【英语单词】彻底解释“pecking-order”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“pecking-order”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

「“pecking order”」的含义 (noun)


[一种非正式的社会体系,其中某些人或群体被认为比其他人或群体更重要或更不重要] 用于表示。


There’s a clearly established pecking order in this office.
He started as a clerk but gradually rose in the pecking order.
【英语单词】彻底解释“pecking-order”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

参考:「pecking order」の例文一覧

He claimed that it was the central factor that determined the international pecking order .
他认为这是 决定 国际 等级秩序 的核心因素。
It also confirmed the new pecking order within the revolutionary alliance.
它还 确认了 革命联盟内部的新 等级制度
An example of this is when all of the comparisons are consistent with a fixed pecking order .
一个例子是所有比较都 匹配 固定的 序数顺序
【英语单词】彻底解释“pecking-order”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
To the cognoscenti of cyberspace, there is a strict pecking order , all plainly visible in the alphabet soup of letters and punctuation.
对于网络空间的行家来说, 存在着 严格的等级制度 ,所有这些都在字母和标点符号的字母汤中清晰可见。
For them there is a pecking order in terms of materials from those that are decent and novel to those that are secondary and poor.
对他们来说, 物质 是有 等级之分 的,从体面的、新颖的到衍生的、糟糕的。
The pecking order of free radicals and antioxidants: lipid peroxidation, a-tocopherol and ascorbate.
自由基和抗氧化剂的 层次结构 :脂质过氧化物 α-生育酚、抗坏血酸。
【英语单词】彻底解释“pecking-order”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
It is a type of music, not a quality of music (or ‘quality’ music) in terms of which all others musics are judged inferior on the inevitable aesthetic pecking order .
它是一种音乐,而不是一种在 审美 层次 上所有其他音乐都必然被判定为次等的音乐品质(或“品质”音乐)。
That is, a pecking order exists that sets the agenda and ultimately determines the direction the guideline is going.
这意味着有 一个层次结构来 设定 议程 并最终决定指南的方向。
Such a reality is like the pecking order among chickens.
这样的现实就像鸡的 啄食顺序 一样
【英语单词】彻底解释“pecking-order”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
The pecking order fixed at certain levels years ago should not remain immutable forever.
许多年前 固定在特定级别的 等级制度 不应该永远保持不变。

“pecking order”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。

  • food chain
  • hierarchy
  • power structure
  • social structure
  • chain of command
  • class structure
  • corporate ladder
  • dominance
  • due order
  • echelons
  • grouping
  • line of dominance
  • order
  • placing
  • position
  • ranking
  • scale
  • social hierarchy
  • social ladder
  • social pyramid
  • social stratification

