【英语单词】彻底解释“introduction”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“introduction”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆


等级B2・独立语言用户 [ U ]



The introduction of new working practices has dramatically improved productivity.
新工作方式 引入极大地提高了生产力。
Within a year of its introduction, questions began to emerge about the safety of the drug.
特别 The introduction of the tube into the artery is a very delicate procedure.
管子 插入动脉是一个非常精细的过程。
【英语单词】彻底解释“introduction”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
等级B2・独立语言用户 [ C U ]

[第一次见面时说出别人名字的行为] 用来表示。

You’ll have to do/make the introductions – I don’t know everyone’s name.
需要做一下 介绍——我不知道每个人的名字。
My next guest needs no introduction (= is already known to everyone) .
我的下一位客人 不需要 介绍 (=每个人都已经认识他了)
等级B2・独立语言用户 [ C ]

[某物的第一部分] 用作含义。

Have you read the introduction to the third edition?
The song’s great, but the introduction’s a bit too long.
【英语单词】彻底解释“introduction”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
等级C1・精通语言的用户 [ S ]


That trip was my introduction to winter sports.
等级B2・独立语言用户 [ C ]


an introduction to psychology
心理学 导论
【英语单词】彻底解释“introduction”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆


The introduction sets out the background and methodology of the research and repeats some of the important caveats about qualitative attitude research.
引言 解释了研究的背景和方法,并重申了有关定性态度研究的一些重要注意事项。
The introduction of iron improved the effectiveness of coastal rice-growing technology.
铁的 引入 提高了沿海水稻种植技术的有效性。
The introduction of policies to support organic farming are simply used as a case in point.
仅以支持有机农业的政策 出台 为例。
【英语单词】彻底解释“introduction”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
This information is, however, often requested in the next step of market introduction , the pricing and reimbursement process.
然而,在定价和报销过程中通常需要这些信息,这是市场 引入 的下一步。
Our verb results confirm the joint roles of informativeness and limited resources hypothesized in the introduction .
我们的动词结果证实了 引言 中假设的信息性和有限资源的共同作用。
In addition, with the introduction of robotic assembly, substantial changes are required in the assembly methods, assembly tools, assembly system designs and product design.
此外,机器人装配的 引入 需要装配方法、装配工具、装配系统设计和产品设计方面的重大改变。
【英语单词】彻底解释“introduction”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
The introduction to the acta themselves tells us that 247 documents survive together with references to 119 others.
Acta 本身的 介绍 显示,现存 247 份文档,并引用了 119 份其他文档。
As discussed in the introduction , the ability to generate symbolic play requires the ability to produce actions outside the context in which they typically occur.
正如 引言 中所讨论的,产生象征性游戏的能力需要能够在通常发生的上下文之外产生行为的能力。
An increase in soil micro-ora linked to the introduction of cacao trees leads to corresponding fertilizer savings.
与可可树的 引入 相关的土壤微光的增加导致相应的肥料节省。
【英语单词】彻底解释“introduction”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
It is unclear what will be the impact of the introduction of booster doses in older groups on transmission to younger at-risk age groups.
目前尚不清楚向老年群体 引入 加强剂量将如何影响向处于危险中的年轻群体的传播。

introduction是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

In patients receiving long-acting formulations are not recommended in/ introduction of beta-blockers.
不建议接受长效制剂的患者使用β受体阻滞剂/ 诱导
Other public concerns emerged following the building’s introduction .
该建筑 推出 后还出现了其他公众担忧。
Remuneration will be given only during introduction .
仅在 推荐 后才会给予奖励。
The creator introduction sites are not placed.
不会公开创作者 介绍 网站。
Mourayio: A name that needs no introduction .
Mourayio:一个根本不需要 介绍的 名字。
Increased pain after the introduction stopped by intake of analgesics.
诱导 和停止服用镇痛药后疼痛加剧。
Put the cursor below the introduction phrase
将光标置于 介绍性 文字下方
Windows is a well-known household name and does not require much introduction .
Windows 是一个家喻户晓的名字,不需要太多 介绍
Moreover, the forcible introduction of potatoes caused widespread discontent.
此外,强制 引进 马铃薯引起了广泛的不满。
Therefore, before the introduction of checks become important.
因此, 实施 前的检查很重要。
User engagement metrics benefitted from the introduction of video playlists.
用户参与度指标受益于视频播放列表的 引入
This car needs no further introduction .
这辆车就不用多 介绍 了。
Neither is significant to a wordless introduction .
对于无声 介绍 来说,两者都不重要。
One of these standouts hardly needs introduction .
这些出色的餐厅之一无需 介绍
When is the client introduction fee waived?
是否有豁免客户 推荐 费的情况?
The TrySim tutorial download offers systematic introduction into automation technology in theory and practice.
TrySim教程下载系统 介绍 了自动化技术的理论和实践。
IoT can be started with a very reasonable introduction fee.
您可以以合理的 入门 成本开始使用物联网。
1970 saw the introduction of slick tyres by Goodyear.
固特异光头轮胎于 1970 赛季 推出
One notable reform was the introduction of women’s suffrage for federal elections in 1902.
一项值得注意的改革是 1902 年在联邦选举中 引入 妇女选举权。
Here the crucial assumption is the introduction of increasing organic composition technologies.
这里的基本假设是新技术的 引入 提高了有机成分。

