【英语单词】彻底解释“preparation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“preparation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

「“preparation”」的含义 (noun)

等级B1・独立语言用户 [ 无复数 ]


Did you do much preparation for your interview?
为面试做了很多 准备吗?


preparations [ 复数 ]


We’re making preparations for the trip.
我们 正在为旅行做准备
【英语单词】彻底解释“preparation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆


Detailed preparation was necessary in the early stages of teaching a group in order to involve all pupils at all times.
为了始终让所有学生参与进来,在小组教学的早期阶段需要仔细 准备
This approach has resulted in a quantumleap improvement in specimen preservation compared to the earlier negative-stain preparation of dry specimens.
与之前对干燥标本进行负染色 预处理 相比,这种方法极大地改善了标本的保存。
The performances of all these works are very fine, the result of good preparation in live performance and sympathy with the very diverse styles involved.
所有这些作品的表现都非常好。这是现场表演 准备 和对所涉及的各种风格的同理心的结果。
【英语单词】彻底解释“preparation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
This variability probably arose from differences in the amount of tissue surrounding the photoreceptor in any given preparation .
这种差异可能是由于特定 制剂 中光感受器周围组织数量的差异引起的。
Rated as least useful were: general education courses, courses in methodology, and general preparation in the use of the target language.
最没用的是通识教育课程、方法论课程和使用目标语言的一般 准备课程
Admittedly, the task for the knowledge engineer does get harder, because the elicitation sessions require much more preparation .
诚然,知识工程师的任务是艰巨的。因为戒断治疗需要更多的 准备
【英语单词】彻底解释“preparation”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
This included her past experience that might be preparation for this role.
这包括她过去的经历,这些经历可能为她担任这个角色做好了 准备
Four of the non-retired respondents did not answer the three questions on thought, preparation and expected comfort.
四名非退休受访者没有回答有关思考、 准备 和舒适期望的三个问题。

“preparation”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。

  • arrangement
  • construction
  • education
  • establishment
  • formation
  • groundwork
  • measure
  • plan
  • precaution
  • preparedness
  • qualification
  • rehearsal
  • study
  • training
  • alertness
  • anticipation
  • background
  • base
  • basis
  • evolution
  • expectation
  • fitting
  • foresight
  • foundation
  • gestation
  • homework
  • incubation
  • manufacture
  • provision
  • readying
  • rundown
  • safeguard
  • schoolwork
  • substructure
  • tryout
  • workout
  • buildup
  • dry run
  • getting ready
  • lead time
  • making ready
  • preparing
  • putting in order


  • ignorance
  • ingredient

preparation是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Loading existing reports in preparation for upgrade.
加载现有报告以 准备 升级。
Label-based table conversion support for data preparation .
支持基于标签的表转换以进行数据 准备
Real-time reporting and preparation of critical account documentation
生成实时报告并 创建 重要的账户文件
So we started StreetCred, an organization prescribing tax preparation in clinics serving kids.
这就是我们创办 StreetCred 的原因,这是一个帮助儿科医生 准备 纳税申报表的组织。
Disclosed is a stable solid preparation containing olmesartan medoxomil and azelnidipine.
提供了含有奥美沙坦酯和阿折地平的稳定固体 制剂
Complete site preparation activities before installation.
安装前完成现场 准备 工作。
and liquid chromatography (in preparation ).
2016)和液相色谱( 准备 中)。
Training and careful preparation are necessary.
培训和认真的 准备 是必要的。
That removes both unnecessary preparation and anxiety.
这是因为它可以节省您不必要的 准备 和焦虑。
Therefore, adequate preparation is strongly recommended.
因此,强烈建议您做好充足的 准备
Competitive flying is all about preparation and training.
对于陈来说,竞技飞行就是 准备 和训练。
However, I excel at preparation .
但我很擅长 准备
What manual preparation is required on restore?
恢复需要任何手动 准备 吗?
Are people finally starting to take preparation seriously?
人们终于开始认真对待 准备 了吗?
Performing an upgrade requires considerable preparation and planning.
升级需要仔细的 准备 和规划。
Provides preparation guidelines and notes for facilitating your workshop session.
提供促进研讨会会议的 准备 指南和注意事项。
You can export to some formats without much preparation .
某些格式无需事先 准备 即可导出。
It also provides basic guidelines for disaster recovery preparation .
它还提供了 准备 灾难恢复的基本准则。
This is part of the planning and preparation process.
这是规划和 准备 过程的一部分。
Prior to upgrading to 5772 some preparation is required.
在升级到5772之前,需要做一些 准备 工作。

听听“ preparation ”的土声(发音)!

读法是【ˌprep·ərˈeɪ·ʃən】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˌprep·ərˈeɪ·ʃən】。

