【英语单词】彻底解释“accession”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“accession”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆



[当某人担任权威职位时,尤其是国王或王后] 用于表示。


1926 was the year of Emperor Hirohito’s accession to the throne .
1926年是昭和天皇 即位 之年。


Poland’s accession to the EU
【英语单词】彻底解释“accession”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆


Table 8 demonstrates this by identifying the proportion of accessions to headship for each relation attributable to participation in a household division.
表 8 通过确定每种关系因参与家庭分类而获得领导地位的比例来说明这一点。
The presence of significant interaction between the accessions and year for most attributes indicates that lablab performance varied with year or season.
大多数属性的注册和年份之间存在显着的交互作用,这表明 LaboLab 的表现因年份或季节而异。
In general, all legumes were consumed although the acceptability varied among species and accessions.
【英语单词】彻底解释“accession”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Each genebank contained approximately 60 accessions (single-tree progenies).
每个基因库包含大约 60 个种质(一棵树的后代)。
The majority of all the accessions classified as botanical varieties clustered together.
However, 13 of the markers transferred and produced a band in all the wild relative accessions in this study.
然而,在这项研究中,引入了 13 个标记并在所有野生近缘种中产生了条带。
【英语单词】彻底解释“accession”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
A collection of 38 accessions was characterized agronomically and nutritionally.
对 38 个种质的收集进行了农艺学和营养学特征。
Two accessions with antibiosis reduced aphid biomass by 60% compared with commercial wheats.
与商业小麦相比,两种含有抗生素的材料使蚜虫生物量减少了 60%。
The judging panel (farmers, housewives, cooks and scientists) rejected 70 % of the accessions due to poor post-harvest quality traits.
由农民、家庭主妇、厨师和科学家组成的评审团因收获后质量差而拒绝了 70% 的注册。
【英语单词】彻底解释“accession”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Most of the accessions with good resistance had low levels of seedling infection and small numbers of plants infected at harvest.

“accession”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。

  • enlargement
  • extension
  • accretion
  • addition
  • augmentation
  • increase
  • increment
  • raise
  • rise


  • abridgment
  • compression
  • decrease
  • reduction
  • deduction
  • drop
  • loss
  • shrinkage
  • subtraction
  • decline
  • disagreement
  • dispute
  • fall
  • repudiation

“accession”是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
accession 登基、就职 (领导:上台)
His accession was delayed by a constitutional crisis.
accession 同意 (同意,同意)
Their accession to the agreement came only after months of talks.
accession 加入、附属 (法律:加入条约)
Turkey’s accession to the treaty is dependent on trade concessions.


英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
accession [sth] 添加、存储 美国 (添加到集合)
The librarian accessioned all of the new books and added them to the shelves.

