【英语单词】彻底解释“expulsion”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“expulsion”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

「“expulsion”」的含义 (noun)



They threatened him with expulsion from school.
他们威胁要将 他开除出 学校。
【英语单词】彻底解释“expulsion”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆


I have not heard that any further expulsions have since taken place, but further representations are being made on the whole subject.
Data are not held centrally on expulsions from higher education institutions as a result of nonpayment of debts.
Yes, collective expulsions were indeed organised.
【英语单词】彻底解释“expulsion”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Political expulsions of journalists, of course, amount to political censorship.
The shocking conditions of these expulsions, however, which have led to death in transit, have been brought to light, not to mention imprisonment in the destination countries.
We are not in favour of mass expulsions.
【英语单词】彻底解释“expulsion”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
They have certainly been complacent about the explosion in the number of student expulsions and suspensions in schools.
Too many expulsions by air have ended in the death of human beings because of the way in which they have been treated.

“expulsion”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。

  • banishment
  • discharge
  • displacement
  • ejection
  • eviction
  • exclusion
  • ouster
  • purge
  • removal
  • suspension
  • boot
  • bounce
  • debarment
  • deportment
  • dislodgment
  • dismissal
  • dispossession
  • exile
  • expatriation
  • extrusion
  • ostracism
  • ousting
  • proscription
  • relegation
  • rush
  • driving out
  • forcing out


  • admittance
  • inclusion
  • welcome
  • welcoming
  • import

“expulsion”是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
expulsion 开除 (学生:退学)
Leonard’s drug use resulted in his expulsion from school.
expulsion 排除, 开除 (驱逐某物)
This press is used for the expulsion of oil from the seeds.
expulsion 开除 (从一个国家流放) 国家
The accusation of a heinous crime resulted in his expulsion from France.

expulsion是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

The rationale for expulsion will be many.
驱逐 的理由有很多。
Rocket engines produce thrust by the expulsion of a high-speed fluid exhaust.
火箭发动机通过 排出 高速流体废气产生推力。
business related to expulsion and other dispositions against Members, etc.
针对会员等 采取除名 等措施的相关业务
Rather than face expulsion from Labour, Cripps dissolved the Socialist League in 1937.
为了避免被工党 开除 ,克里普斯于 1937 年解散了社会主义联盟。
They’re commemorating the expulsion of vampires from the city.
他们正在庆祝从镇上 除掉 吸血鬼。
In human cultures, expulsion from the group is considered a punishment known to bring pain.
在人类文化中, 被排除 在群体之外被认为是一种已知会造成痛苦的惩罚。
Historically, evangelism has on rare occasions led to forced conversion under threat of death or mass expulsion .
从历史上看,福音派有时会通过死亡或大规模 驱逐 的威胁来强制改变信仰。
Where you will feel any pressure to live, what life’s expulsion .
因为在这里你感觉任何压力和生活都 被放逐
In human cultures, expulsion from the group is considered a punishment known to bring pain.
在人类文化中, 被驱逐 出群体被认为是一种痛苦的惩罚。
Thus, in Castile the expulsion lasted three years, from 1611 to 1614.
摩里斯科人在卡斯蒂利亚 的流放 持续了三年,从 1611 年到 1614 年。
Cold expulsion , such as that to be used by Pukguksong-2, is generally used in naval environments.
驱逐 ,例如 Pukguksong-2 所使用的一种,通常用于海洋环境。
Words that cost her the expulsion from the Movement.
这些话将要求她 被驱逐 出运动。
Article 1 provides for a right to fair procedures for lawfully resident foreigners facing expulsion .
第十三条 驱逐 外国人的正当程序。
He announced a series of sanctions including: The expulsion of diplomatic 23, who must be removed within a week.
他宣布了一系列制裁措施,包括: 23 名外交 驱逐 必须在一周内取消。
Meanwhile Greece, despite having received aid, has averted expulsion from the euro, which will always occur at any time.
另一方面,希腊尽管获得了援助,却避免了 被排除 在欧元之外,这种情况随时都会发生。
Iacoponi combines it big, keeps in the area always Rodriguez and the referee a few steps can only give the penalty kick and the consequent expulsion .
亚科波尼拥有大联合收割机,罗德里格斯的区域更大,裁判可以在距离罚球仅一步之遥的情况下判罚 罚球
1976: Bollywood movie Charas has a pilot plot about the expulsion of Indians from Uganda.
1976 年:宝莱坞电影《Charas》,试播集讲述了印度人 被驱逐出乌干达的 故事。
He promoted many enlightened reforms and he supported the expulsion of the Jesuits in 1767.
他推动了许多启蒙运动改革,并支持 1767 年 驱逐 耶稣会士。
When a forced expulsion began, Leymah has begun to take off her clothes.
当他们开始强行 搬走 时,雷玛开始脱掉衣服。
Unless notice is served to the affected member, expulsion cannot be asserted against the affected member.
2. 除非已通知 被开除 员工,否则不得对被开除员工进行开除。

听“ expulsion ”的陆地音(发音)!

