【英语单词】彻底解释“regimen”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“regimen”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

「“regimen”」的含义 (noun)




After his heart attack the doctor put him on a strict regimen.
【英语单词】彻底解释“regimen”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆


To estimate the qualitative and quantitative toxicities of this regimen .
评估该 方案 的定性和定量毒性。
Therefore, a monthly oral oestrogen supplement was added to the regimen .
因此,在 治疗方案 中添加了每月口服雌激素补充剂。
In the second letter, he was slightly more formal in tone and related more details about his regimen and creative responsibilities.
在第二封信中,他的语气稍微正式一些,并更详细地介绍了他的 生活方式 和创作职责。
【英语单词】彻底解释“regimen”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
To compare the relative safety of the neoadjuvant treatment regimens in terms of reported adverse events.
In a pilot trial on 64 patients this regimen was found to be safe and well-tolerated with promising efficacy.
一项针对 64 名患者的初步研究发现该 疗法 安全、耐受性良好且有望有效。
Creating a tool to identify these characteristics can lead to better treatment outcomes and earlier interventions to help improve compliance with medication regimens.
【英语单词】彻底解释“regimen”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Efficacy of pregabalin in neuropathic pain evaluated in a 12-week, randomised, double-blind, multicentre, placebo-controlled trial of flexible- and fixed-dose regimens.
普瑞巴林治疗神经性疼痛的疗效通过一项为期 12 周、随机、双盲、多中心、安慰剂对照的灵活和固定剂量方案试验进行了评估。
The development of new chemotherapeutic regimens has contributed to reducing the risk of cancer recurrence and improving patient survival.
Accelerated radiotherapy regimen for malignant gliomas using stereotactic concomitant boosts for dose escalation.
使用立体定向联合加强剂量递增的恶性神经胶质瘤加速放疗 方案
【英语单词】彻底解释“regimen”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
For each isolate, four quadruplet beakers (in total 16) with faeces were cultured at each temperature regimen .
对于每个分离株,在每个温度 方案 下培养四个装有粪便的四联烧杯(总共16个)。

“regimen”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。

  • menu
  • procedure
  • regime
  • administration
  • control
  • diet
  • government
  • process
  • rule
  • system

“regimen”是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释!
regimen 政治体制、治理、管理体制 (政府系统)
The elections marked an end to the corrupt regimen.
regimen 饮食习惯, 饮食习惯, 饮食习惯, 饮食规则 (饮食、健身计划)
I am on a new health regimen that includes drinking fresh juice daily.

regimen是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

So I hope your training regimen is a bit faster.
所以我希望你的训练 计划 能更快一些。
Free weights can be introduced to you regimen slowly after your core strength has improved.
核心力量提高后,可以逐渐引入自由重量 训练
Maintenance of results requires periodic repeat treatments after the initial regimen is completed.
维持结果需要在初始 方案 完成后定期重复。
Make sure to check with your physician before starting any new diet or exercise regimen .
在开始任何新的饮食或锻炼 方案 之前,请务必咨询您的医生。
Platinum-etoposide was used as the most common regimen directly after SCLC diagnosis.
SCLS 诊断后立即使用铂依托泊苷作为最常见的 治疗方法
With a proper diet and good exercise regimen , you will be able to maximize the full potential of Extenze.
适当的饮食和良好的锻炼 习惯 将使 Extenze 充分发挥其潜力。
So for instance, go back to the tapering regimen that I was given.
例如,如果我再次考虑我所接受的逐渐减量 治疗
They would even want to regulate things such as massage oils and vegetable juices if they are part of a regimen that claims to be good for us.
他们甚至想对按摩油和蔬菜汁等东西进行监管,如果它们是他们声称对我们有益的 养生法的 一部分。
A series of in-office laser, intense pulsed light, or photodynamic therapies may also be used in combination with the home regimen .
此外,一系列激光、超短脉冲光或光动力疗法可以与家庭 疗法 结合使用。
Most of these can be prevented when implementing an eating healthy exercise regimen you follow every day.
当您每天遵循健康的锻炼 方案 时,大多数这些问题都可以预防。
Development of this combination regimen is being conducted jointly under the cooperation of both companies.
这种联合 疗法 的开发是在两家公司的合作下进行的。
You must understand that in order to properly take the drug, you need a certain regimen .
您必须了解您需要特定的 治疗方案
Prior to filming, Pratt underwent a strict diet and training regimen to lose 60 pounds (27 kg) in six months.
在拍摄之前,普拉特接受了严格的饮食和训练 方案 ,在六个月内减掉了 60 磅(27 公斤)。
There are a lot of tips for smart aging in the Oriental medicine regimen .
东方医学养生 中有很多智慧老化的秘诀。
The truth is that you can get started on a fantastic fitness regimen in only an hour a week.
事实上,您只需一小时即可通过良好的 健身方案 开始新的一周。
At the same time, we provide guidance on diabetes treatment including insulin therapy and exercise regimen , as well as self-care support and consultation on individual patients’ lifestyles.
同时,我们提供糖尿病治疗指导,包括胰岛素治疗和运动 疗法 ,并结合糖尿病患者个体的日常生活提供自我管理支持和咨询。
It is important for athletes and anyone on a heavy weight lifting regimen to be aware of the potential for developing stretch marks.
对于运动员或任何进行大重量举重 训练的 人来说,了解产生妊娠纹的可能性非常重要。
In postmenopausal: by 10 mg/ day for 14 days during the 28-day cycle (with continuous estrogen regimen ) or the same dose during the last 12-14 days of estrogen (under cyclic pattern of estrogen therapy). When inadequate (biopsy or ultrasound) reactions to drug progestogen dose increased to 20 mg/ day.
绝经后:在 28 天周期的第 14 至 28 天(连续雌激素 治疗 )或在雌激素的最后 12-14 天以相同剂量(在雌激素治疗的周期性模式下),每天 10 毫克。活检或超声波)对药物孕激素剂量的反应增加至 20 毫克/天。
The main thing to keep in mind about an abdominal exercise regimen is that you need to work out all of the ab muscles.
关于腹部运动 疗法 要记住的主要一点是,您需要锻炼所有的 AB 肌肉。
High quality skin moisturizers are also an important part of a well rounded skin care regimen . Keeping the skin moist and subtle will allow for healthier looking skin.
高品质的保湿霜也是全面 护肤 的重要组成部分,保持肌肤湿润细腻,才能拥有健康的肌肤。

听“ regimen ”的沉稳声音(发音)!

读法是【ˈredʒ.ɪ.mən】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈredʒ.ɪ.mən】。