accession是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

We urge progress in streamlining WTO accession procedures for the world’s poorest countries.
我们鼓励在促进世界最贫穷国家 加入世贸组织 进程方面取得进展。
That is why I personally have been extremely interested and involved in facilitating China’s early accession to the WTO.
从这个角度来看,我对帮助贵国尽快 加入 世贸组织非常感兴趣。
Even after the accession , he often ordered executions.
即使 即位 后,他也经常处死人。
Religious traditions were also brought into the accession ceremony which is a civil act.
他还将宗教传统引入了即位仪式,这是一项 国家 行为。
Such accession shall not affect the Union’s competences as defined in the Treaties.
此次 加入 不会影响条约中定义的联盟的能力。
The present Convention shall be open to accession by all States.
本公约应 开放 供所有国家加入。
New matter was added with the accession of each succeeding king.
随着每一位继任国王的 加冕 ,新的物品被添加。
An accession ceremony was held on December 27.
同年12月27日举行 坐床 大典。
After accession to the regular watch Qi Niangshan MF activities, but missed each time.
定期监视七娘山男女的 加入 活动,但后来每次都错过了。
The messages will have to be structured to demonstrate the existence of valid alternatives to the accession of terrorist organizations.
该信息的框架必须表明除了 加入 恐怖组织之外还存在有效的替代方案。
In that sense it is commendable that the treaty leaves the door open for later accession .
从这个意义上说,《禁止核武器条约》值得赞扬,因为它为未来的 加入 铺平了道路。
On the US’s part, what was the intention behind its accession to NAFTA?
从美国的角度来看,该国 加入 NAFTA的意图是什么?
We welcomed recent progress toward Russia’s accession to the WTO.
我们欢迎俄罗斯近期在 加入 世贸组织方面取得的进展。
We look forward to Ukraine’s accession to the NPT as a non-nuclear weapon State.
我们希望乌克兰作为无核武器国家 加入 《不扩散核武器条约》。
On 30 March 1994, accession negotiations concluded with Austria, Sweden and Finland.
1994年4月30日,与奥地利、瑞典、芬兰的 入盟 谈判结束。
George IV’s relationship with his wife Caroline had deteriorated by the time of his accession .
乔治四世 登基 时,与卡罗琳女王之间的关系已经紧张。
From 1811 until his accession , he served as Prince Regent during his father’s final mental illness.
从1811年到他 登基 为止,他因父亲患有精神疾病而以摄政王的身份统治。
We support the goal of early Russian accession to the WTO on the basis of conditions generally applicable to newly acceding members.
我们支持俄罗斯按照普遍适用于新成员的条件尽早 加入 世界贸易组织的目标。
They agreed that the accession procedure of the Slovak Republic should be completed as soon as possible. 3.
部长们一致认为斯洛伐克共和国应尽快完成 入盟 程序。
Ministers congratulated China on the successful conclusion of negotiations on its accession to the WTO.
外长们对中华人民共和国加入世界 贸易组织 谈判的成功结束表示祝贺。

听听“ accession ”地道发音(发音)!

读法是【əkˈseʃ.ən】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【əkˈseʃ.ən】。




[当某人担任权威职位时,尤其是国王或王后] 用于表示。


1926 was the year of Emperor Hirohito’s accession to the throne .
1926年是昭和天皇 即位 之年。


Poland’s accession to the EU
【英语单词】彻底解释“accession”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆


Table 8 demonstrates this by identifying the proportion of accessions to headship for each relation attributable to participation in a household division.
表 8 通过确定每种关系因参与家庭分类而获得领导地位的比例来说明这一点。
The presence of significant interaction between the accessions and year for most attributes indicates that lablab performance varied with year or season.
大多数属性的注册和年份之间存在显着的交互作用,这表明 LaboLab 的表现因年份或季节而异。
In general, all legumes were consumed although the acceptability varied among species and accessions.
【英语单词】彻底解释“accession”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Each genebank contained approximately 60 accessions (single-tree progenies).
每个基因库包含大约 60 个种质(一棵树的后代)。
The majority of all the accessions classified as botanical varieties clustered together.
However, 13 of the markers transferred and produced a band in all the wild relative accessions in this study.
然而,在这项研究中,引入了 13 个标记并在所有野生近缘种中产生了条带。
【英语单词】彻底解释“accession”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
A collection of 38 accessions was characterized agronomically and nutritionally.
对 38 个种质的收集进行了农艺学和营养学特征。
Two accessions with antibiosis reduced aphid biomass by 60% compared with commercial wheats.
与商业小麦相比,两种含有抗生素的材料使蚜虫生物量减少了 60%。
The judging panel (farmers, housewives, cooks and scientists) rejected 70 % of the accessions due to poor post-harvest quality traits.
由农民、家庭主妇、厨师和科学家组成的评审团因收获后质量差而拒绝了 70% 的注册。
【英语单词】彻底解释“accession”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Most of the accessions with good resistance had low levels of seedling infection and small numbers of plants infected at harvest.

