【英语单词】彻底解释“treatment”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“treatment”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

「“treatment”」的含义 (noun)



She’s receiving treatment for a lung infection.
[ 无复数 ]

[如何对待某人] 用来表示。

There have been complaints about the treatment of prisoners.
【英语单词】彻底解释“treatment”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆


Therefore, growth rates may increase over time simply because the initial and descendant cells are recovering from treatment rather than evolving.
因此,生长率可能会随着时间的推移而增加,因为初始细胞和后代细胞正在从 治疗 中恢复而不是进化。
However, they also found that treatment significantly reduced the absenteeism rate of students in nonparticipating schools.
但他们还发现, 这种治疗 显着降低了非参与学校学生的缺勤率。
A medieval verse tale characterized by comic and ribald treatment of themes drawn from life.
中世纪诗歌的故事,其特点是对生活主题的滑稽和下流 处理
【英语单词】彻底解释“treatment”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
The treatment of linearised rules in the rest of the section, though rigorous, will not be too formal.
本节其余部分对线性化规则的 处理 是严格的,但不太正式。
There were seven treatments (table 1) with 10 replicate plots for each treatment .
有七个处理(表 1),每个 处理 有 10 个重复小区。
That is, they reflect a primary deficit, not secondary to other aspects of the illness (clinical symptoms) or other treatment -related factors (medication effects).
也就是说,它们反映了主要损害,而不是继发于疾病的其他方面(临床症状)或其他 治疗 相关因素(药物作用)。
【英语单词】彻底解释“treatment”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
They felt they had some personal control over their symptoms and that treatment could offer some control.
他们认为他们对自己的症状有一定程度的个人控制,并且 治疗 可以提供一定程度的控制。
Many of the topical treatments can now be prescribed by extended formulary nurse prescribers.

“treatment”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。

  • analysis
  • cure
  • hospitalization
  • medication
  • medicine
  • operation
  • prescription
  • regimen
  • remedy
  • surgery
  • therapy
  • diet
  • healing
  • therapeutics
  • doctoring


  • disease
  • injury
  • harm
  • hurt

treatment是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

During treatment requires monitoring of blood pressure.
治疗 期间需要监测血压。
fungus treatment requires a comprehensive approach.
真菌 治疗 需要综合方法。
Table mirror is scratch-resistant sapphire crystal, interior anti-reflective treatment .
表镜为防刮蓝宝石水晶,内部经过防反光 处理
Distributes batch and continuous conveyor furnaces for heat treatment .
分配用于 热处理 的间歇式和连续式传送炉。
The treatment is contraindicated alcohol intake.
治疗 时禁止饮酒。
Farmers often use locust treatment for pets.
农民经常对宠物使用蝗虫 疗法
Protected from rain by surface treatment .
通过表面 处理 可防雨。
People usually seek treatment for cosmetic reasons.
人们经常出于美容原因寻求 治疗
Visible tape supports continuation of treatment .
胶带剂一目了然,支持继续 治疗
Prolonged treatment may develop drug dependence.
长期 治疗 可产生药物依赖性。
Only umbilical hernias disappear without treatment .
唯一的脐带不经 治疗 就会消失。
Early treatment helps prevent serious complications.
早期 治疗 有助于预防严重并发症。
Breastfeeding during maternal treatment is not recommended.
不建议在产妇 治疗 期间进行母乳喂养。
Before treatment should be adjusted water-electrolyte balance.
治疗 前需要调节水电解质平衡。
We also provide consulting system for both of management system and how to make value added from your sludge after treatment .
我们还提供有关从 处理后的 污泥中创造附加值的方法和管理系统的咨询。国际。
Average concentration in plasma is about 30 ng/ ml after three cycles of treatment .
三个 治疗 周期后,血浆中的平均浓度约为 30 ng/ml。
Gepatotoksichnostb, sometimes expressed, observed in the treatment of Imatinib mezilatom (cm.
Gepatotoksichnostb,有时在甲磺酸伊马替尼 治疗 中表达和观察到 (cm.
Prolonged treatment is necessary to control the concentration of Ca+ urine.
需要长期 治疗 来控制尿液中Ca+的浓度。
This provides doctors with earlier diagnosis and treatment options.
这为医生提供了早期诊断和 治疗 选择。
Benzodiazepines are also not beneficial in the treatment of psychosis.
苯二氮卓类药物对于 治疗 精神病也没有任何益处。

听听“ treatment ”的土音(发音)!

