【英语单词】彻底解释“visible-trade”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“visible-trade”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

「“visible trade”」的含义 (noun)




The median forecast was for a visible trade deficit of $1.3 billion.
预计可见贸易逆差中位数为 13 亿美元。
【英语单词】彻底解释“visible-trade”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

参考:「visible trade」示例短语列表

Visible trade recorded imports and exports of physical goods (entries for trade in physical goods excluding services is now often called the “merchandise balance”).
有形 贸易 记录实物商品的进出口(实物商品贸易分录,不包括服务,现在通常称为“商品余额”)。
I began this particular passage by saying that visible trade only was concerned.
我在开始这段话时说,只涉及 有形 贸易
What has happened to visible trade —depending always on the base year—is that it has declined basically 15 times.
有形 贸易 始终取决于基准年,其情况是基本上下降了 15 倍。
【英语单词】彻底解释“visible-trade”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
In recent months visible trade has shown a surplus averaging over £40 million a month.
近几个月的 可见 交易 显示平均每月盈余超过 4000 万英镑。
In the case of visible trade the first six months revealed a deficit of £156 million.
有形 贸易 而言,前六个月出现了 1.56 亿英镑的赤字。
Customs declarations, the current source of the statistics of visible trade , will no longer be available.
目前 可见 贸易 统计数据的来源——海关申报将不再可用。
【英语单词】彻底解释“visible-trade”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
During that same period our exports amounted to £873 million, so that the crude deficit on visible trade for the six months was only £75 million sterling.
同期出口额为 8.73 亿英镑,因此 6 个月的 可见 贸易逆差仅为 7500 万英镑。
We may therefore expect that our total balance of payments will show better results than that derived from our visible trade alone.
因此,预计国际收支总额将比仅从 有形 交易 中获得的结果更好。
Our balance of visible trade is being produced by an expanding volume in that trade.
有形 贸易 平衡是由贸易扩张创造的。
【英语单词】彻底解释“visible-trade”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
I shall have something more to say later about the changing pattern these figures point to in our visible trade and about our invisible earnings.
稍后我们将更详细地讨论这些数字所代表的 有形 交易 和无形回报的变化模式。

