【英语单词】彻底解释“well-regarded”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“well-regarded”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

「“well-regarded”」的含义 (adjective)




The airline is well-regarded by passengers.
【英语单词】彻底解释“well-regarded”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆


Despite a century of research, statistical and computational methods for authorship attribution are neither reliable, well regarded , widely used nor well-understood.
尽管经过一个世纪的研究,作者归属的统计和计算方法仍然不可靠、 评估 不力 、广泛使用且了解甚少。
First, they are widely used and well regarded in the field of typical language acquisition.
首先,它们在通用语言习得领域被广泛使用并受到 高度 重视
The vita was a well regarded man, learned in the arts of pleas.
维塔是一个有 良好 声誉 的人,并且学会了祈求的艺术。
【英语单词】彻底解释“well-regarded”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
He was a well regarded lawyer and minor royal official.
他是一位 受人尊敬的 律师 ,也是王室中的一个小官员。
Written by well regarded figures in the microarray field, the book is divided into three major sections dealing with experimental design, data processing and meta-analysis.
本书由微阵列领域的 杰出 人物 撰写,分为三个主要部分,涵盖实验设计、数据处理和荟萃分析。
They are now so complex that each product costs about £100,000 to license, which has resulted in some well regarded products disappearing from the market.
现在它们变得如此复杂,以至于每个产品的许可成本约为 10 万英镑,导致 备受好评的 产品 从市场上消失。
【英语单词】彻底解释“well-regarded”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
The scheme is popular and well regarded , and has improved living conditions for 2 million of the most vulnerable households.
该计划深受群众欢迎, 深受好评 改善了200万最弱势家庭的生活条件。
Earlier this year, we published a consultation paper about our successful and well regarded home energy efficiency scheme, which pays grants towards basic insulation of homes.
今年早些时候,我们发布了成功且 广 受好评 的家庭能源效率计划咨询文件,该文件为家庭的基本隔热提供补贴。
Those are not my words but those of the head of one of the most well regarded research institutes in the country.
这不是我的话,而是该国最受 尊敬的 研究机构 之一 的主任的话。
【英语单词】彻底解释“well-regarded”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
I understand the desire to keep the value of grants paid under this successful and well regarded scheme at their historic peak.
我理解人们希望将这一成功且 备受推崇的 计划 所支付的赠款价值维持在历史最高水平。