“accession”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。

  • enlargement
  • extension
  • accretion
  • addition
  • augmentation
  • increase
  • increment
  • raise
  • rise


  • abridgment
  • compression
  • decrease
  • reduction
  • deduction
  • drop
  • loss
  • shrinkage
  • subtraction
  • decline
  • disagreement
  • dispute
  • fall
  • repudiation

“accession”是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
accession 登基、就职 (领导:上台)
His accession was delayed by a constitutional crisis.
accession 同意 (同意,同意)
Their accession to the agreement came only after months of talks.
accession 加入、附属 (法律:加入条约)
Turkey’s accession to the treaty is dependent on trade concessions.


英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
accession [sth] 添加、存储 美国 (添加到集合)
The librarian accessioned all of the new books and added them to the shelves.

accession是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

We urge progress in streamlining WTO accession procedures for the world’s poorest countries.
我们鼓励在促进世界最贫穷国家 加入世贸组织 进程方面取得进展。
That is why I personally have been extremely interested and involved in facilitating China’s early accession to the WTO.
从这个角度来看,我对帮助贵国尽快 加入 世贸组织非常感兴趣。
Even after the accession , he often ordered executions.
即使 即位 后,他也经常处死人。
Religious traditions were also brought into the accession ceremony which is a civil act.
他还将宗教传统引入了即位仪式,这是一项 国家 行为。
Such accession shall not affect the Union’s competences as defined in the Treaties.
此次 加入 不会影响条约中定义的联盟的能力。
The present Convention shall be open to accession by all States.
本公约应 开放 供所有国家加入。
New matter was added with the accession of each succeeding king.
随着每一位继任国王的 加冕 ,新的物品被添加。
An accession ceremony was held on December 27.
同年12月27日举行 坐床 大典。
After accession to the regular watch Qi Niangshan MF activities, but missed each time.
定期监视七娘山男女的 加入 活动,但后来每次都错过了。
The messages will have to be structured to demonstrate the existence of valid alternatives to the accession of terrorist organizations.
该信息的框架必须表明除了 加入 恐怖组织之外还存在有效的替代方案。
In that sense it is commendable that the treaty leaves the door open for later accession .
从这个意义上说,《禁止核武器条约》值得赞扬,因为它为未来的 加入 铺平了道路。
On the US’s part, what was the intention behind its accession to NAFTA?
从美国的角度来看,该国 加入 NAFTA的意图是什么?
We welcomed recent progress toward Russia’s accession to the WTO.
我们欢迎俄罗斯近期在 加入 世贸组织方面取得的进展。
We look forward to Ukraine’s accession to the NPT as a non-nuclear weapon State.
我们希望乌克兰作为无核武器国家 加入 《不扩散核武器条约》。
On 30 March 1994, accession negotiations concluded with Austria, Sweden and Finland.
1994年4月30日,与奥地利、瑞典、芬兰的 入盟 谈判结束。
George IV’s relationship with his wife Caroline had deteriorated by the time of his accession .
乔治四世 登基 时,与卡罗琳女王之间的关系已经紧张。
From 1811 until his accession , he served as Prince Regent during his father’s final mental illness.
从1811年到他 登基 为止,他因父亲患有精神疾病而以摄政王的身份统治。
We support the goal of early Russian accession to the WTO on the basis of conditions generally applicable to newly acceding members.
我们支持俄罗斯按照普遍适用于新成员的条件尽早 加入 世界贸易组织的目标。
They agreed that the accession procedure of the Slovak Republic should be completed as soon as possible. 3.
部长们一致认为斯洛伐克共和国应尽快完成 入盟 程序。
Ministers congratulated China on the successful conclusion of negotiations on its accession to the WTO.
外长们对中华人民共和国加入世界 贸易组织 谈判的成功结束表示祝贺。

听听“ accession ”地道发音(发音)!

读法是【əkˈseʃ.ən】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【əkˈseʃ.ən】。

