【英语单词】彻底解释“deprivation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“deprivation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

「“deprivation”」的含义 (noun)




They used sleep deprivation as a form of torture.
There is awful deprivation in the shanty towns.
There were food shortages and other deprivations during the Civil War.
【英语单词】彻底解释“deprivation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆


Thus, the fixational subsystem can exhibit improved voluntary control despite chronic visual deprivation .
因此,尽管长期视觉 剥夺 ,注视子系统仍可以表现出改善的自主控制。
Treatment can be a single or repeated sleep deprivation , total (all night) or partial (second half of the night).
治疗是单次或重复的睡眠 剥夺 ,完全(整夜)或部分(后半夜)。
It is to these influences and the net effects of poverty, deprivation and early and arduous employment on children’s welfare that we now turn.
考虑这些影响以及贫困、 匮乏 和早期困难就业对儿童福祉的净影响。
【英语单词】彻底解释“deprivation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
The effect of the home-ownership rate was slight, with only the negative effect on deprivation reaching statistical significance.
住房拥有率的影响很小,只有对 剥夺的 负面影响达到了统计显着性。
This article extended this debate into the area of deprivation .
本文将这一讨论延伸到 剥夺 领域。
And it had been administered in quantities which must have made deprivation an anguish.
而且服用的剂量一定会让 这种剥夺 感到痛苦。
【英语单词】彻底解释“deprivation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Monocular deprivation and reverse suture deprived eye and imposing the activity pattern modeling deprivation in the previously normal eye.
单眼 剥夺 和反向缝合剥夺眼睛,并施加模拟先前正常眼睛的 剥夺 的活动模式。
Nevertheless, the age of 6 is too young for a valid assessment of possible effects of institutional deprivation on emotional disturbance and disruptive behavior.
然而,6 岁还太小,无法有效评估机构 剥夺 可能对情绪障碍和破坏性行为产生的影响。
Effects of prolonged sleep deprivation on local rates of cerebral energy uptake in freely moving rats.
长期睡眠 剥夺 对自由活动大鼠局部脑能量摄取率的影响。
【英语单词】彻底解释“deprivation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
In all the published activation studies, subjects underwent prior total sleep deprivation (36-48 hours).
在所有已发表的激活研究中,受试者之前都经历过完全睡眠 剥夺 (36-48 小时)。

“deprivation”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。

  • destitution
  • hardship
  • privation
  • denial
  • detriment
  • disadvantage
  • dispossession
  • distress
  • divestiture
  • expropriation
  • loss
  • removal
  • seizure
  • want
  • withdrawal
  • withholding
  • deprival
  • divestment


  • advantage
  • benefit
  • gain
  • profit
  • bestowal
  • endowment
  • giving
  • indulgence
  • offer
  • offering
  • presentation
  • supply

“deprivation”是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
deprivation 缺乏,缺乏 (没有的状态)
Although Dan is a successful attorney now, his childhood was filled with deprivation.
deprivation 剥夺 (剥夺行为)
The prison’s deprivation of food from the prisoners is despicable.

