【英语单词】彻底解释“wear-the-pants”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“wear-the-pants”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

「“wear the pants”」的含义

词类(英语单词分类):习语 美国 非官方 英国 穿裤子



Brian may seem domineering, but it’s Lisa that really wears the pants in that relationship.
【英语单词】彻底解释“wear-the-pants”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

“wear the pants”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。

  • crack the whip
  • play first fiddle
  • ride herd

wear the pants是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

I reluctantly accepted them as my nickname. Needless to say, soon she came to wear the pants in my family.
我决定也在互联网 使用 这个昵称。
There is such a good place to wear the pants , or pants or easily rolled up pants bar.
有一个 穿裤子或长裤 的好地方,比如卷杆,或者长裤,这样穿起来更方便。
Simply wear the pants in the pool to find a plain of boulders to sit down, feel the body heat and pressure of water, everything just.
只需坐在岩石上,在泳池中 穿上裤子 ,感受身体的热量和水压。
Who buys the jewellery? This is the new indicator for who wears the pants in a relationship.
谁购买珠宝?这是衡量一段关系中谁是 “穿裤子 ”的新指标。
I can only wear pants under the water level.
我可以在水面以下 穿裤子
These men are seven inches different in height, but because of the body types advantaged in their sports, they wear the same length pants .
尽管两人身高相差约6英寸,但由于他们的体格适合各自的运动,所以他们都 穿着 相同长度的 裤子
These men are seven inches different in height, but because of the body types advantaged in their sports, they wear the same length pants .
它们的腿非常长、非常细,这是因为它们的祖先生活在纬度很低、非常 炎热 、干燥的气候中,而它们 为了适应 这种环境而进化,所以它们的四肢很长,腿末端很细。更容易冷却
The wears of short pant and short-sleeve T-shirt was just fitted for running.
短裤 和短袖T恤是完美的。
Me and toby you look at me, and I see you, finally, I told the tour guide said that it does not matter, I’ll wear jeans to go, toby also said to wear outside the pants into the water, guide it with a strange eyes looking at us as if to say, these two conservative person.
我和托比马克 看着我,我终于看到你了,我是导游,没关系,我去 穿 牛仔裤,托比马克也水如果你在外面 穿裤子 ,奇怪的眼睛会盯着我们告诉你,这是两个保守的家伙。
Finally the top will not ring true, and someone took a shower Mangwen pants to wear , a little better This is probably the less wear pants , only one pair of pants do. mess things finally do a good job, you can riding.
最后,有人把芒文的 裤子 洗了个澡,没有一个环掉在上面, 穿起来 好一点。这大概是 衣服少了,裤子 只有一条 裤子 了。
However, it might be nostalgism because of classic style does not care trends.So, we are making our ready-to- wear pants at the factory that undertakes order from Napolitan Sarto.Of course, for the style, RING JACKET considers about details, such as silhouette and fabric.
当然,款式很精彩,但也存在陷入缺乏时代感的怀旧风格的风险。因此,RING JACKET的那不勒斯裤是当代风格的杰作(廓形、细节、材质等) . 我们在定制车间制作 现成的裤子
Ladies are invited to wear pants .
女性被邀请 穿裤子
Dude, you wear pants , too?
嘿嘿,你也 ​​穿裤子 吗?
First First Lady to wear pants in public.
秀屋在公共场合 戴着 假发
Sorry I didn’t wear pants for a month.
抱歉,我没 穿裤子
Kevin, is there no way to wear pants ?
凯文不 穿裤子 吗?
Ludwig Vistalite 10 piece set How cool are transparent drums? Just don’t forget to wear pants .
Ludwig Vistalite 10 件套 您不觉得这是一套多么酷的透明鼓组吗?只是别忘了 穿上你自己的裤子
I think for life, you should wear real pants .
我认为为了谋生,你必须 穿 真正的 裤子
Upper wear and pants are each sold separately.
顶部 底部 单独出售。
If you have not yet purchased your gi, wear track pants and a white t-shirt.
如果您还没有购买 gi, 请穿 运动 和白色 T 恤。

听听“ wear-the-pants ”是一个接地气的声音(发音)!