visible trade是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Customs duties can be used to adjust the balance of visible trade .
关税用于调整 贸易平衡
The flow of funds can be controlled by differences in interest balance of visible trade and the balance of capital account fluctuations are exchanged.
利差控制着资金的流入和流出。 贸易 差额和资本账户改变汇率。
The balance of the account, as well as profit and open and closed trades will all be clearly visible .
将能够 清楚地 看到 您的所有账户余额,以及利润、活跃交易和已结算 交易
7 World Trade Center is visible in the background on the right.
似乎 是由于英国资本的 推进
Together, these result in your brand being visible in 110 countries and to 84% of the world trade market.
您的品牌加在一起可以在 110 个国家/地区 看到 ,占全球 贸易 市场的 84%。
The platform enables users to translate content into a total of 20 languages, making it visible in 110 countries and to 84% of the world trade market.
该平台允许用户将内容翻译成总共 20 种语言, 使其 在 110 个国家和全球 贸易 市场的 84% 中可见。
The content is then visible on international search engines. Why do you need international SEO marketing? If your aim is to trade internationally, then global SEO is an essential strategy for your business.
翻译和翻译的关键字可以使用国际 SEO 技术进行优化,您的内容 将显示 在国际搜索引擎中 为什么需要国际 SEO 营销?如果您的目标是进行国际 贸易 ,那么全球 SEO 是您业务的重要策略。
Currently, a subsidy is available from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry to provide one-third of the costs of installing this new type of intercom that can make visible the electricity usage.
支持电力 可视化 的对讲设备目前有资格获得经济产业省的补贴,相当于安装成本的1/3,管理协会可以通过采用符合条件的设备来节省安装成本。促进智能公寓的发展,同时减少用电量。
With VALU, users can issue tokens, VA, backed by Bitcoin and sell to the fans.The fans, VALUER, are visible to other people, and they can trade VA with other fans.
VALU 允许个人发行称为 VA 的代币,类似于交易卡,并以任何价格 进行交易 。此外,支持者(VALUER) 被可视化 ,每个人都可以自由买卖出售的VA。
Pushes students to examine issues facing industry players – high risk, long-term investments; technological change; intense selling competition – and issues facing their national governments – fair vs. unfair trade ; important national industries – in a highly visible time frame for players and governments.その他の情報
了解企业面临的问题(高风险的长期投资、技术变革、加剧的销售竞争等)以及国家政府在不久的将来将面临的问题(例如公平贸易等)。贸易和不公平 贸易 以及国有企业的重要性)。
Carpentry Exterior Carpentry Co Trade 1 – Exterior Carpentry Issue types example: Radiator to be changed several scratches visible on the right-hand side Radiator with visible scratches on the right-hand side Radiator to be changed because of several scratches Consequences of poor utilization: Assigning an issue will be more complicated because you will not know which trade/issue type to use The “Filter” tool will be unusable (we cannot filter several trades ) We strongly recommend the following practices: Fill out a list of issue types in advance Limit the library editing rights to certain users (“Library editor”) Offer “Other” as an issue type in each trade , which could be used when the user cannot find a suitable type.
“过滤”工具不可用(无法对多个 批次 进行过滤) 强烈建议采取以下做法: 通过预先填写监测样品列表(“库编辑器”)为 每个 批次建议“其他”监测样本,将库编辑限制为 某些 用户给找不到合适监测样本的用户。
She argued that as Japanese history merged with a great trends of global history in 16th and 17th century, Nanban trade caused deep social changes in Japan, the traces of which are still visible in our today\’s life.She explained this by picking up some familiar goods as kasutera cake – the name kasutera came from Portugeuse word Castela.
从16世纪到17世纪,日本的历史超越了中国和其他东亚国家的界限, 融入 了西欧扩张带来的世界历史的洪流中,他用人们熟悉的方式解释了它对世界的影响。具体例子有南蛮 贸易 、长崎开港文化、卡斯提拉等南蛮甜点等。
These activities have seen visible and steady results in the form of rising student numbers.Along with being introduced on numerous occasions on TV programs, the activities have been widely acclaimed, such as being selected in 2010 as a project eligible for assistance by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as a “broad and comprehensive tourist attracting service support activity” and the Excellence Prize at the 7th JTB Exchange Culture Award in January 2012.
这些活动已 稳步 产生实际成果,录取学生人数增加,并在众多电视节目中进行专题报道,并有资格获得 经济 产业省“广域”的补贴。 2010年,“综合旅游景点服务支援项目”。2012年1月,该项目获得社会好评,荣获第七届JTB文化交流奖优秀奖,受到广泛认可。
How do I reassign an issue in iOS? – FINALCAD Help Center You assigned an issue to the wrong trade or to the wrong company? Here’s how to change it: Select the zone which includes the issue to be updated Tap on the issue to be reassigned to display the activity flow Click on “edit” at the top of the window to display the library Choose the new trade , company as well as the issue to which you want to reassign the sticker or add a new one by clicking on”+” The different modifications will be visible in the Activity flow Note: We are unable to delete the history of an issue
如何在iOS上重新指定监控? – FINALCAD 帮助中心 如果我指定了错误的 批次 或公司进行监控怎么办?以下是进行更改的步骤: 选择要更改的显示器所在的区域 点击要重新指定的显示器以显示活动字段 单击窗口上的“修改”以显示库 选择新 批次 您要重新指定贴纸的公司、监控器,或单击 “+” 添加新的贴纸 各种更改将显示在活动字段中 注意:我们将无法删除监控器历史记录

听“ visible-trade ”的陆地音(发音)!