deprivation是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

This is not simply equivalent to socio-economic deprivation .
这并不简单地等同于社会经济 剥夺
I know that ” deprivation of political rights” is not imprisonment.
我也知道, 剥夺 投票权并不意味着监禁。
We can add sensory deprivation as a third element to a transformative experience.
我们可以将感官 剥夺 作为变革体验中的第三个要素。
This sensory deprivation chamber simulates a return… to that embryonic state.
这个感觉 剥夺 室模拟返回胚胎状态。
Now, this is a consequence of play deprivation .
现在,这是 缺乏 比赛的结果。
The war ushered in a period of shortages and deprivation .
战争开启了一个物质匮乏、 资源匮乏 的时代。
Normally, we would use a sensory deprivation chamber.
通常我们使用感觉 剥夺 室。
It is not based on deprivation and a hit among Hollywood stars…
这是基于 脱衣舞 并在好莱坞明星中大受欢迎……那么,还没有准备好迎接完美的身材吗?
A sensory deprivation tank is a dark, soundproof tank filled with about a foot of salt water.
感觉 剥夺 水箱是一个黑暗、隔音的水箱,里面装满了大约 30 厘米高的盐水。
We also advocate for an international programme of emergency relief to prevent life-threatening deprivation and end poverty-related deaths as a foremost global priority.
我们还倡导国际紧急救援计划,将防止危及生命的 剥夺 和与贫困相关的死亡作为全球首要任务。
Owing to the absence of photosynthesizing plants and algae, cave-dwelling animals must withstand long periods of nutrient deprivation .
由于缺乏光合植物和藻类,生活在洞穴中的动物不得不忍受长期的营养 匮乏
Even in the wealthiest nations, we are witnessing a dramatic rise in levels of hunger, deprivation , social exclusion and economic inequality.
即使在最富裕的国家,饥饿、 贫困 、社会排斥和经济不平等的程度也在急剧上升。
It has been suggested that the olfactory system is different because deprivation due to viral infection or allergies is not uncommon.
由于病毒感染或过敏而导致的嗅觉系统 阻塞 并不罕见,这被认为是嗅觉系统不同的原因。
The perception of odor before and immediately after the experience of olfactory deprivation was largely unchanged.
在嗅觉剥夺之前和嗅觉 剥夺 之后立即之间,气味感知通常没有变化。
To learn Chinese at this time I felt the language of the pale and deprivation .
汉语,在这一点上我感到语言的单薄和 匮乏
This could raise $187bn annually to prevent hunger and deprivation in the Global South.
这每年可以筹集 1870 亿美元,用于防止南半球国家的饥饿和 贫困
The investigation seeks to ascertain whether the deprivation of personal freedom of refugees is legitimate or not in the absence of measures by the judiciary.
调查旨在确定在没有采取司法行动的情况下 剥夺 难民的人身自由是否合理。
If our goal is to live in a sustainable world without needless deprivation or poverty-related deaths, then we need to strengthen the sharing economy in all its forms.
如果我们的目标是生活在一个可持续的世界,没有不必要的 剥夺 和与贫困相关的死亡,那么我们就需要加强各种形式的共享经济。
Nothing describes the dangerous shift away from the practice of sharing within societies more than the growing levels of hunger, poverty and needless deprivation in rich nations.
富裕国家日益严重的饥饿、贫困和不必要的 剥夺 最能说明放弃社会分享的危险。
Such a rapid reversal is quite different from other sensory systems, such as sight, which typically have long lasting effect to deprivation .
这种快速逆转与其他感觉系统(例如视觉) 剥夺 的长期影响形成鲜明对比。

听“ deprivation ”的地声(发音)!

读法是【ˌdep.rɪˈveɪ.ʃən】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˌdep.rɪˈveɪ.ʃən】。


「“deprivation”」的含义 (noun)




They used sleep deprivation as a form of torture.
There is awful deprivation in the shanty towns.
There were food shortages and other deprivations during the Civil War.
【英语单词】彻底解释“deprivation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆


Thus, the fixational subsystem can exhibit improved voluntary control despite chronic visual deprivation .
因此,尽管长期视觉 剥夺 ,注视子系统仍可以表现出改善的自主控制。
Treatment can be a single or repeated sleep deprivation , total (all night) or partial (second half of the night).
治疗是单次或重复的睡眠 剥夺 ,完全(整夜)或部分(后半夜)。
It is to these influences and the net effects of poverty, deprivation and early and arduous employment on children’s welfare that we now turn.
考虑这些影响以及贫困、 匮乏 和早期困难就业对儿童福祉的净影响。
【英语单词】彻底解释“deprivation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
The effect of the home-ownership rate was slight, with only the negative effect on deprivation reaching statistical significance.
住房拥有率的影响很小,只有对 剥夺的 负面影响达到了统计显着性。
This article extended this debate into the area of deprivation .
本文将这一讨论延伸到 剥夺 领域。
And it had been administered in quantities which must have made deprivation an anguish.
而且服用的剂量一定会让 这种剥夺 感到痛苦。
【英语单词】彻底解释“deprivation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Monocular deprivation and reverse suture deprived eye and imposing the activity pattern modeling deprivation in the previously normal eye.
单眼 剥夺 和反向缝合剥夺眼睛,并施加模拟先前正常眼睛的 剥夺 的活动模式。
Nevertheless, the age of 6 is too young for a valid assessment of possible effects of institutional deprivation on emotional disturbance and disruptive behavior.
然而,6 岁还太小,无法有效评估机构 剥夺 可能对情绪障碍和破坏性行为产生的影响。
Effects of prolonged sleep deprivation on local rates of cerebral energy uptake in freely moving rats.
长期睡眠 剥夺 对自由活动大鼠局部脑能量摄取率的影响。
【英语单词】彻底解释“deprivation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
In all the published activation studies, subjects underwent prior total sleep deprivation (36-48 hours).
在所有已发表的激活研究中,受试者之前都经历过完全睡眠 剥夺 (36-48 小时)。