pecking order是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Rules and a strict pecking order are what they seek.
他们追求的是规则和严格的 等级制度
All will be demanding service and barking orders at each other, with pecking order battles inevitable.
每个人都会要求对方提供服务并大声发号施令,不可避免地会发生 等级之 争。
In addition, chickens are known to be highly social creatures and develop a dominance hierarchy called pecking order when a small number of chickens forms a group.
鸡也是群居动物,当群体中的鸡很少时,它们会形成 啄食队列
The pecking order is ruthlessly established, by whatever means necessary.
等级制度 是通过任何必要手段无情地建立起来的。
There the pecking order is rigidly established and the rules by which one may be punished are utterly arbitrary.
在那里, 等级制度 是严格建立的,惩罚规则完全是任意的。
Americans have become accustomed to their place at the top of every pecking order .
美国人习惯于处于各个 阶层的顶端。
We have stated that their enclaves will be fraught with pecking order battles, their guards taking over with much brutality.
我们声明,他们的飞地将充满 等级制度 ,因为他们的守卫会以极大的残暴接管。
Every school was a big top circus tent, and the pecking order went from acrobats to lion tamers, from clowns to carnies, all of these miles ahead of who we were.
每所学校都是一个有 等级制度 的大马戏团,从杂技开始,然后是驯狮员,然后是小丑,然后是奇观,我们一路走下来。
Militias will revolt, primarily trying to wrest control from their masters, so that pecking order battles will consume them.
等级制度 斗争将成为民兵的主要关注点,因为他们的反抗主要是为了从雇主手中夺取控制权。
In other words, one partner seems to be able to do little right in the eyes of the other partner and a psychological pecking order seems to develop.
在另一方看来,一方似乎没有做任何正确的事情,并且心理 等级 似乎正在形成。
Thus, those in the Service-to-Self find themselves banding together by necessity, and establishing the pecking order is the first order of the day.
因此,在自我服务中,他们发现自己因贫困而团结在一起,建立 等级制度 是当务之急。
Those of the Service-to-Self orientation want to be on top of the pile, at the top of any pecking order .
服务自我的人希望处于 等级制度 的顶端,处于财富的顶端。
However, a new leader can create problems by not recognizing the pecking order in an existing workplace and not listening to the voice of experience from employees who have been on the job for a long time.For example, Johny had been the director of marketing for a Fortune 500 company for a month.
然而,新领导者如果不认识和不倾听长期从事 工作的员工的经验,可能会在现有工作场所产生问题。例如,Johny 已在一家财富 500 强公司担任营销总监一个月。
These types of wars might be possible in higher densities, where the orientations separate, but here wars are almost invariably among the Service-to-Self, the pecking order being established.
这些类型的战争可能处于更高的层次,其中方向是分开的,战争是在为自我服务之间进行的, 等级制度 已建立并且基本上不变。
Increasingly, the orientations separate of their own accord, as those in the Service-to-Other expel those who are not truly in the Service-to-Other and those in the Service-to-Self find compliance with the desire for a rigid pecking order only among those also in the Service-to-Self.
越来越多地,服务他人协议中的方向分离导致服务他人排除那些并非真正服务自我的人,而服务自我也发现严格遵守他们对服务之间严格 等级制度 的渴望。仅限于自己。
The military will fracture, and those left after the insane have been disarmed and the majority have run off in panic will turn on each other, trying to establish a new pecking order .
军队将被撕裂,疯狂后留下的人将被解除武装,而惊慌失措的大多数人将互相攻击,试图建立新的 等级制度
The least likely to be leaders are the males, because they will have expectations of leadership and due to the way male teams are structured, acutely aware of the pecking order and where they stand.
最不可能成为领导者的是那些由于领导力的期望和男性团队的组织方式而对 等级制度 非常警惕和忍受的男性。
And those well stocked bunkers? They will either collapse on the smug elite who think they will be the survivors, or be taken over by hired militia who will kill each other off trying to establish a pecking order .
那些储备充足的掩体呢?他们崩溃在虚荣的精英之上,这些精英要么认为自己会成为幸存者,要么被雇佣的私人军队取代,他们互相消灭,试图建立 等级制度
Somebody’s pecking order .
某人的 等级制度 根据他的法律而浪漫
All will be demanding service and barking orders at each other, with pecking order battles inevitable.
不可避免的 等级 斗争会让每个人都要求服务并互相发号施令。


读法是【ˈpek.ɪŋ ˌɔː.dər】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈpek.ɪŋ ˌɔː.dər】。


「“pecking order”」的含义 (noun)


[一种非正式的社会体系,其中某些人或群体被认为比其他人或群体更重要或更不重要] 用于表示。


There’s a clearly established pecking order in this office.
He started as a clerk but gradually rose in the pecking order.
【英语单词】彻底解释“pecking-order”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

参考:「pecking order」の例文一覧

He claimed that it was the central factor that determined the international pecking order .
他认为这是 决定 国际 等级秩序 的核心因素。
It also confirmed the new pecking order within the revolutionary alliance.
它还 确认了 革命联盟内部的新 等级制度
An example of this is when all of the comparisons are consistent with a fixed pecking order .
一个例子是所有比较都 匹配 固定的 序数顺序
【英语单词】彻底解释“pecking-order”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
To the cognoscenti of cyberspace, there is a strict pecking order , all plainly visible in the alphabet soup of letters and punctuation.
对于网络空间的行家来说, 存在着 严格的等级制度 ,所有这些都在字母和标点符号的字母汤中清晰可见。
For them there is a pecking order in terms of materials from those that are decent and novel to those that are secondary and poor.
对他们来说, 物质 是有 等级之分 的,从体面的、新颖的到衍生的、糟糕的。
The pecking order of free radicals and antioxidants: lipid peroxidation, a-tocopherol and ascorbate.
自由基和抗氧化剂的 层次结构 :脂质过氧化物 α-生育酚、抗坏血酸。
【英语单词】彻底解释“pecking-order”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
It is a type of music, not a quality of music (or ‘quality’ music) in terms of which all others musics are judged inferior on the inevitable aesthetic pecking order .
它是一种音乐,而不是一种在 审美 层次 上所有其他音乐都必然被判定为次等的音乐品质(或“品质”音乐)。
That is, a pecking order exists that sets the agenda and ultimately determines the direction the guideline is going.
这意味着有 一个层次结构来 设定 议程 并最终决定指南的方向。
Such a reality is like the pecking order among chickens.
这样的现实就像鸡的 啄食顺序 一样
【英语单词】彻底解释“pecking-order”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
The pecking order fixed at certain levels years ago should not remain immutable forever.
许多年前 固定在特定级别的 等级制度 不应该永远保持不变。