“introduction”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。

  • addition
  • debut
  • establishment
  • inauguration
  • influx
  • initiation
  • installation
  • launch
  • opening
  • preface
  • presentation
  • admittance
  • awakening
  • baptism
  • beginning
  • commencement
  • essentials
  • exordium
  • foreword
  • hornbook
  • inception
  • induction
  • ingress
  • insertion
  • institution
  • interpolation
  • intro
  • lead
  • lead-in
  • overture
  • preamble
  • preliminaries
  • prelude
  • primer
  • prolegomenon
  • prologue
  • survey
  • basic principles
  • basic text
  • first acquaintance
  • first taste
  • opening remarks
  • pioneering
  • proem


  • close
  • closing
  • conclusion
  • end
  • ending
  • finish
  • completion
  • epilogue

“introduction”是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
introduction 介绍、采用 (建立 [某] 新)
The introduction of printing came late in the history of writing, and it is a surprise that it wasn’t invented earlier.
introduction 介绍 (一个人的)
The host made introductions, and soon everyone was chatting.
introduction 前言,前言 (书本
In the introduction, the author thanked his family and his mentors for helping him.


英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
introduction 入门书、手册 (第一本书,课程)
Dan changed majors because he failed an introduction to economics class in his first year.
introduction 插入,插入 (插入)
What caused the reaction was the introduction of oxygen into the chemical mixture.
introduction 概述、介绍 文字
The introduction of the paper didn’t really make sense.
introduction 介绍 (关于。。。的信)
Jon arrived at his interview with nothing but a letter of introduction from his teacher who used to work there.
introduction 引言, 前奏, 序言 音乐
The piano played a quick introduction before the orchestra came in.
introduction 导入、介绍 (添加 [某] 外国) 生态
The introduction of a lot of foreign wildlife has had a big impact on Australia.

听听陆路发音(发音)的“ introduction ”!

读法是【ˌɪn.trəˈdʌk.ʃən】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˌɪn.trəˈdʌk.ʃən】。



等级B2・独立语言用户 [ U ]



The introduction of new working practices has dramatically improved productivity.
新工作方式 引入极大地提高了生产力。
Within a year of its introduction, questions began to emerge about the safety of the drug.
特别 The introduction of the tube into the artery is a very delicate procedure.
管子 插入动脉是一个非常精细的过程。
【英语单词】彻底解释“introduction”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
等级B2・独立语言用户 [ C U ]

[第一次见面时说出别人名字的行为] 用来表示。

You’ll have to do/make the introductions – I don’t know everyone’s name.
需要做一下 介绍——我不知道每个人的名字。
My next guest needs no introduction (= is already known to everyone) .
我的下一位客人 不需要 介绍 (=每个人都已经认识他了)
等级B2・独立语言用户 [ C ]

[某物的第一部分] 用作含义。

Have you read the introduction to the third edition?
The song’s great, but the introduction’s a bit too long.
【英语单词】彻底解释“introduction”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
等级C1・精通语言的用户 [ S ]


That trip was my introduction to winter sports.
等级B2・独立语言用户 [ C ]


an introduction to psychology
心理学 导论
【英语单词】彻底解释“introduction”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆


The introduction sets out the background and methodology of the research and repeats some of the important caveats about qualitative attitude research.
引言 解释了研究的背景和方法,并重申了有关定性态度研究的一些重要注意事项。
The introduction of iron improved the effectiveness of coastal rice-growing technology.
铁的 引入 提高了沿海水稻种植技术的有效性。
The introduction of policies to support organic farming are simply used as a case in point.
仅以支持有机农业的政策 出台 为例。
【英语单词】彻底解释“introduction”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
This information is, however, often requested in the next step of market introduction , the pricing and reimbursement process.
然而,在定价和报销过程中通常需要这些信息,这是市场 引入 的下一步。
Our verb results confirm the joint roles of informativeness and limited resources hypothesized in the introduction .
我们的动词结果证实了 引言 中假设的信息性和有限资源的共同作用。
In addition, with the introduction of robotic assembly, substantial changes are required in the assembly methods, assembly tools, assembly system designs and product design.
此外,机器人装配的 引入 需要装配方法、装配工具、装配系统设计和产品设计方面的重大改变。
【英语单词】彻底解释“introduction”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
The introduction to the acta themselves tells us that 247 documents survive together with references to 119 others.
Acta 本身的 介绍 显示,现存 247 份文档,并引用了 119 份其他文档。
As discussed in the introduction , the ability to generate symbolic play requires the ability to produce actions outside the context in which they typically occur.
正如 引言 中所讨论的,产生象征性游戏的能力需要能够在通常发生的上下文之外产生行为的能力。
An increase in soil micro-ora linked to the introduction of cacao trees leads to corresponding fertilizer savings.
与可可树的 引入 相关的土壤微光的增加导致相应的肥料节省。
【英语单词】彻底解释“introduction”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
It is unclear what will be the impact of the introduction of booster doses in older groups on transmission to younger at-risk age groups.
目前尚不清楚向老年群体 引入 加强剂量将如何影响向处于危险中的年轻群体的传播。

