【英语单词】彻底解释“onerous task”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“onerous task”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

简单汉语中“onerous task”的意思

“onerous task” 是由二个英文单词( onerous、task )组合而成的一个单词短语。


参考:「onerous task」示例短语列表

例句 Today, being a non-executive is an increasingly onerous task .
如今,兼职已成为一项越来越 乏味的 工作
【英语单词】彻底解释“onerous task”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
例句 Those learning English have a notoriously onerous task with irregular spellings.
学习英语的人因拼写不规则和 工作 笨拙 而臭名昭著。
例句 This was generally a much less onerous task than many managers feared, she said.
她说,这通常是一项比许多经理担心的 任务 要简单得多 任务。

onerous task是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Rather than viewing writing a research report as an onerous task following completion of a study, the author should view it as an integral part of the study itself.
不应将完成研究后写论文视为 一项乏味的任务 ,而应将写论文视为研究的一个组成部分。
I’ve read economists saying that, as a result of these new technologies, we’ll enter a new golden age of leisure when we’ll all have time for the things we really love because all these onerous tasks will be taken over by Watson and his digital brethren.
经济学家表示,这些新技术将开创休闲新时代,解放时间,让沃森和他的兄弟们承担 繁重的工作
Being one of the most onerous of tasks , drawing water from the well in order to water one’s livestock was one performed by men; a lucky day for them to come home early with the drove freshly watered.
艰巨的 工作 是从井里为牲畜打水,这都是由男人完成的,但幸运的是,他们当天得到了帮助,能够带着淡水回家。
“If everyday events and activities are recorded as digital business intelligence, we will be able to drive greater efficiency by improving communication with service providers, boost transparency and accountability, cut onerous administrative tasks and drive the value of our clients’ and partners’ real estate,” says Phil Clark, Head of Business Transformation, Integrated Facilities Management.
业务转型综合设施管理主管 Phil Clark 认为,如果将日常事务和活动记录为数字商业智能,则可以改善与服务提供商的互动,并显着提高效率。他表示,这可以提高透明度和问责制,减少 时间耗费大量的 行政 工作 ,并为客户和合作伙伴增加房地产的价值。
There are so many models of terminals that such a task would be quite onerous and I, David Lawyer (as of 1998), have no intention of attempting this.
这是一项非常 困难的 任务,因为存在多种类型的终端。我,大卫律师(截至 1998 年)无意做这样的事情。
And as their tasks become more onerous on them, we need to give them tools that they can collaborate with, so that they can be part of the solution, so that they can continue to work and we can continue to produce in the U.S.
因此,虽然工厂 工作 对在那里工作的人来说越来越成为负担 ,但我们需要为他们提供协作工具,以便他们能够成为解决方案的一部分,让他们继续工作并继续在美国制造产品。

onerous task ”的声音!

读法是【ˈoʊnərəs tæsk】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈoʊnərəs tæsk】。

【必听】美国人解释“onerous task”的含义
