 饥荒的 到来,这些特征很快就被破坏了。
As pyruvate is produced by glycolysis and consumed by gluconeogenesis, parasite-induced starvation of the host should result in a depletion of hepatocellular pyruvate.
由于丙酮酸是通过糖酵解产生并通过糖异生消耗的,因此寄生虫对宿主的 饥饿 应该导致肝细胞中丙酮酸的消耗。
【英语单词】彻底解释“starvation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Parental nutrition might influence offspring energy reserves and aptitude to undergo periods of starvation at the end of diapause.
父母的营养会影响后代的能量储备和适应能力,以适应滞育结束时的一段 饥饿 期。
That would lead to massive deaths from starvation and cold (the severity of both depending slightly on timing).
它会导致因 饥饿 和寒冷而造成的大规模死亡(两者的严重程度稍微取决于时间)。
Certainly some of the prints showed starvation and famine so severe that money and supplies must have been wanted.
事实上,一些版画显示 饥饿 和饥荒非常严重,肯定需要金钱和补给。
【英语单词】彻底解释“starvation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
One daughter was born successfully after maternal starvation , but in this case the grand-daughter failed to establish.
一个女儿在母亲 饥饿 后成功出生,但在这种情况下无法建立孙女。
With continued environmental degradation, the argument continues, agricultural production will decline, food deficits will increase and poverty and starvation will result.
人们继续认为,持续的环境退化将减少农业产量,加剧粮食不安全,并导致贫困和 饥饿
These policies resulted in the worst episode of mass starvation in the entire twentieth century.
这些政策导致了整个20世纪最严重的大规模 饥饿
【英语单词】彻底解释“starvation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
It can only be reversed by a deficiency of food, that is by starvation .
只有缺乏食物或 饥饿 才能逆转这种情况。

“starvation”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。

  • deprivation
  • famine
  • malnutrition
  • inanition
  • need
  • want


  • supply
  • plenty

“starvation”是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
starvation 饥饿,饥饿 (极度饥饿)
The postmortem revealed the young man died of starvation. The famine has left thousands of people suffering the effects of starvation.

starvation是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

History shows that mismanagement and starvation follow such endeavors.
历史表明,此类尝试导致管理不善和 饥饿 现象持续存在。
the starvation , the destruction, the killing of innocent people.
我无法理解 饥饿 、破坏公物、杀害无辜者。
All of these jobs paid only starvation wages.
所有这些工作所支付的工资仅够 挨饿
Many died from starvation and disease.
许多人因 饥饿 和疾病而丧生。
But there are wolves, frostbite, and starvation .
只有狼、冻伤和 饥饿。
By then, many people were dying of starvation .
此时,已经有不少人被 饿死了
Many children die of starvation in Africa.
非洲许多儿童死于 饥饿
When this failed, Bosniak civilians began dying from starvation .
当这一努力失败后,波斯尼亚平民很快开始 饿死
Malnutrition and starvation continue to be a persistent problem in some areas of the world.
营养不良和 饥饿 仍然是世界某些地区持续存在的问题。
These individuals’ prenatal experience of starvation seems to have changed their bodies in myriad ways.
胎儿时期的 饥饿 在很多方面极大地改变了这些人的身体。
You are risking disease and starvation on a massive scale.
面临大规模灾害和 饥荒 的风险
And we do not want to relegate the urban poor to starvation .
我们也不希望城市贫民 挨饿
Conditions that induce apoptosis vary from cell to cell, but starvation is one of them.
诱导细胞凋亡的条件因细胞而异, 饥饿 就是其中之一。
Such logic creates the situation where children die from starvation and poor conditions.
这种逻辑造成了儿童死于 饥饿 和恶劣条件的情况。
The ruling classes must accuse somebody of the starvation crisis so as to evade their responsibilities.
统治阶级必须将责任归咎于某人,以避免对 饥饿 危机承担责任。
The human body has such dials to be adjusted, during starvation or plenty.
饥饿 或饱足时,人体有这样一个调节盘。
The biggest cause of a war is starvation .
战争的最大原因是 饥饿
Even should they move all citizens to safety, starvation and in-fighting would soon follow.
他们将所有公民转移到安全地带,但很快就会出现 饥饿 和战斗。
The fact that many will die of starvation or suffer brain damage due to lack of nutrition is not considered.
它没有考虑到许多儿童死于 饥饿 或营养不良造成的脑损伤的事实。
Adipocytes, which stores excess energy as lipids, have been originally developed to protect life from starvation and coldness.
脂肪细胞是以脂肪形式储存营养物质的器官,最初是为了保护生命免受 饥饿 和寒冷而开发的。

听听“ starvation ”的土声(发音)!

读法是【stɑːˈveɪ.ʃən】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【stɑːˈveɪ.ʃən】。


