【英语单词】彻底解释“war-criminal”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“war-criminal”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

「“war criminal”」的含义 (noun)




He was a Nazi war criminal.
【英语单词】彻底解释“war-criminal”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

war criminal是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Munpyon complains to his mother in a letter of the agony of being made a war criminal .
文平认真地给母亲写了一封信,表达了自己被判为 战犯的 痛苦。
In spite of the fact he is Korean, there was nothing else to do but mourn the absurdity of being sentenced to death as a Japanese war criminal .
尽管我是韩国人,但我只能感叹作为日本 战犯 被判处死刑的荒谬性。
As any war criminal should be.
但是,我不能接受他是 战犯
He’s saying he wants to bring justice to the war criminal , Rebecca Ingram,
战犯 丽贝卡·英格拉姆说他想要伸张正义;
After the war he was arrested as a war criminal .
战后,他作为 战犯 被监禁。
On the one hand I would say yes, all war criminals should be arrested, but on the other hand I have asked this war criminal to appear in my film.
虽然我认为所有战犯都应该被逮捕,但我要求这名 战犯 出现在电影中,他同意了。
I have therefore classified him a hostage of the war criminal known as Nero.
他被 战犯 尼禄扣为人质。
Since then, the topic of my father’s death and the word ” war criminal ” became taboo in our household.
从那时起,关于我父亲之死的话题,尤其是 “战犯” 这个词,就成了禁忌。
That has been punishment for me as a son of a war criminal , and it was my own war experiences.
这是我作为 战犯 之子的判断,也是我的战争经历。
So the word ” war criminal ” that I was beginning to forget came back and would not leave this time.
我特别好奇我的老师当时说的话,让我不要谈论我的父亲是 战犯 ,而我几乎已经忘记了战犯这个令人不快的词,我无法从我的脑海中抹去。
But countless times, I heard adults in our neighborhood whisper behind my back, “He is a child of a war criminal .”
但一次又一次,我听到邻居们的大人在我背后用手指着我,低声对我说那个孩子是 战犯 的孩子。
Standing in collective warfare ~ Hero interview ~ Blitz can become a hero and can also be a war criminal in collective warfare.
团战中的战斗~英雄采访~在团战中,闪电战可以是英雄,也可以是 战犯
Munpyon reveals that his mother took her own life due to the burden of her son being a war criminal .
文平透露,他的母亲在家乡自杀是因为她因成为 战犯 而感到痛苦。
As Japan is just a war criminal state and war forces dreaming of overseas invasion, such reckless moves are very dangerous.
他还表示,日本的太空军事化战略是极其危险和鲁莽的举动,日本只不过是 一个战犯 和一个梦想入侵海外的交战力量,并强调:已经做到了。
Conversely, if you have pulled an opponent’s Tank with a scene that you should never play a collective war (number of people disadvantage, insufficient health mana), it will be handled as Class A war criminal instantly.
另一方面,如果你在不应该进行团战的情况下(人数劣势、血量和法力不足)抽到对方坦克,你会立即被视为甲级 战犯
We believe that any government which first uses atomic weapons against any other country whatsoever will be committing a crime against humanity and should be dealt with as a war criminal .
我们认为,第一个对任何国家使用原子武器的政府都犯下了反人类罪,应被视为 战犯
Due to the above facts, after the war he was once questioned as a suspected war criminal by the General Headquarters (GHQ).
结果,战争结束后,他被盟军总司令部最高统帅作为 战犯 嫌疑人进行调查。
Then, Namson realizes that the reason he will be executed as a war criminal is the result of choices he himself had also made.
南星随后意识到,他之所以作为 战犯 在这里被处决,是他自己选择的结果。
The other is a photograph of a Korean youth, who was conscripted as a Japanese soldier under Japan’s colonization of Korea and executed as a war criminal once the War ended.
另一张是一名韩国年轻人的照片,他在日本殖民时期被征召入伍,并在战争结束后作为 战犯 被处决。
Against this background, mokoku was eventually deemed as a war criminal that diminished the value of the hojo to keep it out of the mainstream of the calligraphy world.
在这种趋势下,模仿最终削弱了 Hochō 的价值,并成为 一种战争罪 ,将 Hochō 从学术界主流中剔除。


读法是【ˈwɔː ˌkrɪm.ɪ.nəl】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈwɔː ˌkrɪm.ɪ.nəl】。

