【英语单词】彻底解释“ogen melon”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“ogen melon”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

ogen melon是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

Ogen has made me chief of our village.
村子的未来已被鬼魂 托付 给了我。
He met Ogen former chieftain of Tsubagakure… in a fight to the death.
(前津巴隐首领,与 奥根登 的殊死战斗结束时)
Ikoyi London Fried Spicy Banana and Fiji Melon .
ikoyi london 辣炸香蕉和斐济 甜瓜
It is said that at this time, Ogen and the stepmother were so angry that they left with most of the family belongings.
据说此时 奥根 和他的继母非常生气,拿走了大部分家庭财产。
Special Musk Melon Parfait offered only in summer is a gorgeous sweets of fresh melon !
夏季限定的特制 甜瓜 圣代,是使用大量生 甜瓜 制作而成的奢华甜点!
Hu Yong-down. Windy morning, cold hands… but still can not stop us Chigua… melon , ideological divisions melon , watermelon, sweet and incredibly outrageous that the same pumpkin…
早上起风,手冰凉……但还是不敢相信那令人发指的吃瓜…… ,思想分裂, ,西瓜,同样的南瓜也挡不住我们的甜……
Fusarium infection of melon plants increased during the continuous cropping and caused reduction of the quality and yield of melon fruits.
1)连作,镰刀菌病发病率增加, 瓜类 品质和产量均下降。
Melon cocktail Cut the melon with a sharp knife horizontally.
西瓜 鸡尾酒 用锋利的刀水平切西
Produced near Lanzhou Bailan melon , melon drunk country famous.
兰花 白兰瓜 ,产于全国著名的 醉瓜 附近。
That melon is such high quality.
(隼人)你看这个,真是一个 好瓜
Bananas combine with peach and melon in condensed milk.
炼乳中的香蕉、桃子、 甜瓜 和一些葡萄干。
Complex flavors include green apple, citrus and melon .
青苹果具有包括柑橘和 甜瓜在内的复杂风味。余味干净、柔和
I bought its signature ice melon bread.
旅途中本来不打算吃太多零食,但还是买了这个 瓜包冰淇淋
Kao Clearclean Kids’ Medicinal Toothpaste, Melon Soda Flavor, 70g
花王 Clear Clean 儿童药用牙膏 蜜瓜 汽水味 70g
Q-pot CAFE.|MENU Petit Creamy Macaron Melon Luxury macaron has fresh melon inside with refreshing ganache of melon .
Q-pot CAFE.|MENU 小奶油马卡 龙甜瓜 清爽的甜瓜甘纳许内含大量新鲜的 甜瓜 果肉 ,是一款奢华的马卡龙。
You can taste the Yubari Melon flavor from Hokkaido by drinking “Ribbon Yubari Melon Jelly” and “Ribbon Yubari Melon Soda”.
可以品尝到北海道 夕张 哈密瓜 风味的“丝带夕张 哈密瓜 果冻”和“丝带夕张哈密瓜汽水”将于5月23日起发售,数量有限,欲购从速。
I have come to the spirits, opens his mouth to a period of doggerel: “Cats see the cat melon melon melon carrying a cat, cats cat melon melon asked: ‘How much money you have in this cat pound melon ?’ Cat Cat replied melon melon : ‘my money, a pound of melon cat! ‘”amused them laugh.
林先生:“好大的瓜啊!”我来了精神,瘸腿的年纪张开了嘴:“猫猫 瓜瓜 拎着猫猫,猫 瓜瓜 问:‘多少钱?看这只猫有一斤 吗?’瓜猫猫 答道:’我的钱,一斤 猫!’逗笑了。
On today’s menu is bitter melon curry.
今天的菜单是 苦瓜 咖喱。
He’s got his melon stuck.
他被困在 一个瓜 里了。
Myocho SHUHO was fond of oriental melon .

听“ ogen melon ”的土声(发音)!

读法是【ˈˈmel·ən*】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈˈmel·ən*】。

【必听】美国人解释“ogen melon”的含义