读法是【ˈtriːt·mənt】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈtriːt·mənt】。


「“treatment”」的含义 (noun)



She’s receiving treatment for a lung infection.
[ 无复数 ]

[如何对待某人] 用来表示。

There have been complaints about the treatment of prisoners.
【英语单词】彻底解释“treatment”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆


Therefore, growth rates may increase over time simply because the initial and descendant cells are recovering from treatment rather than evolving.
因此,生长率可能会随着时间的推移而增加,因为初始细胞和后代细胞正在从 治疗 中恢复而不是进化。
However, they also found that treatment significantly reduced the absenteeism rate of students in nonparticipating schools.
但他们还发现, 这种治疗 显着降低了非参与学校学生的缺勤率。
A medieval verse tale characterized by comic and ribald treatment of themes drawn from life.
中世纪诗歌的故事,其特点是对生活主题的滑稽和下流 处理
【英语单词】彻底解释“treatment”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
The treatment of linearised rules in the rest of the section, though rigorous, will not be too formal.
本节其余部分对线性化规则的 处理 是严格的,但不太正式。
There were seven treatments (table 1) with 10 replicate plots for each treatment .
有七个处理(表 1),每个 处理 有 10 个重复小区。
That is, they reflect a primary deficit, not secondary to other aspects of the illness (clinical symptoms) or other treatment -related factors (medication effects).
也就是说,它们反映了主要损害,而不是继发于疾病的其他方面(临床症状)或其他 治疗 相关因素(药物作用)。
【英语单词】彻底解释“treatment”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
They felt they had some personal control over their symptoms and that treatment could offer some control.
他们认为他们对自己的症状有一定程度的个人控制,并且 治疗 可以提供一定程度的控制。
Many of the topical treatments can now be prescribed by extended formulary nurse prescribers.

“treatment”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。

  • analysis
  • cure
  • hospitalization
  • medication
  • medicine
  • operation
  • prescription
  • regimen
  • remedy
  • surgery
  • therapy
  • diet
  • healing
  • therapeutics
  • doctoring


  • disease
  • injury
  • harm
  • hurt

treatment是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

During treatment requires monitoring of blood pressure.
治疗 期间需要监测血压。
fungus treatment requires a comprehensive approach.
真菌 治疗 需要综合方法。
Table mirror is scratch-resistant sapphire crystal, interior anti-reflective treatment .
表镜为防刮蓝宝石水晶,内部经过防反光 处理
Distributes batch and continuous conveyor furnaces for heat treatment .
分配用于 热处理 的间歇式和连续式传送炉。
The treatment is contraindicated alcohol intake.
治疗 时禁止饮酒。
Farmers often use locust treatment for pets.
农民经常对宠物使用蝗虫 疗法
Protected from rain by surface treatment .
通过表面 处理 可防雨。
People usually seek treatment for cosmetic reasons.
人们经常出于美容原因寻求 治疗
Visible tape supports continuation of treatment .
胶带剂一目了然,支持继续 治疗
Prolonged treatment may develop drug dependence.
长期 治疗 可产生药物依赖性。
Only umbilical hernias disappear without treatment .
唯一的脐带不经 治疗 就会消失。
Early treatment helps prevent serious complications.
早期 治疗 有助于预防严重并发症。
Breastfeeding during maternal treatment is not recommended.
不建议在产妇 治疗 期间进行母乳喂养。
Before treatment should be adjusted water-electrolyte balance.
治疗 前需要调节水电解质平衡。
We also provide consulting system for both of management system and how to make value added from your sludge after treatment .
我们还提供有关从 处理后的 污泥中创造附加值的方法和管理系统的咨询。国际。
Average concentration in plasma is about 30 ng/ ml after three cycles of treatment .
三个 治疗 周期后,血浆中的平均浓度约为 30 ng/ml。
Gepatotoksichnostb, sometimes expressed, observed in the treatment of Imatinib mezilatom (cm.
Gepatotoksichnostb,有时在甲磺酸伊马替尼 治疗 中表达和观察到 (cm.
Prolonged treatment is necessary to control the concentration of Ca+ urine.
需要长期 治疗 来控制尿液中Ca+的浓度。
This provides doctors with earlier diagnosis and treatment options.
这为医生提供了早期诊断和 治疗 选择。
Benzodiazepines are also not beneficial in the treatment of psychosis.
苯二氮卓类药物对于 治疗 精神病也没有任何益处。

听听“ treatment ”的土音(发音)!

读法是【ˈtriːt·mənt】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈtriːt·mənt】。

