【英语单词】彻底解释“virtual-enterprise”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“virtual-enterprise”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

「“virtual enterprise”」的含义 (noun)

与“工作场所” IT 互联网 相关的术语
也称为 虚拟公司 ; 虚拟公司 ; 虚拟组织



To be successful, the virtual enterprise must provide operations as competitive as those in a traditional enterprise.
【英语单词】彻底解释“virtual-enterprise”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

参考:「virtual enterprise」示例短语列表

A virtual enterprise is a particular case of virtual organization.
虚拟 企业 是虚拟组织的一种具体情况。
Challenges facing virtual enterprises are: inexperienced users, security, expense control, and the level of incorporation required to create a successful virtual enterprise .
虚拟公司面临的挑战包括缺乏经验的用户、安全性、费用管理以及成功运营 虚拟 公司 所需的合并水平。
Students in virtual enterprise classes have formed two companies in insurance and publishing.
虚拟 企业 班的学生创办了两家公司:保险公司和出版公司。
【英语单词】彻底解释“virtual-enterprise”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Changes occur in single manufacturing companies just as well as in an everchanging set of extended or virtual enterprises.
Virtual enterprises allow businesses to specialize and be flexible within their environments.
As with all types of enterprises, virtual enterprises present both benefits and challenges.
【英语单词】彻底解释“virtual-enterprise”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Because the formation of virtual enterprises is an intricate process, a new form of technological support has been developed.

virtual enterprise是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Oracle ASCP gives you a transparent view of the virtual enterprise , where all inventory locations participate in the planning process.
Oracle ASCP 提供 虚拟企业 的透明视图,其中所有库存地点都参与规划流程。
The content development and quality teams have access to a virtual enterprise environment representing more than 1500 nodes of various configurations.
内容开发和质量团队可以访问由 1,500 多个采用各种配置的节点创建的 虚拟企业 环境。
Oracle Supply Chain Planning gives you a transparent view of the virtual enterprise , where all inventory locations participate in the planning process.
Oracle 供应链计划将计划流程中包含的所有库存位置包含在一份物料清单中,就好像它们是一家 公司 一样。
VMware Corporate Overview Powering the Virtual Enterprise
VMware 公司概述 为 您的虚拟企业环境 提供支持
Engineered to immediately detect high-risk threats on devices, in the cloud and across your virtual enterprise , RSA NetWitness Platform also optimizes security response processes to reduce attacker dwell time and make analysts more efficient and effective.
RSA NetWitness 平台旨在快速检测设备上的高风险威胁,优化安全响应流程并减少攻击者时间。分析师将能够更有效地推动他们的工作。
You can choose the way you deploy Oracle Inventory Optimization to support either global supply chain or subset planning can run one rapid single step supply chain plan that optimizes and plans your entire virtual enterprise . You can also choose to break the planning process into subsets. For example, you may choose to run an enterprise-wide high level plan, but plan manufacturing at the individual factory level. You can plan all, or any subset of your virtual enterprise in a single planning process. This reduces the number of plans and reduces the time and effort required to coordinate planning activities.
您可以选择如何部署 Oracle 库存优化来支持全球供应链计划或子集计划。执行一项快速、单步的供应链计划来优化和规划您的整个 虚拟企业 。您还可以选择将规划过程划分为子集。例如,您可以选择为整个公司执行高层规划,但在单个工厂级别执行制造规划。您可以在一个规划流程中规划整个虚拟企业或其任何子集。这减少了计划的数量,并节省了协调规划活动所需的时间和精力。

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