【英语单词】彻底解释“original negatives”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“original negatives”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

简单汉语中“original negatives”的意思

“original negatives” 是由二个英文单词( original、negatives )组合而成的一个单词短语。


参考:「original negatives」示例短语列表

But most of them, and all of the original negatives , were made using traditional chemical processes.
【英语单词】彻底解释“original negatives”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Crackles and clicks that have blighted the sound have been removed, while dirt, green spots, in the original negatives have been deleted and repaired.
The exhibition comprises about 100 images, including original negatives , and explores the lives and careers of the four, through shared ideas and subjects.
该展览由约 100 张图像(包括原始底片)组成,通过共同的想法和主题探讨了这四位男士的生活和职业生涯。
The color of many of the original negatives has degraded.
【英语单词】彻底解释“original negatives”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
In the 1980s, the original negatives were lost and feared destroyed.
20 世纪 80 年代,原始底片丢失并面临毁坏的威胁。

original negatives是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

New archival pigment prints were produced from the original negatives for this exhibition.
在本次展览中,我们将展示根据 当时 底片 新创作的档案颜料版画。
Something about the original negatives being “damaged.”
否认 造成损害。
The Shadai Gallery Collection presents prints of original negatives by William Henry Fox Talbot, inventor of negative/positive photography.
本次展览展出了 Shadai 画廊收藏的负片 正片 摄影发明者威廉·亨利·福克斯·塔尔博特 (William Henry Fox Talbot) 的 原始 底片版画。
Something about the original negatives being “damaged.”
有人支持 麦克纳马拉
Therefore, it was first presented to the Commission d’Expérimentations de l’Infanterie on 31 January 1939 to see whether the original negative decision could be changed.
该原型车于1939年1月31日首次提交给步兵考试委员会(Commission d’Expérimentations de l’Infanterie),希望能够推翻之前车型的 负面 评价。
The sound has been restored from the original negative by LE Diapason.
LE 范围将声音从 原始负值 中恢复。
Nagisa Oshima Productions had the generosity to entrust us with prints from the original negative films for a screening.
感谢大岛渚制作公司的善意,我们得以放映 原始底片 中的罕见拷贝。
The Nazis destroyed the original negative print of the German version in 1933, and it was reconstructed after the War ended.
尽管纳粹在 1933 年 销毁了德文版的底片 ,但战后又将其恢复。
The restoration of the image was to clean the original negative to obtain a new conservation element.
图像修复包括清洁 原始底片 以获得新的保护元素。
Taking log10 returns 0 if the original VALUE1 is negative .
如果 原始 VALUE1为 负值 ,则返回0。
It would have been best to restore the work from the original negative , but Gate of Hell negative had been lost, so we used three color separated films which were the next closest in terms of the time of its production.
最好是从 原来的负片 中恢复出来,但《地狱之门》已经丢失了。因此,我使用了最接近原版的三色分色胶片。
In traditional photochemical film finishing, an intermediate is produced by exposing film to the original camera negative .
在使用传统光化学技术编辑影片时, 原始 相机拍摄 底片
O (these values vary depending on the paper size and the margins of the original , negative values are allowed).
(这些值很大程度上取决于纸张尺寸和 原始 边距 ,也可以是负值。)
Now all that remains of the original artwork is the negative space formerly occupied by the wax, inside the hardened ceramic shell.
现在, 原始 艺术品的其余部分是先前硬化的陶瓷外壳内的蜡和 空间。
Positive values produce an extrusion whose front face is the original shape; negative values produce an extrusion whose back face is the original shape.
正值使其看起来被推到前面; 负值 使其看起来被推到后面。
Returns or sets the depth of the shape’s extrusion. Can be a value from – 600 through 9600 (positive values produce an extrusion whose front face is the original shape; negative values produce an extrusion whose back face is the original shape). Read/write Single.
设置 3D 形状的深度。您可以指定从-600到9600的值。如果指定正值,则看起来会被推到前面,如果指定 负值 ,则会看起来被推到后面。可以检索和设置值。使用单精度浮点型(Single)值。
Positive values result in a runaround path that is further from the original setting, negative values decrease the amount of image included in the runaround path.
正值会导致环绕路径从其 原始 设置凸出,而 负值 会减少环绕路径中包含的图像量。
Thus there is usually only one work print that, after the editing, is taken to the laboratory to the negative cutter, who edits and combines the original film negative according to the work print.
通常只有一张工作底片,剪辑完成后,就会被带到实验室,由 底片 负责人将 原始 底片 连接起来,制作出完整的底版。
The value of this property can be a value from -600 through 9600 (positive values produce an extrusion whose front face is the original shape; negative values produce an extrusion whose back face is the original shape).
可用范围为 -600 到 9600 点。正值设置后 深度 负值 设置正面深度(压花)。
Paris Portraits 1925-30 features the clear, honest results of Abbott’s earliest photographic endeavor, which illustrates the philosophy that shaped all of her subsequent work. For this landmark book, 115 portraits of 83 subjects have been scanned from the original glass negatives , which have been printed in full. Photography can only represent the present.
实际使用的肖像是她裁剪和打印的,但本书收录的115幅作品中有83幅是从 原始 底片 扫描而来,并且视角保持了拍摄时的记录。

听听“ original negatives ”的陆声(发音)!

读法是【ərˈɪʤənəl ˈnɛgətɪvz】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ərˈɪʤənəl ˈnɛgətɪvz】。

【必听】美国人解释“original negatives”的含义
