【英语单词】彻底解释“once flourishing”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“once flourishing”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

简单汉语中“once flourishing”的意思

“once flourishing” 是由二个英文单词( once、flourishing )组合而成的一个单词短语。


参考:「once flourishing」示例短语列表

Prices are at their lowest since the 1930s, a dire situation for a once flourishing industry.
价格处于 20 世纪 30 年代以来的最低水平,这对于曾经繁荣的行业来说是一个严峻的形势。
【英语单词】彻底解释“once flourishing”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
Besides this common canvas, the once flourishing trade of grains, flour, saffron, fruits, truffles and poultry continues.
By 1881, the once flourishing institution languished.
到 1881 年,这个曾经繁荣的机构开始走向衰落。
It also includes a residential community that was once flourishing during the first half of the 20th century.
它还包括 20 世纪上半叶繁荣的住宅区。
【英语单词】彻底解释“once flourishing”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

once flourishing是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

It looks like the once flourishing star factory is closing down for good.
这家曾经欣欣向荣的 明星工厂似乎即将彻底关闭。
In recent years, efforts have been made to revitalize the once flourishing cigar and coffee industries.
由于最近的努力, 以前的雪茄 和咖啡行业正在复兴。
The area around the Shuchi shopping street shows signs of the once flourishing post station on the Sanin Kaido Road.
在水地商店街附近,还残留着作为山阴公路驿站的城市 繁荣 的痕迹。
The Bizen Osafune Touken Village is a unique museum specializing in Japanese swords, a once flourishing craft that continues today.
备前长船刀剑村是日本罕见的专门展示日本刀的博物馆,讲述着它的崛起 故事
TOKYO: KAGURAZAKA | Lighting Detectives Modern Kagurazaka still conveys the atmosphere of its once flourishing Edo Era streets.
东京 TOKYO:神乐坂 | 灯光侦探 神乐坂拥有江户时代 繁荣的 街道景观,并延续至今。
This strict educational environment is one of the secrets to create excellent designers, and at the same time, Antwerp with its once flourishing tradition in the textile industry and its unique living space of a middle-sized international city, provides a favourable environment for concentrating on one’s studies.
这种严格的教育环境是培养优秀设计师的秘诀之一,但同时, 蓬勃发展的 纺织工业 传统和安特卫普这个中等国际城市独特的生活空间,为潜心学习提供了良好的环境。 .似乎正在提供它。
This month I paid a visit to Verviers, a city further to the east of Liège, close to the German border. Of the once flourishing wool industry in this city, now only two small and medium-sized companies are left.
本月,我访问了位于列日以东、靠近德国边境的韦尔维耶市,观察到该镇 曾经 繁荣的 毛织业如今已只剩下两家中小企业。
I had a preconception that Hainaut was the poorest region in Belgium because of the decline in the coal and steel industry which was once flourishing , but in recent years the region made a significant economic comeback thanks to an active foreign investment policy and to the promotion of cutting-edge industries linked to the University of Mons.
我曾经以为埃诺因为 曾经繁荣的 煤炭和钢铁工业衰落而成为比利时最贫困的地区,但近年来由于积极的外资引进政策和与比利时的联系,它已经成为比利时最贫困的地区。蒙斯大学。得益于尖端产业的推动,经济似乎正在显着复苏。
Once flourishing in marine trade, the port city Uobukashi was chosen for the trial of a confidential project by the government to relocate former prisoners who had served out their sentences to local towns.
鱼深市 是一座曾经因海上贸易 而繁荣的 港口城市,如今已成为一项秘密政府项目的试点城市,该项目旨在将犯罪并服刑完毕的刑满释放人员重新安置到地区城市。
The destruction caused by the war brought the once flourishing economy to a halt.
繁荣的 生活和美丽的建筑被战争摧毁,战后统治者的突然更替让人们的身份变得混乱和动摇。

听“ once flourishing ”,土地声音(发音)!

读法是【wəns ˈflərɪʃɪŋ】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【wəns ˈflərɪʃɪŋ】。

【必听】美国人解释“once flourishing”的含义
