【英语单词】彻底解释“acquisition”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“acquisition”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

「“acquisition”」的含义 (noun)

[ 无复数 ]


children’s acquisition of language
【英语单词】彻底解释“acquisition”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆


The changing nature of the cognitive representation of words as reading acquisition took place was discussed.
讨论了伴随阅读理解能力的 获得而产生 的单词认知表征性质的变化。
Attempts to alter practice have generally focused on the acquisition of knowledge and skills, and although important, these are not sufficient.
改变实践的尝试通常集中在知识和技能的 获取 上,但这些虽然很重要,但还不够。
A set of precursors to cluster acquisition was thereby identified and shown to be recursive.
这确定了一组聚类 获取 的前兆,并被证明是递归的。
【英语单词】彻底解释“acquisition”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
A general theory of language acquisition must ultimately accommodate the facts about bilingual/multilingual acquisition .
语言 习得 的一般理论最终必须适应双语/多语 习得 的事实。
At the same time, urban life-styles and the acquisition of new rights and opportunities radically changed women’s expectations and collective self-image.
与此同时,城市生活方式以及新权利和机会的 获得 从根本上改变了妇女的期望和集体自我形象。
The existence of discrete levels of critical water potential is suggestive of specific stresses that cells must accommodate during the acquisition of desiccation tolerance.
临界水势的离散水平的存在表明细胞在 获得 干燥耐受性期间必须适应特定的压力。
【英语单词】彻底解释“acquisition”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
For example, there are a number of suggestions in the literature that different children may show very different patterns of error use in question acquisition .
例如,文献中有许多建议认为,不同的孩子在问题 习得 中可能会表现出非常不同的错误使用模式。
Just as important as the need for a sufficient income was the acquisition of the skills required to run a household.
与足够收入的需要同样重要的是 获得 经营家庭所需的技能。

“acquisition”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。

  • addition
  • gain
  • procurement
  • purchase
  • recovery
  • accretion
  • achievement
  • acquirement
  • acquiring
  • attainment
  • buy
  • learning
  • obtainment
  • possession
  • prize
  • property
  • pursuit
  • retrieval
  • salvage
  • winning
  • gaining
  • procuration
  • procuring


  • loss
  • failure
  • forfeit
  • surrender
  • dearth
  • lack
  • need
  • want

“acquisition”是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
acquisition 获得,获得,获得 [某事] 获得)
安全、捕获 信息
Piper’s latest acquisition is a diamond necklace.
acquisition 获得 (购买 企业
The large company’s acquisition of the family-owned business made many local residents angry.
acquisition 获得 不可数 (获得的行为)
获得 正式
Mira’s acquisition of a car enabled her to go wherever she wanted.
acquisition 获得 不可数 (学习过程)
Acquisition of a third language can be easier than the second.


英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
acquisition of knowledge 知识的获取 (学习)
acquisition value 收购价格 (对买家的市场价值)
The insurance money is not enough to cover the acquisition value of a new camera.
language acquisition 语言习得 (语言学习)
获得,创造自己的 技术
Tom studied linguistics and language acquisition at university.
target acquisition 目标获取 (军事:观察敌人

acquisition”是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Restrict asset acquisition posting to user group
限制资产 获取 发布到用户组
Confirm mailing list acquisition and distribution process for shareholders
获取 发货清单并向利益相关者确认配送流程
Amazon has diversified its acquisition portfolio into several market sectors.
亚马逊已将其 收购 组合多元化至多个市场领域。
Uncertainty associated with pending acquisition by Autonomy
Autonomy 的 收购 正在进行中,且存在不确定性
Eliminate manual processes and shorten customer acquisition time.
:消除手动流程并缩短 获取 客户的时间。
Poured lots of money into land acquisition and construction.
大量资金用于 购买 土地和建筑。
But that was your first acquisition .
但这就是我们首先 获得 它的地方。
Max. acquisition value to avail full depreciation
可全额折旧的最大 购置 金额
Print transactions ( acquisition and disposal) on fixed assets.
打印与固定资产相关的交易( 收购 和处置)。
Can be company intellectual property or business acquisition information.
还有有关企业知识产权和企业 收购 的信息。
Recently involved in a merger or acquisition
最近参与公司合并或 收购
License acquisition failure details. %n%1
有关未能 获得 许可证的详细信息。 %n%1
This acquisition represents another firm step in that direction.
此次 收购 代表着朝这个方向迈出了坚实的一步。
The acquisition amount wasn’t disclosed.
收购价格 尚未披露。
Discussions with potential acquisition targets have already been started.
与潜在 收购 目标的讨论已经开始。
The acquisition will significantly strengthen our corporate business.
此次收购 将使我们能够显着加强我们集团的企业业务。
We will witness more intellectual capital and talent acquisition .
我们看到智力资本和人才的 获取
Provides image acquisition services for scanners and cameras.
为扫描仪和相机提供图像 采集 服务。
Use the scanner image acquisition wizard.
使用扫描仪图像 采集 向导。
Leads procurement teams, managing tender, evaluation and acquisition processes.
能够领导采购团队并管理投标、评估和 采购 流程。

听“ acquisition ”的陆声(发音)!

