【英语单词】彻底解释“oftenness”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“oftenness”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

oftenness是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

The discussions were characterized by openness and objectivity.
讨论具有 开放性 和客观性的特点。
We have to find a new balance between openness and protection.
开放 和保护之间找到新的平衡是问题的核心。
However outdoor stadiums give a sense of openness , and some even launch fireworks!
另一方面,室外的体育场有 一种开放的感觉 ,甚至还有放烟花的地方!
I think that double sliding windows provide us senses of easy accessibility and openness .
双推拉窗有一种很容易打开的感觉,我认为这会带来 一种开放感
Food self-sufficiency is different from market openness and low tariffs.
粮食自给自足、市场 开放 和低关税之间是有区别的。
S2 Security partners as appreciate the openness and ease of use of our solutions .
我们赞赏我们的解决方案对 S2 Security 合作伙伴的 开放性 和易用性。
We have a strong partnership with Volkswagen based on openness and trust.
我们与大众汽车建立了基于 开放 和信任的牢固合作伙伴关系。
Lets give these kids a chance! Daley, 20, came out in a heartfelt YouTube video last year, indicating it was love that sparked his newfound openness .
他们生活幸福吗?我们可以给这些孩子一个机会! 20 岁的戴利去年在 YouTube 视频中坦诚地公开了一段恋情,这激发了他新发现的 开放态度
And this openness is the beginning of exploratory play.
这种 开放性 是探索性游戏的开始。
Independent tribunal, openness , transparency, it all sounds great.
独立的法院、 开放 和透明听起来很棒。
Such a difference is crucial when the openness of one country market is discussed.
当讨论一个国家的市场 开放程度 时,这种差异非常重要。
The third principle is respect for freedom and openness .
第三个原则是尊重自由、 开放
A sence of openness may not be felt because a gazebo is built on the outdoor bath.
另外,由于凉亭覆盖了露天浴池,因此可能不会给人 一种开放感
The interior is full of openness with high ceilings and large windows.
室内有高高的天花板和大窗户,给人 一种开放的感觉
You can fully enjoy the crisp air and refreshing sense of openness !
您可以享受清新的空气和清爽 的开放感
Even the hotel’s exterior blends apparent opposites with its clean lines and openness .
从外观上看,酒店已经将这些矛盾与 开放感 和清晰的线条结合在一起。
This must be based on the principle of openness and transparency.
这必须基于 公开 、透明的原则。
The common denominator in the works she has choreographed is openness , impurity and intensity.
他以里斯本为基地,创作了大量的舞蹈作品,这些作品具有 开放性 、不纯粹性和强度等共同特点。
The Ice Skating Rink full of openness is always a success.
具有 开放感的 溜冰场总是很成功。
Even the New Haven train station has a sense of openness .
首先,当我去纽黑文车站时,我感受到 一种开放的感觉

听“ oftenness ”是陆地音(发音)!

读法是【ˈɒftnnəs 】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈɒftnnəs 】。


