【英语单词】彻底解释“slip-out”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“slip-out”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

「“slip out”」的含义

词性(英语单词分类):短语动词加 滑动

[如果你的陈述漏了出来,那么你就是无意识地说出来的。 ] 它被用作一个含义。


“slip out”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。

  • run off
  • abscond
  • bolt
  • decamp
  • disappear
  • escape
  • flee
  • fly
  • leave
  • skip
  • go secretly
  • go to Gretna Green
  • slip away
  • steal away

通过记住反义词和反义词列表来掌握“slip out”这个词!。

  • continue
  • face
  • meet
  • remain
  • stay
  • wait

“slip out”是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
slip out 溜出去,溜出去 (小心翼翼地离开)
She waited until no one was looking, then quietly slipped out through the back door.
slip out of [sth] 爆发 非正式的 (地点:谨慎离开)
He slipped out of the meeting and headed home.
slip out 滑下来,滑下来 (不被注意地掉下来)
The $100 bill must have slipped out of my pocket; I don’t have it anymore.
一张 100 美元的钞票一定是从我的口袋里溜走了。我已经没有了。
slip out 不小心漏水 (无意中提到)
口が滑る ( 比喩 )
I didn’t want to spoil the surprise, it just slipped out.
slip out of [sth] 赶紧起飞吧~ 非正式 (服装:快速脱下
Let me slip out of this monkey suit.

slip out是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Always liked big dogs, big dogs can not wait for a commanding only to slip out , even if Labrador’s mouth water in my face, even bending over to pick up golden stool.
一直喜欢大狗,哪怕只是大狗,我都迫不及待地看到我的脸让我的拉布拉多嘴巴流口水,甚至 不再弯腰 去捡金色的凳子。
Should be able to slip out .
如果警察不在场, 就会有人注意到
Finally we had two little goat, I told him slip out .
最后我告诉他我们两只小山羊 让开
They finally lost patience, I also took the opportunity to slip out .
他们终于失去了耐心,我什至 错过了 机会。
I remember the morning I woke up alone, took the camera slip out .
我记得今天早上刚起床,我 就滑倒了 相机。
We could slip out through the regular entrance.
我们能够 在不被注意的情况下通过 正常的入口。
Secreting a screwdriver away from the guards, they were able to loosen a skylight and slip out into the night.
他们 偷偷 从警卫那里偷了一把螺丝刀,拆掉了天窗,然后连夜 逃跑了
I slip out to the beach to see if we can wait until the sunset.
溜到 海滩,等到日落才去看。
Bodhisattva discipline is probably the language I disrespect it, then slip out almost fell over when my heart unsettling.
菩萨戒,或许我 轻轻地走出 贬低它的语言,多半会减轻我心中的不安。
Did you wake him up or slip out ?
是你叫醒他还是他 溜出去了
Ayer and Tyson then began to talk, allowing Campbell to slip out .
艾耶尔和泰森开始聊天,期间娜奥米·坎贝尔 离开了
So I’ll just slip out the back door.
那我 就去 后门吧。
She’ll want to leave, and you’re going to help her slip out the back exit so Marcel doesn’t see.
而你帮助她 出去 ,马塞尔不知道,即使他错了。
She walked at a brisk pace as if she wanted to slip out from the dimness as soon as possible.
女人走得很快。也许他想尽快 摆脱 这片黑暗。
We can spend hours sitting on our computers but cannot think for going out for a walk because if we go for it a contract may slip out from our hands.
我们可以花几个小时坐在电脑前,当我们去追求它时,我们不会想到出去散步,因为这笔交易可能会从我们手中 溜走
A clip which can be constructed from a single member, can be attached and removed easily, and is less likely to slip out when the bound sheets are turned.
本发明的一个目的是提供 耐脏 并且可以卫生携带的单独包装的产品。
Lastly, a covering member (230) is installed on the drum flange (250) so that the coupling member (200) does not slip out from the drum flange (250).
最后,将盖构件230附接至鼓凸缘250,使得联接构件200不会从鼓凸缘250 脱落
Although the test itself is relatively straightforward, having the appropriately sized compression platen or probe is critical to ensure the pill does not slip out from under load, and that the force is properly distributed over the surface area of the pill.
测试本身相对简单,但重要的是要有适当尺寸的压缩台或压头,以便片剂在施加负载时不会 滑出 ,并确保负载正确分布在片剂的整个表面上. 重要的是
Mud and sand are accumulated on dead plants over the years.By geothermal heat and the pressure in the layers, the dead plants are degraded and hydrogen and oxygen slip out in forms of water/CH4/CO2 for carbonization.
最终,死去的植物会因地热压力和地层重量而分解,氢和氧 会以水、CH4和CO2的形式逸出 ,并转化为煤。
The trend for coloring pages is not decreasing and many parents are looking for child-friendly motives for coloring pages.Especially for children, a coloring page offers unbeatable advantagesOn the one hand, painting and character train concentration and endurance so as not to ” slip out ” beyond the outlines.
涂色页的趋势并没有减少,许多家长都在寻找对孩子友好的涂色页动机。特别是对于儿童来说,涂色页具有显着的好处:一方面,绘画和人物可以训练注意力和耐力,以免 超出 轮廓。



