【英语单词】彻底解释“repudiation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“repudiation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

「“repudiation”」的含义 (noun)




They were surprised by his sudden repudiation of all his former beliefs.
他们很惊讶他突然否认了自己之前的所有 信念
Her statement amounted to complete repudiation of the agreement.
【英语单词】彻底解释“repudiation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆


In addition, authentication using public key encryption limits message repudiation : if a message is confirmed as authentic, the sender cannot easily deny sending it.
此外,使用公钥加密的身份验证限制了消息 拒绝 。如果消息被验证是真实的,发件人就不能轻易拒绝发送它。
This reader was not left entirely convinced that the grain crises of the 1790s represented a ‘ repudiation ‘ of the moral economy.
这位读者并不完全相信 1790 年代的粮食危机代表着对道德经济的“ 否定 ”。
Moreover, it would not be difficult to show that a similar repudiation of survivor guilt has occurred in many other contexts and areas of inquiry.
此外,不难表明,类似的对幸存者有罪的 否认 也发生在许多其他情况和调查领域。
【英语单词】彻底解释“repudiation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Alarmingly, public opinion was evenly divided between support for and repudiation of this ‘ death squad ‘ for common criminals.
令人惊讶的是,公众舆论对这支针对普通罪犯的“敢死队”的支持和 反对意见 不一。
These repudiations resonated with the empiricist teachings of contemporary natural science.
Such processes of repudiation , abjection and attempts at recuperation may have unintended political consequences.
这种 否认 、拒绝和试图恢复的过程可能会产生意想不到的政治后果。
【英语单词】彻底解释“repudiation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
The woman maintained her absolute right to it, though, and it had to be paid in the case of a repudiation .
然而,妇女保留对此的绝对权利,如果 拒绝 ,则必须付费。
It groups them under four defiant nouns – rejection, repudiation , resilience, continuities – words that virtually contain in themselves the thesis of the entire monograph.
它将它们归为四个挑衅性名词——拒绝、 否认 、弹性和连续性。
In this way, displacement of heroic middle-class experts by old boys entailed a renewed repudiation of statist intervention.
因此,勇敢的中产阶级专业人士被老男孩取代导致了对民族主义干预的新 拒绝
【英语单词】彻底解释“repudiation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
The psychological and moral dimensions become even clearer when we look at the way in which women’s lawyers try to prevent repudiation (or revocation).
当我们观察女律师试图防止 否认 (或撤回)的方式时,心理和道德方面就变得更加清晰。

“repudiation”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。

  • abrogation
  • cancellation
  • disapproval
  • disavowal
  • refusal


  • approval
  • acknowledgment
  • confirmation
  • ratification

“repudiation”是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
repudiation 拒绝,拒绝 正式 (拒绝)
The American public’s repudiation of universal healthcare was quite shocking.