读法是【ˌæk·wɪˈzɪʃ·ən】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˌæk·wɪˈzɪʃ·ən】。


「“acquisition”」的含义 (noun)

[ 无复数 ]


children’s acquisition of language
【英语单词】彻底解释“acquisition”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆


The changing nature of the cognitive representation of words as reading acquisition took place was discussed.
讨论了伴随阅读理解能力的 获得而产生 的单词认知表征性质的变化。
Attempts to alter practice have generally focused on the acquisition of knowledge and skills, and although important, these are not sufficient.
改变实践的尝试通常集中在知识和技能的 获取 上,但这些虽然很重要,但还不够。
A set of precursors to cluster acquisition was thereby identified and shown to be recursive.
这确定了一组聚类 获取 的前兆,并被证明是递归的。
【英语单词】彻底解释“acquisition”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
A general theory of language acquisition must ultimately accommodate the facts about bilingual/multilingual acquisition .
语言 习得 的一般理论最终必须适应双语/多语 习得 的事实。
At the same time, urban life-styles and the acquisition of new rights and opportunities radically changed women’s expectations and collective self-image.
与此同时,城市生活方式以及新权利和机会的 获得 从根本上改变了妇女的期望和集体自我形象。
The existence of discrete levels of critical water potential is suggestive of specific stresses that cells must accommodate during the acquisition of desiccation tolerance.
临界水势的离散水平的存在表明细胞在 获得 干燥耐受性期间必须适应特定的压力。
【英语单词】彻底解释“acquisition”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
For example, there are a number of suggestions in the literature that different children may show very different patterns of error use in question acquisition .
例如,文献中有许多建议认为,不同的孩子在问题 习得 中可能会表现出非常不同的错误使用模式。
Just as important as the need for a sufficient income was the acquisition of the skills required to run a household.
与足够收入的需要同样重要的是 获得 经营家庭所需的技能。

“acquisition”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。

  • addition
  • gain
  • procurement
  • purchase
  • recovery
  • accretion
  • achievement
  • acquirement
  • acquiring
  • attainment
  • buy
  • learning
  • obtainment
  • possession
  • prize
  • property
  • pursuit
  • retrieval
  • salvage
  • winning
  • gaining
  • procuration
  • procuring


  • loss
  • failure
  • forfeit
  • surrender
  • dearth
  • lack
  • need
  • want

“acquisition”是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
acquisition 获得,获得,获得 [某事] 获得)
安全、捕获 信息
Piper’s latest acquisition is a diamond necklace.
acquisition 获得 (购买 企业
The large company’s acquisition of the family-owned business made many local residents angry.
acquisition 获得 不可数 (获得的行为)
获得 正式
Mira’s acquisition of a car enabled her to go wherever she wanted.
acquisition 获得 不可数 (学习过程)
Acquisition of a third language can be easier than the second.


英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
acquisition of knowledge 知识的获取 (学习)
acquisition value 收购价格 (对买家的市场价值)
The insurance money is not enough to cover the acquisition value of a new camera.
language acquisition 语言习得 (语言学习)
获得,创造自己的 技术
Tom studied linguistics and language acquisition at university.
target acquisition 目标获取 (军事:观察敌人

acquisition”是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Restrict asset acquisition posting to user group
限制资产 获取 发布到用户组
Confirm mailing list acquisition and distribution process for shareholders
获取 发货清单并向利益相关者确认配送流程
Amazon has diversified its acquisition portfolio into several market sectors.
亚马逊已将其 收购 组合多元化至多个市场领域。
Uncertainty associated with pending acquisition by Autonomy
Autonomy 的 收购 正在进行中,且存在不确定性
Eliminate manual processes and shorten customer acquisition time.
:消除手动流程并缩短 获取 客户的时间。
Poured lots of money into land acquisition and construction.
大量资金用于 购买 土地和建筑。
But that was your first acquisition .
但这就是我们首先 获得 它的地方。
Max. acquisition value to avail full depreciation
可全额折旧的最大 购置 金额
Print transactions ( acquisition and disposal) on fixed assets.
打印与固定资产相关的交易( 收购 和处置)。
Can be company intellectual property or business acquisition information.
还有有关企业知识产权和企业 收购 的信息。
Recently involved in a merger or acquisition
最近参与公司合并或 收购
License acquisition failure details. %n%1
有关未能 获得 许可证的详细信息。 %n%1
This acquisition represents another firm step in that direction.
此次 收购 代表着朝这个方向迈出了坚实的一步。
The acquisition amount wasn’t disclosed.
收购价格 尚未披露。
Discussions with potential acquisition targets have already been started.
与潜在 收购 目标的讨论已经开始。
The acquisition will significantly strengthen our corporate business.
此次收购 将使我们能够显着加强我们集团的企业业务。
We will witness more intellectual capital and talent acquisition .
我们看到智力资本和人才的 获取
Provides image acquisition services for scanners and cameras.
为扫描仪和相机提供图像 采集 服务。
Use the scanner image acquisition wizard.
使用扫描仪图像 采集 向导。
Leads procurement teams, managing tender, evaluation and acquisition processes.
能够领导采购团队并管理投标、评估和 采购 流程。

听“ acquisition ”的陆声(发音)!

读法是【ˌæk·wɪˈzɪʃ·ən】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˌæk·wɪˈzɪʃ·ən】。

