【英语单词】彻底解释“offshore wind”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

【英语单词】彻底解释“offshore wind”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

简单汉语中“offshore wind”的意思

“offshore wind” 是由二个英文单词( offshore、wind )组合而成的一个单词短语。


参考:「offshore wind」示例短语列表

Offshore wind farms accounted for 61 per cent of last week’s wind power and onshore farms 39 per cent.
【英语单词】彻底解释“offshore wind”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
He hopes the initiative will allow the offshore wind industry to increase its capacity from 8 gigawatts to 33gw by 2020.
他希望该举措将使海上风电行业到 2020 年将装机容量从 8 吉瓦增加到 33 吉瓦。
The government has pledged to develop even more offshore wind farms if they win the 2015 general election.
The electrolysers will be linked to nearby offshore wind farms and split water into hydrogen and oxygen.
【英语单词】彻底解释“offshore wind”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆
I stroke his arm soothingly, muttering how offshore wind farms might yet save the day.

offshore wind是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法!

The potential for offshore wind power generation is very high in Japan.
日本 海上风力 发电的潜力非常大。
TEPCO and other former general electricity utilities announced full-fledged participation in renewable energy development, including offshore wind power.
包括东京电力公司在内的多家前通用电力公司也宣布全面进军 海上风电 等自然能源开发。
However, such approaches can only be applied to a limited extent to jacket structures as they are used in offshore wind energy plants.
然而,这种方法仅适用于 海上风 电场导管架结构的有限范围。
Japan’s New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) released on its website the national version of its offshore wind information system, NeoWins, which covers all oceans close to Japan on March 23, 2017.
2017年3月23日,国家研究开发机构新能源产业技术综合开发机构(NEDO)在其网站上发布了覆盖日本周边海域的 海上风况 地图NeoWins(国家版)。
Authorities in Europe are instructed to proactively find areas suitable for offshore wind power.
欧洲当局已接到指示,主动确定适合 海上风电的 地区。
Zaratan is already scheduled to be deployed to an offshore wind power construction site in Germany from September of this year.
Zaratan已决定从今年9月起在德国从事 海上风力 发电建设业务。
The country has very large offshore wind resources, and large areas of sea territory with a shallow water depth of 5-15 m, where siting is most feasible.
海上风 资源丰富,水域广阔,水深5-15m最适宜安装。
We also agree to seek to further reduce costs of offshore wind energy by exchanging best practices among relevant national and international stakeholders.
我们还同意通过相关国家和国际利益相关者之间交流最佳实践,寻求进一步降低 海上风电 成本。
In this context, MC sees its participation in successive offshore wind power businesses as an opportunity to contribute to the realization of a “low-carbon” society.
我们将通过 海上风电 业务的不断努力,为向低碳社会转型做出贡献。
The MOE has also conducted tests to demonstrate the operation of a fuel cell ship powered by hydrogen, which was produced from electricity generated by offshore wind power.
此外,环境部已经进行了利用 海上风力 发电产生氢气来运行燃料电池船的示范测试。
At the completion of the national version, NEDO expects active utilization of this system by businesses and local governments that are planning offshore wind power generation projects.
随着全国范围内版本的完成,预计将被规划和考虑 海上风力 发电项目的企业和地方政府使用。
MC has been active for some time now in the renewables business in Europe, including offshore wind .
我公司一直在欧洲从事可再生能源业务,包括 海上风电
The company’s sole focus is to design, manufacture, install and service wind turbines for the offshore wind industry.
我们专注于 海上风力 发电风力发电机的设计、制造、安装和服务。
The event thus offers the opportunity to exchange best practice and operative expertise in the field of offshore wind energy, and will further promote economic exchange.
我们希望该协会能够分享日本和德国之间的经验和运营知识,促进 海上风力 发电领域的经济交流。
By further developing its offshore wind and other power generation businesses, DGE is confident that its services can help to balance supply and demand.
DGE在继续发展 海上风电 等能源的同时,也在考虑未来发展此类供需平衡服务。
What is more, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is considering to newly establish preferential pricing for offshore wind power.
此外,经济产业省正在考虑制定新的 海上风电 优惠价格。
Why does European offshore wind power cost less than 20% of the Japanese?
为什么欧洲 海上风电 成本可以低于日本成本的20%?
It will accelerate the commercialisation of Ideol’s market-transforming solution in key geographies at a time when floating offshore wind is at an inflection point.
这将有助于在浮动式 海上风电 行业转型之际,加速 Ideol 改变市场的解决方案在关键地区的商业化。
This is a huge wind power system with a hub height of 90 m and a rotor diameter of 126 m to support the large-scale systems that will be required in future offshore wind power generation.
这是一个轮毂高度为90m、转子直径为126m的巨型风力发电系统,以应对未来 海上风力 发电对尺寸日益增大的需求。
Because of this, there is a need for the standardization and expedition of regulations in order to promote offshore wind power generation in coastal waters.
为此,为了推动沿海海域 海上风电 发电,需要统一并加快监管。

听听“ offshore wind ”的陆地声音(发音)!

读法是【ˈɔfˈʃɔr wɪnd】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈɔfˈʃɔr wɪnd】。

【必听】美国人解释“offshore wind”的含义