“deprivation”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。

  • destitution
  • hardship
  • privation
  • denial
  • detriment
  • disadvantage
  • dispossession
  • distress
  • divestiture
  • expropriation
  • loss
  • removal
  • seizure
  • want
  • withdrawal
  • withholding
  • deprival
  • divestment


  • advantage
  • benefit
  • gain
  • profit
  • bestowal
  • endowment
  • giving
  • indulgence
  • offer
  • offering
  • presentation
  • supply

“deprivation”是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
deprivation 缺乏,缺乏 (没有的状态)
Although Dan is a successful attorney now, his childhood was filled with deprivation.
deprivation 剥夺 (剥夺行为)
The prison’s deprivation of food from the prisoners is despicable.

deprivation是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

This is not simply equivalent to socio-economic deprivation .
这并不简单地等同于社会经济 剥夺
I know that ” deprivation of political rights” is not imprisonment.
我也知道, 剥夺 投票权并不意味着监禁。
We can add sensory deprivation as a third element to a transformative experience.
我们可以将感官 剥夺 作为变革体验中的第三个要素。
This sensory deprivation chamber simulates a return… to that embryonic state.
这个感觉 剥夺 室模拟返回胚胎状态。
Now, this is a consequence of play deprivation .
现在,这是 缺乏 比赛的结果。
The war ushered in a period of shortages and deprivation .
战争开启了一个物质匮乏、 资源匮乏 的时代。
Normally, we would use a sensory deprivation chamber.
通常我们使用感觉 剥夺 室。
It is not based on deprivation and a hit among Hollywood stars…
这是基于 脱衣舞 并在好莱坞明星中大受欢迎……那么,还没有准备好迎接完美的身材吗?
A sensory deprivation tank is a dark, soundproof tank filled with about a foot of salt water.
感觉 剥夺 水箱是一个黑暗、隔音的水箱,里面装满了大约 30 厘米高的盐水。
We also advocate for an international programme of emergency relief to prevent life-threatening deprivation and end poverty-related deaths as a foremost global priority.
我们还倡导国际紧急救援计划,将防止危及生命的 剥夺 和与贫困相关的死亡作为全球首要任务。
Owing to the absence of photosynthesizing plants and algae, cave-dwelling animals must withstand long periods of nutrient deprivation .
由于缺乏光合植物和藻类,生活在洞穴中的动物不得不忍受长期的营养 匮乏
Even in the wealthiest nations, we are witnessing a dramatic rise in levels of hunger, deprivation , social exclusion and economic inequality.
即使在最富裕的国家,饥饿、 贫困 、社会排斥和经济不平等的程度也在急剧上升。
It has been suggested that the olfactory system is different because deprivation due to viral infection or allergies is not uncommon.
由于病毒感染或过敏而导致的嗅觉系统 阻塞 并不罕见,这被认为是嗅觉系统不同的原因。
The perception of odor before and immediately after the experience of olfactory deprivation was largely unchanged.
在嗅觉剥夺之前和嗅觉 剥夺 之后立即之间,气味感知通常没有变化。
To learn Chinese at this time I felt the language of the pale and deprivation .
汉语,在这一点上我感到语言的单薄和 匮乏
This could raise $187bn annually to prevent hunger and deprivation in the Global South.
这每年可以筹集 1870 亿美元,用于防止南半球国家的饥饿和 贫困
The investigation seeks to ascertain whether the deprivation of personal freedom of refugees is legitimate or not in the absence of measures by the judiciary.
调查旨在确定在没有采取司法行动的情况下 剥夺 难民的人身自由是否合理。
If our goal is to live in a sustainable world without needless deprivation or poverty-related deaths, then we need to strengthen the sharing economy in all its forms.
如果我们的目标是生活在一个可持续的世界,没有不必要的 剥夺 和与贫困相关的死亡,那么我们就需要加强各种形式的共享经济。
Nothing describes the dangerous shift away from the practice of sharing within societies more than the growing levels of hunger, poverty and needless deprivation in rich nations.
富裕国家日益严重的饥饿、贫困和不必要的 剥夺 最能说明放弃社会分享的危险。
Such a rapid reversal is quite different from other sensory systems, such as sight, which typically have long lasting effect to deprivation .
这种快速逆转与其他感觉系统(例如视觉) 剥夺 的长期影响形成鲜明对比。

听“ deprivation ”的地声(发音)!

读法是【ˌdep.rɪˈveɪ.ʃən】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˌdep.rɪˈveɪ.ʃən】。

