【英语单词】彻底解释“yes-and-no”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“yes-and-no”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

「“yes and no”」的含义


[当问题无法具体回答时使用] 它用作含义。


“Is the job going okay?” “Well, yes and no.”
【英语单词】彻底解释“yes-and-no”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

yes and no是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

At first, I did not know what I should talk about and could not say anything except two words, yes and no , because I could not speak English well.
起初,我很难与他们互动,因为我不知道该说什么,而且因为我英语说得不好,我只能说两个词 :是和否
They now return the values Yes and No . See.
这些现在返回值 是和否。 请参阅。
If the pasted field contains only the words yes and no , Access applies the Yes/No data type to the field.
如果粘贴的字段仅包含 Yes 和 No ,则该字段将设置为键入 Yes/No。
When you paste data into an empty table, Access sets the data type of each field according to what kind of data it finds there. For example, if a pasted field contains nothing but date values, Access applies the Date/Time data type to the pasted field contains only the words yes and no , Access applies the Yes/No data type to the field.
将数据粘贴到空表中时,每个字段的数据类型是根据数据类型设置的。例如,如果粘贴的字段仅包含日期,则该字段将设置为类型“日期/时间”。如果粘贴的字段仅包含 Yes 和 No ,则该字段将设置为键入 Yes/No。
Affirmative and negative response strings (for example, YES and NO )
正面和负面响应字符串(例如 YES 和 NO
All Boolean attribute dimensions in a single database have two level 0 members. The default names for the members are True and False. Essbase enables you to change the default names; for example, to Yes and No .
数据库中的所有布尔属性维度都有两个 0 级成员。该成员的默认名称是 True 和 False。 Essbase 允许您更改此默认名称,例如 “是”和“否”。
Yes and No are Boolean constants. You can use them in conditional expressions. In the above example, if Cost is greater than Revenue, the IF function returns Yes, and the formula returns the string Loss. If Cost is equal to or less than Revenue, the function returns No, and the formula returns the string No Loss.
Yes 和 No 是布尔常量。布尔常量可以在条件表达式中使用。在上面的示例中,如果 Cost 大于 Revenue,则返回字符串 Loss。如果成本小于或等于收入,则为“否”,并且不会返回“无损失”。
Frankly, there are two answers to this question: yes and no .
坦率地说,这个问题有两个答案: 是和否
On the road, I ask myself again and again is taking the wrong path, but each time the only answer is yes and no
在路上,我一次又一次地问自己这个问题,虽然方式不对,但每次唯一的答案都是 是和否 ……
Myth or fact, the episode did raise a good question – can you trademark a person? Well the answer is yes and no .
不管是神话还是事实,这一集提出了一个很好的问题——你能成为一个商标人物吗?答案 是肯定和否定
Well yes and no , you both have to be sat in front of your PC’s to communicate, which is not particularly convenient.
嗯, 无论是还是不是 ,你都必须坐在电脑前进行交流,这不是特别方便。
Affirmative and negative responses: Enter the desired responses. For example, enter yes and no .
正面和负面响应:输入适当的响应。例如,输入 “是”和“否”。
My answer is both yes and no .
简而言之,答案 既是肯定的,也是否定的
It’s a homicide? – Well, yes and no .
需要进行官方毒理学 测试
Yes;No;Maybe When you don’t want to limit the choices to yes and no , this voting option offers an alternative response.
[是;否;也许] 如果您想提供多一个选择而不将答案限制为 “是”或“否”, 请使用此选项。
Yes;No;Maybe When you don’t want to limit the choices to yes and no , this voting option offers an alternative response.
是;否;也许 当您不想将选择限制为 “是”和“否” 时,可以提供另一种选择。
Enceladus ocean: yes and no Images from the Cassini spacecraft showed erupting plumes of water vapour and ice particles on Saturn’s moon Enceladus, prompting speculation a subsurface ocean might be acting as a source of liquid water.
太空:土卫二上 海洋吗?《自然》459, 7250 2009 年 6 月 25 日 卡西尼号太空船发送的图像显示土星卫星土卫二表面喷发的水蒸气和冰粒羽流。这导致人们认为土卫二下面的海洋表面可能是液态水的来源。
Decision tree-Creates decision trees that can be used for classification and prediction. The algorithm results are the answers to a series of yes and no questions-A yes answer leads to one part of the tree, and a no answer leads to another part of the tree. For example, a decision tree can tell you to suggest ice cream to a customer who buys root beer.
决策树 – 创建可用于分类和预测的决策树。该算法的结果是对一系列 是或否 问题 答案 。 Yes 通向树的一部分,No 通向树的另一部分。例如,决策树可能会告诉您应该向购买根汁汽水的顾客提供冰淇淋。
Decision tree: Determines simple rules for making decisions. The algorithm results are the answers to a series of yes and no questions. A yes answer leads to one part of the tree and a no answer to another part of the tree. The end result is a yes or no answer. Decision trees are used for classification and prediction. For example, a decision tree can tell you to suggest ice cream to a particular customer because that customer is more likely to buy ice cream with root beer.
决策树:确定简单的决策规则。该算法的结果是一系列是 或否 问题的答案。如果答案是肯定的,您将被引导到树的一侧;如果答案是否定的,您将被引导到树的另一侧。最终结果将是肯定或否定的答案。决策树用于分类和预测。例如,决策树可能会告诉您,您应该向某些客户提供冰淇淋,因为他们倾向于购买带有根汁汽水的冰淇淋。
Well, yes and no .

听“是与否”的“ yes-and-no ”声音!