well regarded是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

It was not very well regarded .
并没有引起特别的 注意
This is constructed in a nice, straightforward Baroque style and has a discreet restaurant, garden and the well regarded Hotel Adalbert.
这是一栋美妙而明显的巴洛克风格建筑,设有朴素的餐厅、花园和广受好评的阿达尔伯特酒店 (Hotel Adalbert)
Efficient government and an improved social system are significant factors that make Singapore one of the most well regarded innovative countries in the world.
另一方面,高效的政府和社会制度可能是使这个国家成为最 聪明的 国家之一的主要因素。
As well, there are other products including original sweets, rice balls using the most famous brand of Koshi Hikari and bento box lunches which are well regarded .
This is especially true when users are organically searching for products and they are able to see a sponsored result that offers them a well reviewed or well regarded item.
当用户通过自然搜索寻找产品时,当赞助产品出现足够的评论或 高评级 时,尤其如此。
The company’s willingness to design products from scratch is also well regarded .
此外,该公司积极主动的设计方案通过与没有图纸的用户分享想法并从头开始提出设计和生产 ,受到了用户的好评
Linux 2.2 by default, as released by Alan Cox, features an earlier RAID version that’s not well regarded .
Linux 2.2 附带了 Alan Cox 发布的早期版本中的默认 RAID 功能,但它运行得不 太好
The work of Mixtec artisans who produced work in stone, wood, and metal were well regarded throughout ancient Mesoamerica.
米斯特克工匠用石头、木材和金属制作的产品在当时的整个中美洲 都很珍贵
Red wine made from Xinomavro in the Naousa region has become one of Greece’s most important and well regarded wines.
纳乌萨出产的红酒是希腊最重要和 最著名的 葡萄酒之一。
Ichiko Aoba is a singer song writer, singing along with a classic guitar who has been well regarded by prominent musicians such as Ryuichi Sakamoto and Haruomi Hosono.
此外,青叶一子还是一位手持古典吉他,以柔和而有力的方式歌唱世界的创作型歌手,受到坂本龙一、细野晴臣等著名音乐家 的欢迎
According to ALPSP, With over 4,000 participating publishers, Crossref’s reach is international and it is very well regarded not just amongst publishers, but also the literary community and researchers.
据 ALPSP 称,Crossref 拥有超过 4,000 名出版参与者,所取得的成就是国际性的,对出版商以及文学界和研究人员来说非常 有利
Weapon R-101 – Universally well regarded for its unique versatility, the R-101 platform has been a mainstay of human conflict since the first settlers arrived from the Core Systems.
武器 R-101 – 以其无与伦比的多功能性 而闻名 ,自从第一波殖民者从中央星系抵达以来,它就一直被用作武装冲突的主要武器。
It is unlikely that Machi MOKU, a member of a well regarded clan in Baekje, would forsake his family name and introduce himself as Soga clan.
百济 名门望族木满 池的不自然,抛弃了自己的姓氏,自称苏我氏。
Roman book sellers would sometimes pay a well regarded author for first access to a text for copying, but they had no exclusive rights to a work and authors were not normally paid anything for their work.
此时,书商有时会向 知名 作者支付报酬,但仅限于第一本;作者对其作品没有专有权,而且通常在许多情况下不支付任何费用。
ABI’s technology is so well regarded that Michelin-starred restaurants in Europe have procured CAS-frozen Iwagaki oysters and served them as raw oysters.
欧洲的米其林星级餐厅从 CAS 购买冷冻岩牡蛎, 甚至 生吃。
Along with the sampling set of 4 different brands of sake, the coffee and sweets that can only be found at the Kura Café are also well regarded .
除了比较“饮料比较套装”中的四种清酒外,Kura Cafe特有的咖啡和甜点 也很受欢迎
Though it had been done earlier, as in William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying and Albert Camus’ The Fall, Updike’s novel is noted as being one of several well regarded , early uses of the present tense.
厄普代克的小说使用了现在时,这在威廉·福克纳的《弥留之际》和阿尔贝·加缪的《堕落》中已经使用过,它是厄普代克最早 作品之一。
GIA – the Gemological Institute of America, is the most well regarded entity in the world, it houses the best diamond graders and expert gemologists; and provides you with just about any course and training you may wish to take, to learn more about the precious minerals available on this earth.
GIA – 美国宝石学院是世界上最 负盛名的 组织,拥有一些最好的钻石分级师和专家宝石学家。我们提供您可能想要参加的所有课程和培训,以更多地了解这个星球上的珍贵矿物。有两种类型的证书。
Manpei Hotel – Nagano Things To Do & Itineraries | Planetyze The Manpei Hotel which has been catering to foreign tourists for well over a hundred years is also a place which has also been well regarded by Japanese who know of its history.
长野万平酒店 – 大量原创行程计划和旅游景点视频 | Planetyze 万平酒店已有 100 多年的历史,一直欢迎外国游客,即使对于了解其历史的日本人来说,也是一家令人钦佩的酒店。该地区还被 指定 为国家工业现代化遗产。
Ask Bob Marley, Jimmy Cliff and Eric Gale…’ Contemporary advertisement for ‘Life Of Contradiction’ The album is now regarded as an acknowledged classic yet at the time it was released a number of well regarded critics felt that the sound of the set was lagging behind the times.
只要问问鲍勃·马利、吉米·克里夫和埃里克·盖尔就知道了……来自专辑《矛盾的生活》这张专辑现在被誉为经典,但在发行时,几位 著名的 评论家 曾认为 它​​是过时的歌曲集。

听“ well-regarded ”!


