【英语单词】彻底解释“original estimate”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“original estimate”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

简单汉语中“original estimate”的意思

“original estimate” 是由二个英文单词( original、estimate )组合而成的一个单词短语。


参考:「original estimate」示例短语列表

Now we are looking at 9billion as opposed to the original estimate of 2.4billion.
我们现在的目标是 90 亿,而不是最初估计的 24 亿。
【英语单词】彻底解释“original estimate”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
The building cost 28 million, compared with the original estimate of 18 million, and has taken five years to build.
建设成本为 2800 万美元,而最初的估计为 1800 万美元,建设历时五年。
The sale fetched €7.2 million, four times the original estimate , in what was widely seen as a testimony to its role in 20th-century history.
此次拍卖金额达 720 万欧元,是原估价的四倍,被广泛认为证明了其在 20 世纪历史中的作用。
The cost of the reactor has soared from an original estimate of €3.3 billion to €10.5 billion.
【英语单词】彻底解释“original estimate”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Last week the fashion chain revealed that the value of its inventory had been overstated by £58 million, more than double its original estimate .
上周,这家时尚连锁店透露其股票价值被夸大了 5800 万英镑。这是最初估计的两倍多。

original estimate是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Nansen’s original estimate for the total cost of the expedition was 300,000 kr.
南森 最初估计 这次探险的总费用为 30 万挪威克朗。
Although numerous technical, political, and financial problems had been overcome, the final cost was more than double the original estimate .
尽管克服了许多技术、政治和财政问题,但运河的总建设成本仍然是 最初估计的 两倍
When production costs ran over the original estimate of $1 million, he appealed to the public for help using the fundraising website Indiegogo.
当费用超过 最初估计 的 100 万美元时,他向筹款网站 Indiegogo 公开呼吁支持。
The number of troops at his disposal was whittled down appreciably from McClellan’s original estimate , to only 18,000.
与麦克莱伦 最初的估计 相比,可供控制的部队数量大大减少,仅为 18,000 人。
Simulation Results Report The empirical p-values for a two-sided test and both one-sided tests that compare the simulated values to the original estimate .
模拟结果报告双尾和单边检验的经验 p 值是从相对于 原始估计的 模拟结果得出的。
Good to talk about the price of 15 yuan a result, the conductor collected only on the Nett per ten-dollar, bringing the cost of this trip can be expected will be significantly less than the original estimate of close to 500 yuan.
对于最终的 15 元人民币的价格来说,售票员的折扣使本次旅行的预期成本降至每晚 10 美元,这使得收集成本明显接近 500 元人民币,比 原来的 估计 要少。
In addition to freight, we think our cargo volume will also slightly decrease from our original estimate considering current European economy, or at least that is our way of looking at this time.
此外,考虑到欧洲近期的经济走势,货运量也将略有下降。这超出了 我们在期初的预期 。这次我也是这么看的。
Here is the original estimate the starting point on foot, but many local people have suggested that we car rental to a high lake primary and secondary schools and then on foot, because the trail has been abandoned in many sections so scarce, we still want to try to walk.
这是步行的起点,很多当地人建议我们租用高湖小学和中学的学校,然后从那里步行,但这条步道的许多路段都被废弃了,因为 第一次估计 很少见,所以我们仍然会尝试步行。
Net sales are expected to decrease compared to the previous forecast mainly because demand in the Devices segment is likely to decline compared to our original estimate and demand for Chinese market in the Industrial Materials segment is weak.
由于设备业务的产品需求预计弱于 最初预期 以及工业材料业务主要来自中国的产品需求疲软等因素,预计销售额将低于先前的预测。
Cost overruns, however, led to a final cost of $38,000,000, which was about the same as NASA’s original estimate .
然而成本超出了预估,最终成本为3800万美元,与NASA 最初的 预估 大致相同。
To the lamp is found in deep water in front of the original estimate may only wells, nothing nice, just do not understand why here will be known as the ancestral temple, and then those people really had in this damp cave gathered over the hill do.
先估计 是水深了,井也没什么好东西,但你可能不明白为什么这个地方被称为宗庙,而那些人很想看看这个潮湿的山洞被发现聚集在山上。
Bulk Shipping Business: LNG Carrier & Oil Tanker Business Regarding the LNG Carrier Business presupposing medium- and long-term contracts, there is no major change from our original estimate at the beginning of the year.
液化天然气运输船/油轮各细分市场的业绩趋势 我们对液化天然气运输船基于中长期合同的 初步 预测 没有重大变化。
According to the values released at the end of the term, for Containership Business, the North American outbound freight index was lower than the original estimate by 7 points and the Europe outbound freight index by 17; and for Dry Bulk Business, freight rates were lower by 5,050 US dollars per day for Cape and 2,900 US dollars for Panamax. C-1.
从本财年末公布的数据来看,出境北美的集装箱船价格下降了7个点,出境欧洲的集装箱船价格下降了17个点。干散货方面,好望角船的每日运价下降了5050美元,与 最初的预测 相比,巴拿马型船舶的价格上涨了 2,900 美元。
We have not changed our original estimate for an annual dividend of 140 yen per share.
Lunokhod 2 operated for about four months, and the original estimate was that it covered 37 km (23 mi) of terrain, including hilly upland areas and rilles, and sent back 86 panoramic images and over 80,000 TV pictures.
Lunokhod 2运行了四个月,覆盖了37公里的领土,包括高地和裂缝,并向地面发送了86张全景图像和8万多张电视图像。
Indicated in this table, as per our original estimate announced this April, Ordinary Income was minus 1.0 billion yen and Ordinary Income minus 2.0 billion yen, when we still felt a slight uneasiness about how long containership freight rate levels would keep increasing and our estimates were rather can still say that compared to these estimations, our updated ‘substantial’ profit level has improved.
从这个表中可以看到,在 财年之初 发布公告时 ,对于集装箱船运价的上涨会持续多久,仍然存在一些疑虑,所以我们持保守态度。财年年初公布的,营业收入和亏损为负10,普通收入为负20,我认为最好看看实际结果,好像它们正在改善一样。
However, with regard to Operating Income and Ordinary Income, which was estimated at 18.0 billion yen as of April, as long as we can keep good figures in 1st Half, we expect Operating Income of 57.0 billion and Ordinary Income 48.0 billion. In order to secure a net profit of 32.0 billion yen which is almost twice our original estimate , we recognize that we have to make more effort towards further cost reduction, keeping eco slow steaming, rationalization of trade routes and others, especially in 2nd Half.
但是,就我们公布的上一全年的营业收入和普通收入而言,如果我们能够保持上半年的强劲数据,我们将确保营业收入 570 亿,普通收入 480 亿,净利润为 570 亿。 180亿日元的时间。为了确保净利润约320亿日元,几乎翻倍,我们需要努力,特别是下半年,进一步降低成本,维持降低的运行速度,合理化路线等。措施。我知道这一点。 A-3。

听“ original estimate ”地声(发音)!

读法是【ərˈɪʤənəl ˈɛstəˌmeɪt】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ərˈɪʤənəl ˈɛstəˌmeɪt】。

【必听】美国人解释“original estimate”的含义
