【英语单词】彻底解释“trudged”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“trudged”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

「trudged」 被用作 「trudge」 的过去式。其用法如下。

  • I trudged
  • 我慢慢地走着
  • you trudged
  • 你挣扎过
  • he/she/it trudged
  • 他/她/它是糊状的
  • we trudged
  • 我们慢慢地走
  • you trudged
  • 你挣扎过
  • they trudged
  • 它们是糊状的

「trudged」 被用作「trudge」 的现在完成时态。其用法如下。

  • I have trudged
  • 我挣扎着
  • you have trudged
  • 你退缩了
  • he/she/it has trudged
  • 他/她/结结巴巴
  • we have trudged
  • 我们挣扎过
  • you have trudged
  • 你退缩了
  • they have trudged
  • 他们挣扎着

「trudged」 被用作「trudge」 的将来完成时态。其用法如下。

  • I will have trudged
  • 我会挣扎
  • you will have trudged
  • 你会退缩
  • he/she/it will have trudged
  • 他/她/它会心不在焉
  • we will have trudged
  • 我们会变得糊状
  • you will have trudged
  • 你会退缩
  • they will have trudged
  • 他们会心不在焉

「trudged」被用作「trudge」 的过去完成时态。其用法如下。

  • I had trudged
  • 我正在挣扎
  • you had trudged
  • 你挣扎过
  • he/she/it had trudged
  • 他/她/很模糊
  • we had trudged
  • 我们挣扎过
  • you had trudged
  • 你挣扎过
  • they had trudged
  • 他们挣扎着

trudged是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Masuzoe Yōichi: Tokyo’s Next Governor | On February 9, 2014, Tokyo voters trudged to the polls through deep snow.There they elected Masuzoe Yōichi, a former member of the House of Councillors who served several terms as minister of health, labor, and welfare, to be the metropolis’s next governor.
舛添洋一首次当选东京都知事 | nippon.com 东京都知事选举计票于2014年2月9日计票,自民党提名前厚生劳动大臣舛添洋一(65岁)和新公明党会长,首次当选东京都知事,首次当选,击败前首相细川护弘、前日本 律师 协会联合会会长宇都宫健二(共产党和社民党推荐)党)和前空军参谋长田母神敏夫。
Each day on the march we trudged along like zombies.
我们每天都像僵尸一样艰难 行军。
That man trudged from disease to disease.
就好像他在一场又一场的疾病中 摇摇欲坠
What were you treating him for? That man trudged from disease to disease.
他患有严重的 联合免疫缺陷症
Walking through the narrow trenches made us imagine how horrible it was for the men who trudged through ankle deep water ducking to stay below gun fire.
对于这些人来说,这显然是令人恐惧的,他们涉水穿过狭窄的战壕, 跳入 齐踝深的水中,并在枪林弹雨中冲锋。
And we deliberately went out and trudged through the grungy water that was nearly knee high.
水中和沙滩上 休息 的大部分都是外国人。
With his horses playing out and his men emotionally and physically exhausted, Morgan trudged northward while his pursuers blocked attempts to reach the river.
摩根的马匹疲惫不堪,部下也身心俱疲,他继续步行向北 ,阻止了 追击者 接近 河流的企图。
When the Emperor abdicated the throne, Saigu trudged the same Suzuka-toge Pass and Omi-ji Road as in the outward journey.
Rather, we trudged to class, anticipating new discoveries about the world, but at the same time knowing that what we were going to find out wasn’t going to be pretty.
尽管如此,我们每周 迈向 那堂课的 步伐 还是很沉重。这是因为我们在那堂课上学到的关于世界的知识是我们以前不知道的新发现,是一个让我们想捂住眼睛的现实。
Nevertheless, having trudged and fought along this path, with one hill left to go over before You can enjoy the Sabbath, we now feel that the time when we can sing the praises of the day of hope is drawing near.
然而,走过了所有复杂的道路,留下了父亲可以休息的一处山口后,我们这些历尽千辛万苦 走过来 、奋斗过的人,现在却暗暗感到,可以歌颂希望的日子已经临近了,我做到了。
Under the Communists, it was used primarily for the annual May Day parades, during which thousands trudged past the Sparta Prague stadium, where the Communist leaders would salute from their giant red podium.
在共产主义政权时期,这里是一年一度五一节游行的主会场,数千 人迈着沉重的步伐游行 ,共产党领导人在布拉格斯巴达体育场巨大的红色讲台上敬礼。
He grudged spending money on such a thing.
不愿意 花钱买这样的东西。
I am grudged even the least bit of happiness.
连一丝 幸福都不允许。
Kevin had to cancel the cab and trudge out in the snow.
所以我取消了晚餐 ,不得不在雪地里去购物。
People tend to trudge along indifferently performing whatever task they’re given.
不可避免的是,人们倾向于简单地 交给他们的事情。
He trudges calmly through the undergrowth in a suit and moccasins and talks about his passion for mushroom picking and music.
穿着 西装和鹿皮鞋,静静地穿过灌木丛,谈论着他对蘑菇狩猎和音乐的热情。
People trudge along, but their journey’s end is miserable and cruel.
人们所走的路 ,以及他们的最后时刻,都是残酷而残酷的。
The beach was a bit of a trudge , but we managed to find the stairs up the cliff without much issue.
You half expect the whole building to rise up on legs and trudge out to sea like a creation from Studio Ghibli.
感觉 就像 腿从大楼里 长出来 走向 大海,就像吉卜力工作室的电影一样。
Kabukicho Official Portal Site Their belief, “Reputation grudged ” shows that samurai is not a simple soldier; they highly valued honor above life.
歌舞伎町官方门户网站 [价格] 成人: 1,900 日元 儿童:800日元 3岁以下免费 武士不只是军人,而是被尊重荣誉的精神和武士精神的审美所支撑的存在。在日本武士所穿的刀剑和盔甲中。

“trudged”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。

  • lumber
  • plod
  • slog
  • stumble
  • traipse
  • tramp
  • trek
  • wade
  • clump
  • footslog
  • hike
  • march
  • step
  • stump
  • tread
  • drag oneself
  • plug along
  • schlepp


  • tiptoe

听“ trudged ”是陆地声音(发音)!