introduction是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

In patients receiving long-acting formulations are not recommended in/ introduction of beta-blockers.
不建议接受长效制剂的患者使用β受体阻滞剂/ 诱导
Other public concerns emerged following the building’s introduction .
该建筑 推出 后还出现了其他公众担忧。
Remuneration will be given only during introduction .
仅在 推荐 后才会给予奖励。
The creator introduction sites are not placed.
不会公开创作者 介绍 网站。
Mourayio: A name that needs no introduction .
Mourayio:一个根本不需要 介绍的 名字。
Increased pain after the introduction stopped by intake of analgesics.
诱导 和停止服用镇痛药后疼痛加剧。
Put the cursor below the introduction phrase
将光标置于 介绍性 文字下方
Windows is a well-known household name and does not require much introduction .
Windows 是一个家喻户晓的名字,不需要太多 介绍
Moreover, the forcible introduction of potatoes caused widespread discontent.
此外,强制 引进 马铃薯引起了广泛的不满。
Therefore, before the introduction of checks become important.
因此, 实施 前的检查很重要。
User engagement metrics benefitted from the introduction of video playlists.
用户参与度指标受益于视频播放列表的 引入
This car needs no further introduction .
这辆车就不用多 介绍 了。
Neither is significant to a wordless introduction .
对于无声 介绍 来说,两者都不重要。
One of these standouts hardly needs introduction .
这些出色的餐厅之一无需 介绍
When is the client introduction fee waived?
是否有豁免客户 推荐 费的情况?
The TrySim tutorial download offers systematic introduction into automation technology in theory and practice.
TrySim教程下载系统 介绍 了自动化技术的理论和实践。
IoT can be started with a very reasonable introduction fee.
您可以以合理的 入门 成本开始使用物联网。
1970 saw the introduction of slick tyres by Goodyear.
固特异光头轮胎于 1970 赛季 推出
One notable reform was the introduction of women’s suffrage for federal elections in 1902.
一项值得注意的改革是 1902 年在联邦选举中 引入 妇女选举权。
Here the crucial assumption is the introduction of increasing organic composition technologies.
这里的基本假设是新技术的 引入 提高了有机成分。

“introduction”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。

  • addition
  • debut
  • establishment
  • inauguration
  • influx
  • initiation
  • installation
  • launch
  • opening
  • preface
  • presentation
  • admittance
  • awakening
  • baptism
  • beginning
  • commencement
  • essentials
  • exordium
  • foreword
  • hornbook
  • inception
  • induction
  • ingress
  • insertion
  • institution
  • interpolation
  • intro
  • lead
  • lead-in
  • overture
  • preamble
  • preliminaries
  • prelude
  • primer
  • prolegomenon
  • prologue
  • survey
  • basic principles
  • basic text
  • first acquaintance
  • first taste
  • opening remarks
  • pioneering
  • proem


  • close
  • closing
  • conclusion
  • end
  • ending
  • finish
  • completion
  • epilogue

“introduction”是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
introduction 介绍、采用 (建立 [某] 新)
The introduction of printing came late in the history of writing, and it is a surprise that it wasn’t invented earlier.
introduction 介绍 (一个人的)
The host made introductions, and soon everyone was chatting.
introduction 前言,前言 (书本
In the introduction, the author thanked his family and his mentors for helping him.


英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
introduction 入门书、手册 (第一本书,课程)
Dan changed majors because he failed an introduction to economics class in his first year.
introduction 插入,插入 (插入)
What caused the reaction was the introduction of oxygen into the chemical mixture.
introduction 概述、介绍 文字
The introduction of the paper didn’t really make sense.
introduction 介绍 (关于。。。的信)
Jon arrived at his interview with nothing but a letter of introduction from his teacher who used to work there.
introduction 引言, 前奏, 序言 音乐
The piano played a quick introduction before the orchestra came in.
introduction 导入、介绍 (添加 [某] 外国) 生态
The introduction of a lot of foreign wildlife has had a big impact on Australia.

听听陆路发音(发音)的“ introduction ”!

读法是【ˌɪn.trəˈdʌk.ʃən】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˌɪn.trəˈdʌk.ʃən】。