读法是【ɪkˈspʌl·ʃən】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ɪkˈspʌl·ʃən】。


「“expulsion”」的含义 (noun)



They threatened him with expulsion from school.
他们威胁要将 他开除出 学校。
【英语单词】彻底解释“expulsion”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆


I have not heard that any further expulsions have since taken place, but further representations are being made on the whole subject.
Data are not held centrally on expulsions from higher education institutions as a result of nonpayment of debts.
Yes, collective expulsions were indeed organised.
【英语单词】彻底解释“expulsion”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Political expulsions of journalists, of course, amount to political censorship.
The shocking conditions of these expulsions, however, which have led to death in transit, have been brought to light, not to mention imprisonment in the destination countries.
We are not in favour of mass expulsions.
【英语单词】彻底解释“expulsion”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
They have certainly been complacent about the explosion in the number of student expulsions and suspensions in schools.
Too many expulsions by air have ended in the death of human beings because of the way in which they have been treated.

“expulsion”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。

  • banishment
  • discharge
  • displacement
  • ejection
  • eviction
  • exclusion
  • ouster
  • purge
  • removal
  • suspension
  • boot
  • bounce
  • debarment
  • deportment
  • dislodgment
  • dismissal
  • dispossession
  • exile
  • expatriation
  • extrusion
  • ostracism
  • ousting
  • proscription
  • relegation
  • rush
  • driving out
  • forcing out


  • admittance
  • inclusion
  • welcome
  • welcoming
  • import

“expulsion”是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
expulsion 开除 (学生:退学)
Leonard’s drug use resulted in his expulsion from school.
expulsion 排除, 开除 (驱逐某物)
This press is used for the expulsion of oil from the seeds.
expulsion 开除 (从一个国家流放) 国家
The accusation of a heinous crime resulted in his expulsion from France.

expulsion是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

The rationale for expulsion will be many.
驱逐 的理由有很多。
Rocket engines produce thrust by the expulsion of a high-speed fluid exhaust.
火箭发动机通过 排出 高速流体废气产生推力。
business related to expulsion and other dispositions against Members, etc.
针对会员等 采取除名 等措施的相关业务
Rather than face expulsion from Labour, Cripps dissolved the Socialist League in 1937.
为了避免被工党 开除 ,克里普斯于 1937 年解散了社会主义联盟。
They’re commemorating the expulsion of vampires from the city.
他们正在庆祝从镇上 除掉 吸血鬼。
In human cultures, expulsion from the group is considered a punishment known to bring pain.
在人类文化中, 被排除 在群体之外被认为是一种已知会造成痛苦的惩罚。
Historically, evangelism has on rare occasions led to forced conversion under threat of death or mass expulsion .
从历史上看,福音派有时会通过死亡或大规模 驱逐 的威胁来强制改变信仰。
Where you will feel any pressure to live, what life’s expulsion .
因为在这里你感觉任何压力和生活都 被放逐
In human cultures, expulsion from the group is considered a punishment known to bring pain.
在人类文化中, 被驱逐 出群体被认为是一种痛苦的惩罚。
Thus, in Castile the expulsion lasted three years, from 1611 to 1614.
摩里斯科人在卡斯蒂利亚 的流放 持续了三年,从 1611 年到 1614 年。
Cold expulsion , such as that to be used by Pukguksong-2, is generally used in naval environments.
驱逐 ,例如 Pukguksong-2 所使用的一种,通常用于海洋环境。
Words that cost her the expulsion from the Movement.
这些话将要求她 被驱逐 出运动。
Article 1 provides for a right to fair procedures for lawfully resident foreigners facing expulsion .
第十三条 驱逐 外国人的正当程序。
He announced a series of sanctions including: The expulsion of diplomatic 23, who must be removed within a week.
他宣布了一系列制裁措施,包括: 23 名外交 驱逐 必须在一周内取消。
Meanwhile Greece, despite having received aid, has averted expulsion from the euro, which will always occur at any time.
另一方面,希腊尽管获得了援助,却避免了 被排除 在欧元之外,这种情况随时都会发生。
Iacoponi combines it big, keeps in the area always Rodriguez and the referee a few steps can only give the penalty kick and the consequent expulsion .
亚科波尼拥有大联合收割机,罗德里格斯的区域更大,裁判可以在距离罚球仅一步之遥的情况下判罚 罚球
1976: Bollywood movie Charas has a pilot plot about the expulsion of Indians from Uganda.
1976 年:宝莱坞电影《Charas》,试播集讲述了印度人 被驱逐出乌干达的 故事。
He promoted many enlightened reforms and he supported the expulsion of the Jesuits in 1767.
他推动了许多启蒙运动改革,并支持 1767 年 驱逐 耶稣会士。
When a forced expulsion began, Leymah has begun to take off her clothes.
当他们开始强行 搬走 时,雷玛开始脱掉衣服。
Unless notice is served to the affected member, expulsion cannot be asserted against the affected member.
2. 除非已通知 被开除 员工,否则不得对被开除员工进行开除。

听“ expulsion ”的陆地音(发音)!

读法是【ɪkˈspʌl·ʃən】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ɪkˈspʌl·ʃən】。