“pecking order”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。

  • food chain
  • hierarchy
  • power structure
  • social structure
  • chain of command
  • class structure
  • corporate ladder
  • dominance
  • due order
  • echelons
  • grouping
  • line of dominance
  • order
  • placing
  • position
  • ranking
  • scale
  • social hierarchy
  • social ladder
  • social pyramid
  • social stratification

pecking order是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Rules and a strict pecking order are what they seek.
他们追求的是规则和严格的 等级制度
All will be demanding service and barking orders at each other, with pecking order battles inevitable.
每个人都会要求对方提供服务并大声发号施令,不可避免地会发生 等级之 争。
In addition, chickens are known to be highly social creatures and develop a dominance hierarchy called pecking order when a small number of chickens forms a group.
鸡也是群居动物,当群体中的鸡很少时,它们会形成 啄食队列
The pecking order is ruthlessly established, by whatever means necessary.
等级制度 是通过任何必要手段无情地建立起来的。
There the pecking order is rigidly established and the rules by which one may be punished are utterly arbitrary.
在那里, 等级制度 是严格建立的,惩罚规则完全是任意的。
Americans have become accustomed to their place at the top of every pecking order .
美国人习惯于处于各个 阶层的顶端。
We have stated that their enclaves will be fraught with pecking order battles, their guards taking over with much brutality.
我们声明,他们的飞地将充满 等级制度 ,因为他们的守卫会以极大的残暴接管。
Every school was a big top circus tent, and the pecking order went from acrobats to lion tamers, from clowns to carnies, all of these miles ahead of who we were.
每所学校都是一个有 等级制度 的大马戏团,从杂技开始,然后是驯狮员,然后是小丑,然后是奇观,我们一路走下来。
Militias will revolt, primarily trying to wrest control from their masters, so that pecking order battles will consume them.
等级制度 斗争将成为民兵的主要关注点,因为他们的反抗主要是为了从雇主手中夺取控制权。
In other words, one partner seems to be able to do little right in the eyes of the other partner and a psychological pecking order seems to develop.
在另一方看来,一方似乎没有做任何正确的事情,并且心理 等级 似乎正在形成。
Thus, those in the Service-to-Self find themselves banding together by necessity, and establishing the pecking order is the first order of the day.
因此,在自我服务中,他们发现自己因贫困而团结在一起,建立 等级制度 是当务之急。
Those of the Service-to-Self orientation want to be on top of the pile, at the top of any pecking order .
服务自我的人希望处于 等级制度 的顶端,处于财富的顶端。
However, a new leader can create problems by not recognizing the pecking order in an existing workplace and not listening to the voice of experience from employees who have been on the job for a long time.For example, Johny had been the director of marketing for a Fortune 500 company for a month.
然而,新领导者如果不认识和不倾听长期从事 工作的员工的经验,可能会在现有工作场所产生问题。例如,Johny 已在一家财富 500 强公司担任营销总监一个月。
These types of wars might be possible in higher densities, where the orientations separate, but here wars are almost invariably among the Service-to-Self, the pecking order being established.
这些类型的战争可能处于更高的层次,其中方向是分开的,战争是在为自我服务之间进行的, 等级制度 已建立并且基本上不变。
Increasingly, the orientations separate of their own accord, as those in the Service-to-Other expel those who are not truly in the Service-to-Other and those in the Service-to-Self find compliance with the desire for a rigid pecking order only among those also in the Service-to-Self.
越来越多地,服务他人协议中的方向分离导致服务他人排除那些并非真正服务自我的人,而服务自我也发现严格遵守他们对服务之间严格 等级制度 的渴望。仅限于自己。
The military will fracture, and those left after the insane have been disarmed and the majority have run off in panic will turn on each other, trying to establish a new pecking order .
军队将被撕裂,疯狂后留下的人将被解除武装,而惊慌失措的大多数人将互相攻击,试图建立新的 等级制度
The least likely to be leaders are the males, because they will have expectations of leadership and due to the way male teams are structured, acutely aware of the pecking order and where they stand.
最不可能成为领导者的是那些由于领导力的期望和男性团队的组织方式而对 等级制度 非常警惕和忍受的男性。
And those well stocked bunkers? They will either collapse on the smug elite who think they will be the survivors, or be taken over by hired militia who will kill each other off trying to establish a pecking order .
那些储备充足的掩体呢?他们崩溃在虚荣的精英之上,这些精英要么认为自己会成为幸存者,要么被雇佣的私人军队取代,他们互相消灭,试图建立 等级制度
Somebody’s pecking order .
某人的 等级制度 根据他的法律而浪漫
All will be demanding service and barking orders at each other, with pecking order battles inevitable.
不可避免的 等级 斗争会让每个人都要求服务并互相发号施令。


读法是【ˈpek.ɪŋ ˌɔː.dər】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈpek.ɪŋ ˌɔː.dər】。