repudiation是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

In this document, biometrics may be used to unlock authenticators and prevent repudiation of registration.
在本书中,生物识别技术用于解锁多因素身份验证设备并防止注册 被否认
Non- repudiation prevents him from doing so, thus protecting the counterparty.
不可否认 性阻止他这样做,因此也保护了另一方。
The Belgian government had watched with increasing alarm the German withdrawal from the League of Nations, its repudiation of the Treaty of Versailles and its violation of the Locarno Treaties.
随着德国退出国际联盟、 拒绝 《凡尔赛条约》、违反《洛迦诺条约》,比利时政府对德国越来越警惕。
“The open letter to President Trump, President Moon and Chairman Kim is an unambiguous repudiation of Bolton’s warmongering, with more than 100 peace, faith-based, professional, and Korean-American organizations across the country welcoming the extraordinary diplomatic opening that has appeared,” Cabasso said.
博尔顿先生致特朗普总统、文在寅总统和金正恩总统的公开信是由美国各地 100 多个和平、宗教、专业和韩裔美国人组织组成的联盟,他们欢迎正在出现的巨大外交机会。明确 拒绝 战争取向。
There was strong repudiation of the colorful word-play and figures of speech in haiku.
他强烈 拒绝 俳句中丰富的双关语和修辞技巧。
You might use this action when you want to keep a record of the workflow history for investigating errors or for tracking and repudiation purposes.
如果您想要保存工作流程的历史记录以调查错误、跟踪错误或 拒绝错误 ,则可以使用此操作。
It also helps avoid repudiation of the document and signifies the involvement of the undersigned.
它还可以防止 否认 文件并暗示签字人的参与。
Log workflow information to a History list to use for repudiation or workflow debugging.
在历史列表中记录工作流程信息以用于 否认 或调试工作流程
For electronic commerce, non- repudiation is one of the most important uses for cryptography; and non-repudiation depends on the assumption that only the user has access to the private key.
对于电子商务, 不可否认 性是密码学最重要的用途之一。 ;不可否认性还依赖于只有用户有权访问私钥的假设。
Beware lest ye be the cause of strife in the land, even as ye were the cause of the repudiation of the Faith in its early days.
请注意,不要成为各国之间冲突的原因,就像在这个宗教的早期时期,您是 否认宗教 的原因一样。
Repudiation refers to the act of a signer denying any association with the signed content.
否认 意味着签名者否认与签名内容有任何关联。
Non-repudiation The digital signature helps to prove to all parties the origin of the signed content. Repudiation refers to the act of a signer’s denying any association with the signed content.
不可否认的数字签名向各方证明签名内容的来源。 免责声明 是指签名者否认与签名内容有任何关联。
This document suite also supports the use of biometrics to prevent repudiation of registration, and to verify that the same individual participates in all phases of the registration process.
该文档集还支持使用生物识别技术来实现 不可否认性 ,并验证同一个人参与了注册过程的所有阶段。
Kefauver graciously said that he did not consider his victory “a repudiation of Administration policies, but a desire… for new ideas and personalities.”
凯福弗慷慨地表示,他认为这次胜利并不是对现任政府政策的 拒绝 ,而是对新思维方式和个性的渴望。
This was a repudiation of Cleveland administration’s policy, but proved popular with the delegates to the convention.
尽管这是对 克利夫兰 政策的拒绝,但它得到了与会代表的支持。
Seventh: The public credit must be sacredly maintained, and we denounce repudiation in every form and guise.
第七章:必须严肃维护公众信心,我们谴责任何形式或借口 拒绝 偿还债务的行为。
For example, use of an asymmetric digital signature algorithm, such as RSA, could provide non- repudiation .
例如,可以通过使用诸如RSA之类的非对称数字签名算法来提供 不可否认性
The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident following the earthquake has, unfortunately, become the strongest repudiation to date of the Japanese government’s and power companies’ justification of nuclear power.
不幸的是,这次地震引发的福岛第一核电站事故是日本政府和电力公司迄今为止对核电安全解释 的最极端的否定
In other words, to thwart a hash collision attack in a non- repudiation protocol where a human is using a signed message as authorization, the signer needs to keep a copy of the original message he/she signed.
换句话说,如果一个人使用签名消息作为授权,签名者必须保留他或她在 不可否认 协议中签名的原始消息的副本,以防止哈希冲突攻击。
A digital signature using asymmetric cryptography (Public Key) can also be useful in proving that data originated with a party even if the party denies having sent it; this property is called non- repudiation .
使用公钥加密技术的数字签名也可用于证明数据源自某个实体,即使该实体否认发送数据。该属性称为 不可否认性

听“ repudiation ”的俗音(发音)!

读法是【rɪˌpjuː.diˈeɪ.ʃən】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【rɪˌpjuː.diˈeɪ.ʃən】。



「“repudiation”」的含义 (noun)




They were surprised by his sudden repudiation of all his former beliefs.
他们很惊讶他突然否认了自己之前的所有 信念
Her statement amounted to complete repudiation of the agreement.
【英语单词】彻底解释“repudiation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆


In addition, authentication using public key encryption limits message repudiation : if a message is confirmed as authentic, the sender cannot easily deny sending it.
此外,使用公钥加密的身份验证限制了消息 拒绝 。如果消息被验证是真实的,发件人就不能轻易拒绝发送它。
This reader was not left entirely convinced that the grain crises of the 1790s represented a ‘ repudiation ‘ of the moral economy.
这位读者并不完全相信 1790 年代的粮食危机代表着对道德经济的“ 否定 ”。
Moreover, it would not be difficult to show that a similar repudiation of survivor guilt has occurred in many other contexts and areas of inquiry.
此外,不难表明,类似的对幸存者有罪的 否认 也发生在许多其他情况和调查领域。
【英语单词】彻底解释“repudiation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Alarmingly, public opinion was evenly divided between support for and repudiation of this ‘ death squad ‘ for common criminals.
令人惊讶的是,公众舆论对这支针对普通罪犯的“敢死队”的支持和 反对意见 不一。
These repudiations resonated with the empiricist teachings of contemporary natural science.
Such processes of repudiation , abjection and attempts at recuperation may have unintended political consequences.
这种 否认 、拒绝和试图恢复的过程可能会产生意想不到的政治后果。
【英语单词】彻底解释“repudiation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
The woman maintained her absolute right to it, though, and it had to be paid in the case of a repudiation .
然而,妇女保留对此的绝对权利,如果 拒绝 ,则必须付费。
It groups them under four defiant nouns – rejection, repudiation , resilience, continuities – words that virtually contain in themselves the thesis of the entire monograph.
它将它们归为四个挑衅性名词——拒绝、 否认 、弹性和连续性。
In this way, displacement of heroic middle-class experts by old boys entailed a renewed repudiation of statist intervention.
因此,勇敢的中产阶级专业人士被老男孩取代导致了对民族主义干预的新 拒绝
【英语单词】彻底解释“repudiation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
The psychological and moral dimensions become even clearer when we look at the way in which women’s lawyers try to prevent repudiation (or revocation).
当我们观察女律师试图防止 否认 (或撤回)的方式时,心理和道德方面就变得更加清晰。

