【英语单词】彻底解释“receipt”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“receipt”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

「“receipt”」的含义 (noun)



Could I have a receipt?
【英语单词】彻底解释“receipt”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆


The same situation holds when land under the group ranch system is earmarked for wildlife, and receipts from the wildlife tourist industry is not equally distributed among the ranch members.
Questions on care receipts were asked with regard to ‘ the main help episode ‘ during the previous four weeks, as perceived by the respondent.
护理收据问题是关于受访者在过去 4 周内感知到的“重大帮助事件”而提出的。
Thus, all goods produced in any period t are acquired by consumers through wages, dividends, and net receipts from bond and stock transactions.
【英语单词】彻底解释“receipt”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
The downturn and the bursting of equity bubbles worldwide cut deeply into tax receipts.
In that case, inflation declines to zero over time as the government builds up a large enough asset stock to finance public spending out of interest receipts alone, without seigniorage.
The intermediary’s excess net receipts constitute a windfall dividend payment for his current shareholders, the initial generation-0 old consumers.
【英语单词】彻底解释“receipt”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Primary budget surpluses were restored in 1994, albeit achieved only by treating divestiture receipts as normal revenue.
1994 年恢复了基本预算盈余,但只是将销售收入视为普通收入。
Washing receipts from the orphanage seem to suggest that the wet-nurses, at least towards the end of the nineteenth century, were given clothes to wear during their stay.
孤儿院的洗衣收据似乎表明,至少在 19 世纪末,保姆在逗留期间可以穿衣服。

“receipt”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。

  • certificate
  • voucher
  • cancellation
  • chit
  • counterfoil
  • declaration
  • discharge
  • letter
  • notice
  • quittance
  • release
  • slip
  • stub
  • proof of purchase
  • sales check
  • sales receipt
  • sales slip

receipt是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Convert each transaction to the receipt currency.
每笔交易都会转换为 存款 货币。
Define receipt classes and set the remittance method to
定义 存款 类别并设置汇款方式(以下选择)
Should receipt transactions primarily follow vendor or item?
您希望 接收 交易主要基于供应商还是基于项目?
The following figure illustrates the standard receipt process.
下图展示了标准的 接收 流程。
Create or update the receipt invoice texts.
创建或更新 收据 发票文本。
Attach receipt invoice text to the current order.
收据 发票文本与当前订单相关联。
Netflix will provide feedback within ten business days from receipt of voice tests.
Netflix 将在 收到 您的语音测试后 10 个工作日内提供反馈。
Record receipt of the goods and acceptance.
记录货物的 接收 和批准。
Apply a receipt to an invoice or debit memo
付款 应用于发票或借项通知单。
mark the credit card receipt method as primary, and
将信用卡 存款 方式标记为主要方式。
Item number is specified and matches a receipt record
必须指定商品编号并与 收货 记录相匹配。
Crossdocking execution performs the following validations upon receipt
越库配送运行对 收据 执行以下验证:
None No receipt date exception enforced.
无 不设置 接收 日期例外。
The Standard receipt process includes the following steps
标准 接收 流程包括以下步骤:
Scheduled time of receipt or issue of the item requirement
接收 或发出库存物品请求的预计时间
Lead time changed, recalculate ship and receipt dates?
交货时间已更改。您想重新计算发货和 收货 日期吗?
Position of the receipt invoice text.
这是 收到的 发票文本的位置。
Select for automatic calculation of possible ship and receipt dates.
选择自动计算可能的发货和 收货 日期。
Set up receipt invoice texts for the item.
设置该项目的 收据 发票文本。
Available receipt date at the receiving point
接收地点 接收 日期

听听“ receipt ”の地道发音(发音)!

读法是【rɪˈsiːt】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【rɪˈsiːt】。


「“receipt”」的含义 (noun)



Could I have a receipt?
【英语单词】彻底解释“receipt”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆


The same situation holds when land under the group ranch system is earmarked for wildlife, and receipts from the wildlife tourist industry is not equally distributed among the ranch members.
Questions on care receipts were asked with regard to ‘ the main help episode ‘ during the previous four weeks, as perceived by the respondent.
护理收据问题是关于受访者在过去 4 周内感知到的“重大帮助事件”而提出的。
Thus, all goods produced in any period t are acquired by consumers through wages, dividends, and net receipts from bond and stock transactions.
【英语单词】彻底解释“receipt”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
The downturn and the bursting of equity bubbles worldwide cut deeply into tax receipts.
In that case, inflation declines to zero over time as the government builds up a large enough asset stock to finance public spending out of interest receipts alone, without seigniorage.
The intermediary’s excess net receipts constitute a windfall dividend payment for his current shareholders, the initial generation-0 old consumers.
【英语单词】彻底解释“receipt”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Primary budget surpluses were restored in 1994, albeit achieved only by treating divestiture receipts as normal revenue.
1994 年恢复了基本预算盈余,但只是将销售收入视为普通收入。
Washing receipts from the orphanage seem to suggest that the wet-nurses, at least towards the end of the nineteenth century, were given clothes to wear during their stay.
孤儿院的洗衣收据似乎表明,至少在 19 世纪末,保姆在逗留期间可以穿衣服。

“receipt”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。

  • certificate
  • voucher
  • cancellation
  • chit
  • counterfoil
  • declaration
  • discharge
  • letter
  • notice
  • quittance
  • release
  • slip
  • stub
  • proof of purchase
  • sales check
  • sales receipt
  • sales slip

receipt是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Convert each transaction to the receipt currency.
每笔交易都会转换为 存款 货币。
Define receipt classes and set the remittance method to
定义 存款 类别并设置汇款方式(以下选择)
Should receipt transactions primarily follow vendor or item?
您希望 接收 交易主要基于供应商还是基于项目?
The following figure illustrates the standard receipt process.
下图展示了标准的 接收 流程。
Create or update the receipt invoice texts.
创建或更新 收据 发票文本。
Attach receipt invoice text to the current order.
收据 发票文本与当前订单相关联。
Netflix will provide feedback within ten business days from receipt of voice tests.
Netflix 将在 收到 您的语音测试后 10 个工作日内提供反馈。
Record receipt of the goods and acceptance.
记录货物的 接收 和批准。
Apply a receipt to an invoice or debit memo
付款 应用于发票或借项通知单。
mark the credit card receipt method as primary, and
将信用卡 存款 方式标记为主要方式。
Item number is specified and matches a receipt record
必须指定商品编号并与 收货 记录相匹配。
Crossdocking execution performs the following validations upon receipt
越库配送运行对 收据 执行以下验证:
None No receipt date exception enforced.
无 不设置 接收 日期例外。
The Standard receipt process includes the following steps
标准 接收 流程包括以下步骤:
Scheduled time of receipt or issue of the item requirement
接收 或发出库存物品请求的预计时间
Lead time changed, recalculate ship and receipt dates?
交货时间已更改。您想重新计算发货和 收货 日期吗?
Position of the receipt invoice text.
这是 收到的 发票文本的位置。
Select for automatic calculation of possible ship and receipt dates.
选择自动计算可能的发货和 收货 日期。
Set up receipt invoice texts for the item.
设置该项目的 收据 发票文本。
Available receipt date at the receiving point
接收地点 接收 日期

听听“ receipt ”の地道发音(发音)!

读法是【rɪˈsiːt】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【rɪˈsiːt】。