“repudiation”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。

  • abrogation
  • cancellation
  • disapproval
  • disavowal
  • refusal


  • approval
  • acknowledgment
  • confirmation
  • ratification

“repudiation”是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
repudiation 拒绝,拒绝 正式 (拒绝)
The American public’s repudiation of universal healthcare was quite shocking.

repudiation是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

In this document, biometrics may be used to unlock authenticators and prevent repudiation of registration.
在本书中,生物识别技术用于解锁多因素身份验证设备并防止注册 被否认
Non- repudiation prevents him from doing so, thus protecting the counterparty.
不可否认 性阻止他这样做,因此也保护了另一方。
The Belgian government had watched with increasing alarm the German withdrawal from the League of Nations, its repudiation of the Treaty of Versailles and its violation of the Locarno Treaties.
随着德国退出国际联盟、 拒绝 《凡尔赛条约》、违反《洛迦诺条约》,比利时政府对德国越来越警惕。
“The open letter to President Trump, President Moon and Chairman Kim is an unambiguous repudiation of Bolton’s warmongering, with more than 100 peace, faith-based, professional, and Korean-American organizations across the country welcoming the extraordinary diplomatic opening that has appeared,” Cabasso said.
博尔顿先生致特朗普总统、文在寅总统和金正恩总统的公开信是由美国各地 100 多个和平、宗教、专业和韩裔美国人组织组成的联盟,他们欢迎正在出现的巨大外交机会。明确 拒绝 战争取向。
There was strong repudiation of the colorful word-play and figures of speech in haiku.
他强烈 拒绝 俳句中丰富的双关语和修辞技巧。
You might use this action when you want to keep a record of the workflow history for investigating errors or for tracking and repudiation purposes.
如果您想要保存工作流程的历史记录以调查错误、跟踪错误或 拒绝错误 ,则可以使用此操作。
It also helps avoid repudiation of the document and signifies the involvement of the undersigned.
它还可以防止 否认 文件并暗示签字人的参与。
Log workflow information to a History list to use for repudiation or workflow debugging.
在历史列表中记录工作流程信息以用于 否认 或调试工作流程
For electronic commerce, non- repudiation is one of the most important uses for cryptography; and non-repudiation depends on the assumption that only the user has access to the private key.
对于电子商务, 不可否认 性是密码学最重要的用途之一。 ;不可否认性还依赖于只有用户有权访问私钥的假设。
Beware lest ye be the cause of strife in the land, even as ye were the cause of the repudiation of the Faith in its early days.
请注意,不要成为各国之间冲突的原因,就像在这个宗教的早期时期,您是 否认宗教 的原因一样。
Repudiation refers to the act of a signer denying any association with the signed content.
否认 意味着签名者否认与签名内容有任何关联。
Non-repudiation The digital signature helps to prove to all parties the origin of the signed content. Repudiation refers to the act of a signer’s denying any association with the signed content.
不可否认的数字签名向各方证明签名内容的来源。 免责声明 是指签名者否认与签名内容有任何关联。
This document suite also supports the use of biometrics to prevent repudiation of registration, and to verify that the same individual participates in all phases of the registration process.
该文档集还支持使用生物识别技术来实现 不可否认性 ,并验证同一个人参与了注册过程的所有阶段。
Kefauver graciously said that he did not consider his victory “a repudiation of Administration policies, but a desire… for new ideas and personalities.”
凯福弗慷慨地表示,他认为这次胜利并不是对现任政府政策的 拒绝 ,而是对新思维方式和个性的渴望。
This was a repudiation of Cleveland administration’s policy, but proved popular with the delegates to the convention.
尽管这是对 克利夫兰 政策的拒绝,但它得到了与会代表的支持。
Seventh: The public credit must be sacredly maintained, and we denounce repudiation in every form and guise.
第七章:必须严肃维护公众信心,我们谴责任何形式或借口 拒绝 偿还债务的行为。
For example, use of an asymmetric digital signature algorithm, such as RSA, could provide non- repudiation .
例如,可以通过使用诸如RSA之类的非对称数字签名算法来提供 不可否认性
The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident following the earthquake has, unfortunately, become the strongest repudiation to date of the Japanese government’s and power companies’ justification of nuclear power.
不幸的是,这次地震引发的福岛第一核电站事故是日本政府和电力公司迄今为止对核电安全解释 的最极端的否定
In other words, to thwart a hash collision attack in a non- repudiation protocol where a human is using a signed message as authorization, the signer needs to keep a copy of the original message he/she signed.
换句话说,如果一个人使用签名消息作为授权,签名者必须保留他或她在 不可否认 协议中签名的原始消息的副本,以防止哈希冲突攻击。
A digital signature using asymmetric cryptography (Public Key) can also be useful in proving that data originated with a party even if the party denies having sent it; this property is called non- repudiation .
使用公钥加密技术的数字签名也可用于证明数据源自某个实体,即使该实体否认发送数据。该属性称为 不可否认性

听“ repudiation ”的俗音(发音)!

读法是【rɪˌpjuː.diˈeɪ.ʃən】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【rɪˌpjuː.diˈeɪ.ʃən】。


